Open your heart, your ears, and minds and gird your loins for the coming year 2023 is the YEAR OF REVELATION as revealed by the Venusian master AMANI as revealed through the message below by Luis Maertens my friend and fellow Veniusian contactee. The coming year of 2024 is the year of DISASTER – FAITH. The following year 2025 is the year of LIBERATION-RESURRECTION. I will speak more on this in the future for those who want to interview me or those who will continue to read my blogs.
There’s a lot to think about.
A strong and loving hug
Blessings to all@s
Record: Luis Fernando
Time: 12:00
Here is the command that points out the predicting of the fate of your humanity.
Be ready for the good news that signifies the fulfillment of this systematic time.
The Columns and Cluster of Hercules are now active this 2022, reminding you that a new threshold has been opened, a Star Gate that will affect not only Earth, but the life system of the entire galaxy and the local universe.
Everything follows its imminent course of change and awakening.
The Countdown (2018/2025) does not stop and with it, the trumpets of the call to assume the great responsibility of holding the light of truth within a new and renewed process in which we are all One.
Everything will happen in resonance to the energies released from the very heart of the Local Universe in which the Central Sun of the galaxy vibrates, the Solar Logos and now on your Earth, the Sacred Temple of the Dodecahedron.
Take the destiny of your lives in your hands and cocreate your new reality, as has been announced and programmed for this 2022, within the MATERIALIZATION AND CONCRETION Countdown, as true seeders and missionaries of light of a New Time.
Listen up beloved:
2023 within the Count Down ( 2018 / 2025 ): Is the year of REVELATION.
There you will see how everything you considered true will be no more, for the veils will be unraveled, the masks will fall, revealing to you the true nature of things.
The light by its intensity will blind many, and catapult others into understanding their true divine essence, as a prelude to what is to come in 2024.
2024 within the Countdown (2018/2025): It’s the year of DISASTER – FAITH.
Thus, light by its intensity will detonate a schism of human and religious values.
The great dogmas will fall and with them the religions of a time of suffering and pain.
A process of true definition will then be lived, which will lead the human collective to a Catastrophe – faith, an evaluation and social and individual catharsis that will define the future of the new human race.
2025 within the Countdown (2018/2025) will find you on the eve of the YEAR OF LIBERATION AND RESURRECTION!
Then you will have reached the top, the new plateau of human realization, a new cycle that will define the imminent future of light for everyone on Earth.
By then, the Alliances with the Brotherhood of the Star and the Confederate Worlds will have been arranged by the hand of the Inner Government of the Great White Earth Brotherhood, and the new human community will have awakened in the new reality as well Planetarium – Cosmic in which we are all One.
The path is presented as the right one for you to go to the fulfillment of your Holy Mission, the one that, like the slide, crystallizes the finest glass inside you.
We love them to infinity
From the New Time No Time
Connections and journeys will continue as they are vital depending on the roles and tasks to be fulfilled.
Likewise, you will return to Egypt in 2023/October just like Dragon Force Lines in Europe as well as Great White Brotherhood Interior Retreats in the Andes in April.