Dear Friends,
Please read all of these links to get the best understanding of The Promise Pyramid Systems & Jewelry Healing Technology.
What is a Pyramid? – Please Read Alana Declaration Part 1 – Please Read Dedication To Fred Bell Part II – Promise Pyramid Systems Technology part III – Promise Pyramid Systems Technology part IV
Learn More: The Promise System has a long history of over 47 years so we want you to have all the information necessary to understand the amazing device more thoroughly.
Laser Show Systems Demonstration – Please click this link to see Demonstration and Installation Instructions –Pyramid Protecting Against EMF 5 g ELF and Micro Waves showing the Farady cage effect of the pyramid – The Original Pyramid Systems Manual-1982 – The Promise Revealed Nuclear Receptor Manual – Promise Pyramid Sytems Owners Manual
Dear Friends,
Pyramid Energy can be defined as progressive energy transfer through geometric focusing and dynamic electrical amplification over a measured plane of coordinates. This is defined into simple lay terms and means that the pyramid shape is one of the four building blocks of Nature and his surrounding universe. The Pyramid is the shape of the carbon atom.
The Promise System has a long history of over 47 years so we want you to have all the information necessary to understand the amazing device more thoroughly. Please click the button below to learn more about pyramid energy, jewelry healing technology, our products, and all things The Promise Revealed.
Learn More About Promise Pyramids
The Ion Shower
The Ion Shower is a groundbreaking personal energy device designed to cleanse, harmonize, and revitalize your energy field. By combining advanced pyramid technology, sacred geometry, and negative ion generation, the Ion Shower promotes relaxation, mental clarity, and holistic well-being. Its innovative design enhances life force energy, making it an essential tool for spiritual growth and energy protection.
Key Features
- Sacred Geometry Integration: The Ion Shower’s design mirrors the tetrahedral geometry of the carbon atom, amplifying Earth’s natural energies to create a powerful, harmonized energy field.
- Negative Ion Generation: The Ion Shower generates a flow of negative ions, which are scientifically associated with stress reduction, relaxation, and improved focus.
- Orgone-Plated Metal Frame: Constructed with steel, then plated with nickel, copper, and gold in a proprietary orgone plating process for enhanced energy transmission and output. This process involves multiple layers of precious metals, each contributing to the device’s overall effectiveness. The Ion Shower elevates its energy output to cleanse and balance your energy field.
- Energy Cleansing: Beautiful and easy to use, the Ion Shower provides a continuous flow of revitalizing energy to support your well-being wherever you are.
Why Choose the Ion Shower?
The Ion Shower combines the pioneering advancements of The Promise Revealed Pyramid Systems with sacred geometric principles to deliver a truly transformative energy experience. Its design with advanced technology makes it a versatile and effective tool for maintaining holistic well-being in today’s fast-paced world.
Whether you’re seeking to cleanse your energy field, enhance your meditation practice, or protect yourself from environmental toxins, the Ion Shower offers a powerful solution that adapts to your lifestyle.
Harnessing Sacred Geometry and Pyramid Energy
The Ion Shower incorporates the tetrahedral geometry found in the carbon atom, the fundamental building block of life. This sacred geometric structure focuses Earth’s magnetic energy into a concentrated field, creating a harmonious interaction with your body’s natural energy systems. By generating seven distinct energy levels, the Ion Shower aligns with the human chakra system to foster a balanced and energized state.
Orgone Plating for Energy Amplification
The Ion Shower features a proprietary orgone plating process, utilizing layers of precious metals to enhance energy transmission and amplification. This unique technology ensures that the device generates a powerful and effective flow of life force energy, helping to cleanse and protect your energy field in any environment.
Negative Ion Generation for Energy Renewal
By producing a steady flow of negative ions, the Ion Shower helps neutralize environmental stressors, promote relaxation, and support mental clarity. Negative ions are known for their ability to enhance mood, reduce fatigue, and create a sense of overall well-being.
The Ion Shower is a revolutionary energy harmonization device, designed to cleanse and revitalize your energy field while offering protection from environmental stressors. Rooted in the principles of sacred geometry and powered by advanced orgone technology, the Ion Shower provides a visually stunning solution for maintaining optimal energy balance and well-being.
The Tesla Floating Ground
The Tesla Floating Ground Power Supply is a very important part of The Promise Pyramid System. This device produces the violet flame from high voltage low amperage technology which comes from a well-insulated wire. This wire is manually connected to several different products and acts to amplify the pyramid energy.
In fact, this Power Supply is the driving force and one of the most important aspects of the Promise Revealed product line. This generator can be used to enhance and increase the power of The Irradiators, The Midi Firestar and The Ion Shower.
I have recently redesigned this and we have two different power outputs. The first Power Supply is a simple 40KV power supply with an on and off button. The second Power Supply is quite strong and has an on and off button and a rheostat that can adjust the power from 0-60 KV.
Thanks to more advanced technology in production the price of these devices has no come way down making this an affordable must-have for the lightworker who seeks to increase their light body awareness.
To have a proper understanding and respect for The Promise Power Supply it is helpful to know more about its origins. I will also provide a spiritual and metaphysical understanding of its esoteric implications for how this enhances our unification with spirit. On earth this technology was originally used in Lemuria and Atlantis.
However more recently it is being used as a secret, or not so secret tool (depending on your understanding) for initiates and light workers for many years. In recent times this technology was reintroduced by Nikola Tesla and was even prescribed by Edgar Cayce quite often to treat illness with great success. The technology that I call the Promise Power Supply was originally used with cathode ray tubes in conjunction with Edgar Cayce’s intuitive prescriptions and in many instances was beneficial to many according to A.R.E. records. Dr. Bell introduced me to this device in 1977 and I personally have owned various versions of this tech through the years.
The Violet Flame
The Tesla Power Supply uses a Floating Ground. This technology creates The Violet Flame and is the electrical physical manifestation through the 3rd outpouring of Fire By Friction. This is also is congruent with the Purifying Violet Ray spoken about in the Ascended Master Teachings books by Godfre Ray King.
The energy is said to have tremendous purifying effects physically, mentally and more importantly spiritually. This tool enhances the vibrations of the etheric body in a profound way and acts as an anchor point for stabilizing our consciousness fields if we can match the resonance of this field.
Proper nutrition electrolytes and especially colloidal minerals are recommended and almost required to be able to efficiently process these supplemental electrical percussive forces on a sustained and regular basis. When applied and supplemented with and through pyramidal arrays and the other aforementioned aspects of the Promise systems the healing capabilities are magnified. This Violet Ray is also representative of The Cohan of the 7th Ray who is known as St Germaine.
Creating The 7th Ray
Fred Bell states in Rays of Truth and Crystals of Light that the Ascended Master St Germaine is the higher aspect of one of his mentors and guides who is called Dwal Kuhl. D.K. is also called The Tibetan in some circles.
Dr. Bell was a master of the 5th Ray of Concrete Science and Knowledge. He was not an ascended master and I want to be clear on that point. He was called Agni by the Tibetans and Asuar in other circles. He was a member of the “Blue Lodge” of The Great White Brotherhood associated with Sirus System.
Fred said our esoteric work in his home in the 70s and 80s with the pyramidal arrays was supposedly the focal point of the Ashram of 7th Ray. We were used as ground crew in a literal sense! Dr. Bell and I were physically and psychically present in Dr. Bells home as directed by the Solar Hierarchy Pleiadeans on specific times.
We were used for the grounding and stabilizing cosmic ray energies through Pleiadeans. I was told our actions were interactive on the etheric planes of the earth. Through our work, we were taking pressure off of the tectonic plates of our local area to mitigate earthquakes and harmonize spurious mental thought forms generated by the collective consciousness thus enhancing the telluric forces of The Ring of Fire that are so important to raising consciousness on earth.
The confederation and GWS/B used the Artificial Portals on the physical that we created under their guidance on Gaia’s behalf through the advanced technological tools. These tools were greatly enhanced by the floating ground tesla coil or the violet flame.
The ET ships, more specifically Semjase’s ship, would remain invisible and would through advanced technology accelerate the physical earth-based technology we had faithfully reproduced on her instruction.
This was supposedly used interface to the earth life streams grids for healing. The 7th Ray is known by the term Ceremonial Order and Magic and involves invoking elementals from the Akashic fields of the earth with benevolent intent and through disciplined mental one-pointed concentration on unifying our thoughts and feelings in concerted prayer. Through invocations, we established a harmonious quantum field with which we were able to establish contact with benevolent space family from the Pleiades.
Harmonizing The Inner Christ
Sound frequencies and Mantras were also used and critical to the experience and efficacy of the system. The liberation of the soul body for travel in the higher planes is intimately associated with the Shabda or the Nada Shringra Yoga which is commonly called inner sound current which is a supraliminal neural illumination god force at the beck and call of the master’s and Avatars.
The sound or living word of god is used to help Chelas in the process of self-realization to ascend into the higher planes to access soul contact. The transforming nature of this god force is miraculous, immediate, sacred and divine and intimately conjoined with the messianic Christ Light that is now infusing our world.
Our intimate light body assimilation of these energies is an ineffable and transcendental experience. There are many who are participating in similar activities today. In other descriptions, they are called activations of vortexes or portals. These types of Light work and is the vital essence of personal and planetary transformation.
Personal in that we alone are responsible for our own ascension in frequencies and planetary in that our own musical note or essence is vital to the synchronistic musical symphony which is the collective word of the absolute manifest in the redemptive vehicles of all of the chosen of the lord.
The chosen, choose themselves by their adherence to the small still voice within. Hear those of you who have ears to hear for god is ever renewing his Psalm through you. Once this Lost Chord is found and struck in the life of the aspirant it is ever present beckoning the devotee inward towards the one mighty IAM presence and the fusion of the human and the divine.
It is the responsibility and the will and conscious choice decision of the individual to harmonize with the Inner Christ. For many, this rebirth is already taken in this life or previous lives and lies nascent awaiting the proper fertile ground and inner calling home to god to rekindle this inner flame of truth.
Formed with A Guided Initiate
As an initiate with Fred as my guide, there are certain aspects of our experiences I was strongly advised by Fred to not reveal. I hate secrets but I am not sure these methods are even valid any longer so I will refrain from the exposure of the details. I do know that we were instructed in precise procedures and under the umbrella of protection of the GWS/B and Confederation of Light when invoking these powerful natural forces.
I did witness certain persons who could not handle the release of the energies into their light bodies when using these protocols. Even under Fred’s watchful eyes, more than a few did become unstable for periods of time. I will have to include myself in that group in a marginal way as the out of body projections were difficult to integrate into day-to-day material world reality parameters.
It took me many years to fully recapitulate what was taking place and even longer to be able to have a rational explanation. This explanation really is just a description as always words by definition fall short. Clearly, the map is not the territory. Suffice to say we used certain protocols using sound light color and crystals during specific periods of lunar and solar-planetary and cosmic celestial alignments which when amplified by the violet flame created protocols through which expanded consciousness states were readily accessible.
This Ray can be invoked by thought alone and is considered a purifying and healing Ray by metaphysicians since time immemorial. When used properly with the various pyramidal arrays it will certainly make easier or enhance any out of body experiences. However, almost everyone who will use this will find powerful results.
The violet flame has a very profound effect on cellular metabolism and the feelings of alertness that many people feel is undeniable. In my opinion it critical in self-training for light body development. I strongly recommend using this tool in conjunction with crystals and lasers. I feel placing crystals on acupuncture points is extremely beneficial. A more specific application of crystals over the chakra points in conjunction with the irradiations of energy from the pyramidal arrays is a vital aspect when using the pyramids and it is truly an amazing experience.
The experience is unique and life-changing because the plasma field created can actually attenuate the secretion of healing hormones into the bloodstream which is part of the body’s natural healing mechanisms so wonderfully part of nature’s laws. You may use the Tesla coil power supply within the Pyramid System and Laser and Crystal / Cintamani frequencies.
This can be felt easily on the body, because the Endocrine Glands or Charkas are being balanced. You will have lots of fun and the exciting thing is you will increase your auric awareness and develop your sensitivity to the Light.
Start Your Home Pyramid System
1. Pyramid Headgear: Supercharge Your Brain
Our orgone-plated pyramid headgear acts as a personal energy amplifier, designed to:
✔ Enhance focus, clarity, and creativity.
✔ Deepen meditation and intuition.
✔ Reduce stress and fatigue by aligning with the Earth’s natural resonance.
💠 Choose from: Gold, Silver, Copper, and Vitamid headgear, each offering unique energetic properties.
2. Home Pyramid Systems: Energize Your Space
Larger pyramid systems such as the Deva Star and Mega Star create a high-frequency energy grid in your home.
✔ Neutralizes negative energy and EMFs.
✔ Enhances food and water quality by structuring molecular resonance.
✔ Supports healing, relaxation, and high-vibrational states.
Adding a Holographic Projector or Nuclear Receptor™ to your pyramid setup further amplifies the energy field for greater focus, intention-setting, and vibrational alignment.
3. Pyramid Meditation & Healing
Pyramid technology has long been associated with enhancing consciousness and healing abilities. By meditating within or under a pyramid structure, users report:
✔ Deeper states of awareness and enhanced intuition.
✔ Increased energy and accelerated healing.
✔ Chakra balancing and emotional stability.
The Omnion, Midi Firestar, and Irradiator further refine and direct pyramid energy for advanced users, providing even greater vibrational expansion.
Promise Pyramid Technologies
The Tesla Floating Ground Power Supply is a very important part of The Promise Pyramid System. This device produces the violet flame from high voltage low amperage technology which comes from a well-insulated wire. This wire is manually connected to several different products and acts to amplify the pyramid energy.
I fact, this Power Supply is the driving force and one of the most important aspects of the Promise Revealed product line. This generator can be used to enhance and increase the power of The Irradiators, The Midi Firestar and The Ion Shower.
I have recently redesigned this and we have two different power outputs. The first Power Supply is a simple 40KV power supply with an on and off button. The second Power Supply is quite strong and has an on and off button and a rheostat that can adjust the power from 0-60 KV.
Thanks to more advanced technology in production the price of these devices has no come way down making this an affordable must-have for the lightworker who seeks to increase their light body awareness.
To have a proper understanding and respect for The Promise Power Supply it is helpful to know more about its origins. I will also provide a spiritual and metaphysical understanding of its esoteric implications for how this enhances our unification with spirit. On earth this technology was originally used in Lemuria and Atlantis.
However more recently it is being used as a secret, or not so secret tool (depending on your understanding) for initiates and light workers for many years. In recent times this technology was reintroduced by Nikola Tesla and was even prescribed by Edgar Cayce quite often to treat illness with great success. The technology that I call the Promise Power Supply was originally used with cathode ray tubes in conjunction with Edgar Cayce’s intuitive prescriptions and in many instances was beneficial to many according to A.R.E. records. Dr. Bell introduced me to this device in 1977 and I personally have owned various versions of this tech through the years.
The Tesla Power Supply uses a Floating Ground. This technology creates The Violet Flame and is the electrical physical manifestation through the 3rd outpouring of Fire By Friction. This is also is congruent with the Purifying Violet Ray spoken about in the Ascended Master Teachings books by Godfre Ray King.
The energy is said to have tremendous purifying effects physically, mentally and more importantly spiritually. This tool enhances the vibrations of the etheric body in a profound way and acts as an anchor point for stabilizing our consciousness fields if we can match the resonance of this field.
Proper nutrition electrolytes and especially colloidal minerals are recommended and almost required to be able to efficiently process these supplemental electrical percussive forces on a sustained and regular basis. When applied and supplemented with and through pyramidal arrays and the other aforementioned aspects of the Promise systems the healing capabilities are magnified. This Violet Ray is also representative of The Cohan of the 7th Ray who is known as St Germaine.
Fred Bell states in Rays of Truth and Crystals of Light that the Ascended Master St Germaine is the higher aspect of one of his mentors and guides who is called Dwal Kuhl. D.K. is also called The Tibetan in some circles.
Dr. Bell was a master of the 5th Ray of Concrete Science and Knowledge. He was not an ascended master and I want to be clear on that point. He was called Agni by the Tibetans and Asuar in other circles. He was a member of the “Blue Lodge” of The Great White Brotherhood associated with Sirus System.
Fred said our esoteric work in his home in the 70s and 80s with the pyramidal arrays was supposedly the focal point of the Ashram of 7th Ray. We were used as ground crew in a literal sense! Dr. Bell and I were physically and psychically present in Dr. Bells home as directed by the Solar Hierarchy Pleiadeans on specific times.
We were used for the grounding and stabilizing cosmic ray energies through Pleiadeans. I was told our actions were interactive on the etheric planes of the earth. Through our work, we were taking pressure off of the tectonic plates of our local area to mitigate earthquakes and harmonize spurious mental thought forms generated by the collective consciousness thus enhancing the telluric forces of The Ring of Fire that are so important to raising consciousness on earth.
The confederation and GWS/B used the Artificial Portals on the physical that we created under their guidance on Gaia’s behalf through the advanced technological tools. These tools were greatly enhanced by the floating ground tesla coil or the violet flame.
The ET ships, more specifically Semjase’s ship, would remain invisible and would through advanced technology accelerate the physical earth-based technology we had faithfully reproduced on her instruction.
This was supposedly used interface to the earth life streams grids for healing. The 7th Ray is known by the term Ceremonial Order and Magic and involves invoking elementals from the Akashic fields of the earth with benevolent intent and through disciplined mental one-pointed concentration on unifying our thoughts and feelings in concerted prayer. Through invocations, we established a harmonious quantum field with which we were able to establish contact with benevolent space family from the Pleiades.
Sound frequencies and Mantras were also used and critical to the experience and efficacy of the system. The liberation of the soul body for travel in the higher planes is intimately associated with the Shabda or the Nada Shringra Yoga which is commonly called inner sound current which is a supraliminal neural illumination god force at the beck and call of the master’s and Avatars.
The sound or living word of god is used to help Chelas in the process of self-realization to ascend into the higher planes to access soul contact. The transforming nature of this god force is miraculous, immediate, sacred and divine and intimately conjoined with the messianic Christ Light that is now infusing our world.
Our intimate light body assimilation of these energies is an ineffable and transcendental experience. There are many who are participating in similar activities today. In other descriptions, they are called activations of vortexes or portals. These types of Light work and is the vital essence of personal and planetary transformation.
Personal in that we alone are responsible for our own ascension in frequencies and planetary in that our own musical note or essence is vital to the synchronistic musical symphony which is the collective word of the absolute manifest in the redemptive vehicles of all of the chosen of the lord.
The chosen, choose themselves by their adherence to the small still voice within. Hear those of you who have ears to hear for god is ever renewing his Psalm through you. Once this Lost Chord is found and struck in the life of the aspirant it is ever present beckoning the devotee inward towards the one mighty IAM presence and the fusion of the human and the divine.
It is the responsibility and the will and conscious choice decision of the individual to harmonize with the Inner Christ. For many, this rebirth is already taken in this life or previous lives and lies nascent awaiting the proper fertile ground and inner calling home to god to rekindle this inner flame of truth.
As an initiate with Fred as my guide, there are certain aspects of our experiences I was strongly advised by Fred to not reveal. I hate secrets but I am not sure these methods are even valid any longer so I will refrain from the exposure of the details. I do know that we were instructed in precise procedures and under the umbrella of protection of the GWS/B and Confederation of Light when invoking these powerful natural forces.
I did witness certain persons who could not handle the release of the energies into their light bodies when using these protocols. Even under Fred’s watchful eyes, more than a few did become unstable for periods of time. I will have to include myself in that group in a marginal way as the out of body projections were difficult to integrate into day-to-day material world reality parameters.
It took me many years to fully recapitulate what was taking place and even longer to be able to have a rational explanation. This explanation really is just a description as always words by definition fall short. Clearly, the map is not the territory. Suffice to say we used certain protocols using sound light color and crystals during specific periods of lunar and solar-planetary and cosmic celestial alignments which when amplified by the violet flame created protocols through which expanded consciousness states were readily accessible.
This Ray can be invoked by thought alone and is considered a purifying and healing Ray by metaphysicians since time immemorial. When used properly with the various pyramidal arrays it will certainly make easier or enhance any out of body experiences. However, almost everyone who will use this will find powerful results.
The violet flame has a very profound effect on cellular metabolism and the feelings of alertness that many people feel is undeniable. In my opinion it critical in self-training for light body development. I strongly recommend using this tool in conjunction with crystals and lasers. I feel placing crystals on acupuncture points is extremely beneficial. A more specific application of crystals over the chakra points in conjunction with the irradiations of energy from the pyramidal arrays is a vital aspect when using the pyramids and it is truly an amazing experience.
The experience is unique and life-changing because the plasma field created can actually attenuate the secretion of healing hormones into the bloodstream which is part of the body’s natural healing mechanisms so wonderfully part of nature’s laws. You may use the Tesla coil power supply within the Pyramid System and Laser and Crystal / Cintamani frequencies.
This can be felt easily on the body, because the Endocrine Glands or Charkas are being balanced. You will have lots of fun and the exciting thing is you will increase your auric awareness and develop your sensitivity to the Light.
The Promise System has a long history of over 47 years so we want you to have all the information necessary to understand the amazing device more thoroughly. Please Read Alana Declaration Part 1 – Please Read Dedication To Fred Bell Part II – Promise Pyramid Systems Technology part III – Promise Pyramid Systems Technology part IV
Warm Regards
- The Head Gear series is comprised of three basic types with different plating processes.
- The Promise Gold has nickel and gold and is primarily a relaxing pyramid that aids in calming the body and helps to reduce headaches caused by hypertension. Gold resonates with the hypothalamus and the hormones it stimulates enhances balancing energies and calms the emotional body-mind. Gold is considered magnetic and associated with the Sun or masculine energy.
- The Promise Copper has nickel gold and copper. Copper has a molecular structure of two pyramids with the points touching. If you were to look at it you would see the familiar Black Widow spider shape or something like an X shaped hourglass. Copper also has a drawing effect that purifies the blood. This can be noted with all copper jewelry worn on the skin as it has a blue residue that indicates its purifying process is working. Copper furthermore resonates with the adrenal gland and thus naturally stimulates a gentle adrenaline increase to provide and slight physical increase in energy. This combined with the gold not only relaxes the emotional body-mind but provides more physical stamina.
- The Promise Silver has all of the metals mentioned previously nickel, gold, copper as well as silver. Silver is considered electric and associated with the Moon and feminine energy. Silver resonates with the Pineal gland and has and stimulating effect on balancing the mental energies of the brain. The pineal gland is also where serotonin is produced and serotonin levels are very important to control mood swings and psychic sensitivity. So, the Promise Silver not only calms the emotional body-mind and provides a gentle physical boost, but it also acts to keep one mentally alert and balanced.
- The Vitamid is a utilitarian pyramid that functions just like a Promise Gold pyramid but it is larger so it can charge larger items. Water is highly recommended to be charged under the Vitamid. You can then use in all applications for watering plants add to your coffee, tea, and of course cooking with the Pyramid charged water. You can decant wine under a Vitamid and it will alkalinize the wine, by adding electrons to the acidic taste and thus age your wine in a matter of minutes. Grapefruit juice lime and lemon juice will likewise taste sweeter. Jewelry can be placed underneath a Vitamid to cleanse the gemstones as well. We also suggest your wash your jewelry in pyramid water and place them along with crystals under the moonlight and sunlight to reinvigorate their inherent properties. The use and applications are many.
One of the amazing features of Pyramids is the negative ion effect. This is the special aspect of the pyramids’ sub-atomic transduction of the Anu or ultimate physical atom that provides prana or life force. The Pyra=Fire Mid=Middle or Fire in the Middle as I am want to call it is what helps the physiological structure of the body to balance itself when influenced by pyramid energy..
Though negative ions are not registered under a pyramid with traditional measuring electronic devices the Anu or prana-chi-orgone-qi force is none the less the same. This life force is what gives all beings life through the ferrous and ferric exchange of the respiratory process.
Therefore, all the Promise Pyramid Systems increase vitality and enhance longevity. Pyramids supercharge your body with lifeforce in fact pyramid energy is good for plants animals and can be used in many ways. Animals love pyramid charged water and is a great way to keep them healthy.
I hope you will enjoy your Promise Pyramids in all the applications suggested and any other way you deem appropriate.