Victory of the Light
By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” the author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising series of books (Terra…
Dear Friends and Guests, This page is created to give you more details on the conference vending situation and options…
Dear Inner Circle Members, Here is a very special teacher for me who has now become an Ascended Master according…
DEAR INNER CIRCLE MEMBERS, Here is a very special teacher for me who has now become an Ascended Master according…
DEAR INNER CIRCLE MEMBERS, Here is a very special teacher for me who has now become an Ascended Master according…
Dear Promise Frinds,
I am happy to announce once again that I will host the original 8th Mt Shasta Summer Conference Since 2014 Titled:
“Look To Venus Morning Star Revelations”
Mt Shasta Conference is now 4 days. This event will be held in two locations this summer. The first location is The Community Center on 629 Alder Street in the city of Mt Shasta. The City of Mt Shasta has also given its blessings for my Conference to be held in Mt Shasta City Park 1315 Nixon Rd, Mt Shasta. More details will be provided after tickets are purchased.
With lots of love and health to you all. See you in July.
New vol post description :this video is my best effort to help people who do not understand how the global currency reset will actually take place. I ask all to keep an open mind to investigate the websites indicated and to use this as a tutorial on how to navigate the incredible amount of information provided by ms goguen and her teams..
Pre-recorded interview with Luis Fernando Mostajo July 31st, 2020 2:45pm PST. 00:18:40 Starts: [Rob introduces Luis Fernando] 00:26:22 Question 1:…
Dear Promise Friends,
I am happy to formally announce that Alana Bell my friend, Fred Bell’s daughter, and I are in a legal contract to create and share his inventions and products. She has given me the right to use all of his copyrighted material. This includes verbal recordings Music and written material along with his Jewelry line of The Nuclear Receptor & The Andromedean Holographic Projector.
Click Here To Watch Video In this video, I talk with David Serada who has had a real face-to-face meeting…
The Truth about Chemtrails Wake up People Watch Chemtrail Video Here I have tried to speak to many people about…
Dear Promise Friends, As you may know my life and mission was intimately associated with Dr. Fred Bell. He was not only my mentor and guide but also he was a dear friend and a role model and father figure for me.
Dear Promise Friends,
Please enjoy this interview with Nancy Yearou.
Dear Promise Friends, The chart below is for you to be able to see and choose your gemstones for your…
Promise Pyramid Systems 1-530-925-3502 For the last 40 years, I have been involved with extensive research and experimentation…
Come out and meet Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” world-recognized authority on the planet Venus and author of seven international awards-winning UFO books, at the American Legion Post #8, located at 733 Veterans Memorial Dr., Las Vegas, on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, from 8:00-9:30 p.m., where he will be discussing the origins of the secret space program, the nature of intelligent life on other planets and the anti-gravitational propulsion of the flying saucers in his two newest books.
Dear Promise and PFC Friends,
I wanted to share with you all some new information and some not-so-new information from various sources in the links below. Before I do this I want to encourage you all to come to my conference.
Welcome to the magical world of The Promise Revealed. Our goals are to bring you new products as quickly and conveniently as possible as they are developed and perfected by our staff of scientists and doctors, all of whom are well versed and qualified state of the art practitioners of their respective fields. All our new products are time tested first, before they are released to the public as usable commodities.
Dear Friends of Venus, All are invited to attend especially those in Europe or worldwide by Zoom live stream….
Dear Promise Friends, This series of Q-A with my friends from Venus took place last year prior to the Mt…
Department of Defense Space Ship Just Another Lie To Keep Us in Ignorance This post is to show you another…
Dear Al-An, I have several questions regarding Mary Magdalene for the enlightenment of mankind to reveal the truth of the holy and…
In this educational video, I reveal the true origins of this magical herbal extract formula. IHerQules. In this video, the leading distributor of IHeQules shares her knowledge and experiences with us about this incredible anti-aging product.
Please be sure to go to check out my Mt Shasta Summer Conference July 7-10 2022 As a member of my Inner Circle You get a $50 discount when you are logged in you will see the discounted price on checkout only. So be sure you are logged in when going to purchase tickets.
Rob and Raymond provide evidence and proof of life within our solar system. Raymond offers insight to Christianity’s relationship with the values and understanding. Thank you.
Dear Promise Friends,
I have just finished a nice interview on The High Road to Humanity.
They uploaded our episode this morning on Healing Within TV
Please feel free to share.
Dear Promise Friends,
In this interview I felt it was important to confirm The Venusian Hierarchy of Lights relation to
the highest possible Avatar incarnation on the physical plane.
Dear Promise Friends,
I recently completed an Interview with Alan Steinfeld. You may find some of the information interesting I hope you will keep an open mind and listen to my friend Alan and I discuss the mysteries of Venus.
Dear Promise Friends,
Here is a great interview with James Rink who remains hidden he edited out his questions and in this one, I explain a little more of our earth’s parasitic interloper.
The Featured Image Above was a Supra Physical Manifestation by The Master Soromez For Luis’s Group on The Shore Of…
Whistle Blower Reveals The Lies The Deep State Is Telling You About Our Relationship to Others In The Omniverse Watch…
Dear Promise Friends,
I wanted to let you all know I will be presenting on the Hidden Secrets Cruise on the Mexican Riviera. There are many other luminaries on this trip and I am looking forward to meeting all of you on this wonderful tour. We are going to have a great time learning sharing and travelling.
Dear Promise Friends Brothers and Sisters,
This is an extraordinary series of post-conference reports that I am very honored to share with all of you. I apologize for the tardiness of this report however I have taken a fairly long vacation from the computer to deconstruct my conference and restore my health and get plenty of rest.
God’s Celestial Ambassador: The Life and Times of Dr. Frank E. Stranges (Part XVII) By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, author…
How The Solar System Moves Through Space When you see this video you will naturally a larger step…
Watch The Rose of Venus Unfold The Morning Star Our Neighbor is our Guardian World This video shows the movement…
The Essence of The Mount Shasta Summer Conference Mt Shasta Summer Conference click here to see Video Montage I wish…
Watch This video click here to see Jane share Her Knowledge & Insights on Astrology Dear Friends, This interview is…
Dearest Brother Robert and Friends of Venus, This is Al-An of Abejar, Security Chief for the Angel Force in the…
Please Also See that I have just opened sales for my 10th annual summer conference on my website here. Click Here…
Dear Basic & Inner Circle Members,
I am happy to be able to send this email and blog out to people who will be interested in my information. My site
see this important message to learn of Dr. Rima Labows incredible efforts to fight the elite deep state’s agenda of…
Dear Friends,
Please read this wonderful new post from Cosmic Ray. My dear friend Raymond is continuing to chronicle the influences of our Venusian neighbors on earth in this post about this George Adamski.
Dr. Sandra Michael and I have a conversation revealing information about her technology and how Dr. Fred Bell was one…
Dear Basic & Inner Circle Members,
I am happy to be able to send this email and blog out to people who will be interested in my information. My site
Dear Promise Friends! Please Join Me Rob Potter and other colleagues and the health and wellness Bio Med Expo alternative…
Dear Promise Friends, Watch First Video Here Great Book About Andes Inner Earth Retreat by GHW Book by GHW Deep…
Dear Friends,
Please read this wonderful new post from Cosmic Ray. My dear friend Raymond is continuing to chronicle the influences of our Venusian neighbors on earth in this post about this George Adamski.
Dear Friends,
Please read this wonderful new post from Cosmic Ray. My dear friend Raymond is continuing to chronicle the influences of our Venusian neighbors on earth in this post about this George Adamski.
Dear Friends,
Please read this wonderful new post from Cosmic Ray. My dear friend Raymond is continuing to chronicle the influences of our Venusian neighbors on earth in this post about this George Adamski.
The above photograph was taken on June 1, 1961, in Chichen Itza, Yucatan. Dear Promise Friends, Dorothy Martin AKA Sister…
Dear Friends,
Please read this wonderful new post from Cosmic Ray. My dear friend Raymond is continuing to chronicle the influences of our Venusian neighbors on earth in this post about this George Adamski.
Watch Mohammed From Cameroon Here That’s me, my second wife and my grand daughter in the jungle for the show…
PLEASE CONSIDER ATTENDING BOTH BLOCK-BUSTER EVENTS Dear Promise Friends, I will be presenting in Glastonbury England at The Portal to…
Dear Promise Friends, Watch 58 videos with Omnec Onec the Venusian who’s interview # 1 My friend from Venus Omnec…
Dear Promise friends, I just returned from delivering a product in Germany. On my way home I stopped and visited…
The Venus Gospel: An Account of George Adamski’s 1963 Visit to Denmark and Belgium, Part VI Dear Friends, Yet another…
Dear Promise Friends, This video Read Post Then Watch Here was made several years ago for my conference…
Click Here to See Omnion Omnion in Action Hamburg Dear Friends, I have delivered quite a few of the Omnions…
Dear Promise Friends, My close friend Yuki Noda is a talented, sensitive person who is very tuned into the energies…
I was given this wonderful gift recently and wanted to support my dear friend Yuki in her mission to inspire…
Dear Basic & Inner Circle Members, I am happy to be able to send this email and blog out…
Two Block Buster Events in Glastonbury England August 10th -13th Event #1 GOSPEL OF THOMAS READ BELOW EVENT # 2 CLICK…
HANDS OF LIGHT MASSAGE Dear Promise Friends, Many people do not know I have been a practicing certified Massage Therapist…
CLICK HERE FOR THE UPDATE This is a link to an important video about Intervento Gastroenterologico Testo aggiuntivo sull’intervento…
FINALLY, I am releasing many new interviews over the next two weeks. These include such greats as Alex Collier, Victoria…
Dear Basic & Inner Circle Members,ThePromiseRevealed.netTo learn about the summer conference this summer please click the button below! Hello Please see the Vendor Information Video by clicking on the…
By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” author of the international awards-winning VENUS RISING book series (Terra Alta, West Virginia: Headline Books), also available on
Dear Promise Friends, Please join me in Las Vegas at the Luxor November 11-13 at The Stairway To The Stars – Disclosure Fest
Dear Basic & Inner Circle Members, To learn about Rob’s 2024 Mt Shasta Summer Conference July 18th – 21st…
Dear Basic & Inner Circle Members, To learn about Rob’s next personal appearance in Las Vegas at the…
Global Restoration Plan Updates From the Intervento Gastroenterologico Testo aggiuntivo sull’intervento gastrointestinale. Guardian Kim Goguen Many Know that I support…
Dear Promise Friends,. I am happy to announce that everyone is invited to the Mufon Meeting on December 2nd. This…
“Tribulation”, Nuclear Destruction of North America”: Latter-Day Prophecies Of Mormon prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., UFO Contactee Paul Solem, And Native…
Dear Promise Friends in Europe,
You will see below information on 2 very good conferences in Germany this summer. Anja Schaefer my friend and Omnecs Onecs primary assistant in Germany, is producing two special conferences.
My Introduction -To The Gospel of Thomas – Morning Star Version This is part one in a series of…
This is part II in a series of posts to be revealed to the faithful followers of the truth. I…
This is part III in a series of posts to be revealed to the faithful followers of the truth. I…
This is part IV in a series of posts to be revealed to the faithful followers of the truth. I…
Dear Promise Friends,
This is part 2 of my post-Summer Conference Report. I hope you will all be able to follow this information without fear or feel any need to focus primarily or obsessively on the possible outcomes to come.I have promised to be only a postman or messenger relaying information directly from my friends from Venus. I am blessed and grateful to be allowed to be in a position as an ambassador of sorts to share their messages of love and hope as they are given to me
Dear Friends, There is a renewed trend of New Agers and new lightworkers confused by all of the dark agendas…
Dear Friends, There is a renewed trend of New Agers and new lightworkers confused by all of the dark agendas…
For those who are looking for insight behind the dynamics going on behind the scenes of our current world events this book offers the you valuable information.
My fellow Light Workers the secret governments of the world have been using advanced and exotic technology for many years….
Summer conference information update everythng you need to know Important update everything you need to know about the mt shasta…
Please be sure to watch part 1 and part 2 of this increbile teacher share his knowledge with Rob. Learn…
Please be sure to watch part 2 of this interview series with David Sereda Click here to watch Part 2
Dear Friends of Venus, Please disreagrd all fake news and prognotications of doom and destruction promited by people wanting to…
The Background to the Secret Space Program Photo Gallery Some years ago I was on the Internet and I…
DEAR FRIENDS, Open your heart, your ears, and minds and gird your loins for the coming year 2023 is the…
Dear Friends, Alfred is one of the few people who thoroughly grasp the implications of Raymond Keller and my contacts…
Dear Promise Friends,
Please check out this interview on Spiritually Raw with April and Jay. I think this was a great interview and we covered a lot of diverse topics. I look forward to returning to their show soon and I hope to bring along Raymond Keller next time as well.
Rob gets straight to the point in this Global Restoration Plan Q and A. Rob shares about the ending of the 1000 thousand year covenant that somehow gave the dark hierarchy control and ownership of this planet and subsequently souls on earth.
Robert Potter The Promise Revealed.Net will interview Kimberly Ann Goguen about her position as Ground Commander and Guardian for the entire earth. She holds this position as humanities representative to the Universal Councils.
Click here to see Video This Video describes how I was given the resposibility to share the Voice recorded Messages…
See Video Click Here This interview I introduce Faust to my Venusian Contacts
See Interview Click Here David Wallace has been taken to a planet in the Aldebran System. Aldebran is in the…
The Promise Revealed is one of the only worldwide distributors of Pyramids, Orgone and Tachyon technology. The precious metal plating creates a much stronger output of the negative ion effect. The first headgear Pyramid ever made was the Promise Gold
Click hear to listen to first Venusian recorded message I hope you will enjoy this first ever message to the…
Promise Pyramid Systems Technology Part IV The Irradiator & Mega Orb $3500.00 The Irradiator is the key to the…
two Interviews With Alfred Lambremont Webber on the Recent revelations given to humanity based on Rob Potter’s questions to the…
I have been extremely focused in the last few days working very hard to try to provide a platform for Kim Possible and to make her position known to the lightworkers of the world and to the general public.
New Series of Questions To The Venusian Hierarchy of Light By Rob Potter Mt Shasta Summer Conference July 7-10…
Global restoration from cyclic challenges In this First presentation, I analyze the latest messages from the Venusians and i give…
The English Rockers Lift UK To The Top of The Heap-I am The Reluctant Spiritual Warrior must see Video UK…
Please check this out and I strongly suggest people become aware of what is really transpiring in the liberation of the planet at this time. go to, and to to learn more.
To watch the videos please click the video links below. PART 1 Part 2 Dear Friends, I recently…
To Watch Video Click Here This video is first interview getting to know some special sensitives who act as guardians…
Click here to see video This is a very special nterview with three special women who have teamed up and…
Dear Promise Friends , I want to thank all of the new members who signed up since the last email…
The Featured Image above is Important Dear Promise Friends, For those who are aware I am supporting Ground Command- The…
Preparing For The Global Restoration Dear Promise Friends, I hope this e-mail finds you happy healthy and preparing for the…
Dear Friends, Please share and consider attending the 10th Annual Mt Shasta Summer Conference, July 18-21st. We have volunteer opportunities…
Dear Promise Friends, Its hard to believe but we are only 30 days away from The 10th Annual Summer…
Two Important Updates – Changed Information Dear Summer Conference Friends, I have two things that I stated to some of…