The Future of Our World
Dear Promise Friends, For several years I have been promoting a woman Kim Goguen who I first heard about in…
Dear Friends, Watch my WSP Report Part 1 video here The world top tier 1 banks are broke. The…
The Featured Image above is Important Dear Promise Friends, For those who are aware I am supporting Ground Command- The…
To watch the videos please click the video links below. PART 1 Part 2 Dear Friends, I recently…
Please check this out and I strongly suggest people become aware of what is really transpiring in the liberation of the planet at this time. go to, and to to learn more.
The English Rockers Lift UK To The Top of The Heap-I am The Reluctant Spiritual Warrior must see Video UK…
Global restoration from cyclic challenges In this First presentation, I analyze the latest messages from the Venusians and i give…
New Series of Questions To The Venusian Hierarchy of Light By Rob Potter Mt Shasta Summer Conference July 7-10…
I have been extremely focused in the last few days working very hard to try to provide a platform for Kim Possible and to make her position known to the lightworkers of the world and to the general public.
Promise Pyramid Systems Technology Part IV The Irradiator & Mega Orb The Irradiator is the key to the Promise…
The Promise Revealed is one of the only worldwide distributors of Pyramids, Orgone and Tachyon technology. The precious metal plating creates a much stronger output of the negative ion effect. The first headgear Pyramid ever made was the Promise Gold
Robert Potter The Promise Revealed.Net will interview Kimberly Ann Goguen about her position as Ground Commander and Guardian for the entire earth. She holds this position as humanities representative to the Universal Councils.
Rob gets straight to the point in this Global Restoration Plan Q and A. Rob shares about the ending of the 1000 thousand year covenant that somehow gave the dark hierarchy control and ownership of this planet and subsequently souls on earth.
Dear Promise Friends,
Please check out this interview on Spiritually Raw with April and Jay. I think this was a great interview and we covered a lot of diverse topics. I look forward to returning to their show soon and I hope to bring along Raymond Keller next time as well.
Dear Friends, Alfred is one of the few people who thoroughly grasp the implications of Raymond Keller and my contacts…
Dear Promise Friends,
This is part 2 of my post-Summer Conference Report. I hope you will all be able to follow this information without fear or feel any need to focus primarily or obsessively on the possible outcomes to come.I have promised to be only a postman or messenger relaying information directly from my friends from Venus. I am blessed and grateful to be allowed to be in a position as an ambassador of sorts to share their messages of love and hope as they are given to me
Dear Promise Friends, As you may know my life and mission was intimately associated with Dr. Fred Bell. He was not only my mentor and guide but also he was a dear friend and a role model and father figure for me.