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Basic Membership Discount & Special Offers

Dear Basic Members Friends,
I am happy to be able to send this email and blog out to people who will be interested in my information. My site
Please be sure to go to check out my Mt Shasta Summer Conference July 7-10 2022 As a member of my Inner Circle You get a $25 discount when you are logged in you will see the discounted price on checkout only. So be sure you are logged in when going to purchase tickets. Mt Shasta Summer Conference Information & Tickets
This time of year we celebrate the ascension of Jesus Christ. This is appropriate as today I celebrate the resurrection of my long-dormant Basic Member Newsletter. I do hope to send a blast out at least once a month. I will be sending out quite a few newsletters between now and the conference giving you updates as we go along.
Speaking of The life and mission of Jesus Christ some of you may or may not know I was honored to write an introduction to the first complete translation of The Gospel of Thomas! this was written by Raymond Keller with the help of the ministry of the Angel Force from Venus who gave Raymond the Urim and Thummim Stones and the same breastplate worn by Aaron who was Moses’s half brother. The breastplate had 12 crystals set that when used with the technology allowed him to look into a bi-location signal to allow him to witness Christ with his disciples
He was also able to interpret in the same way the Gospel of Thomas The Youth Gospel of Thomas and the Acts of Thomas and finally the Gospel of Mary Magdalene. Read more here Gospel Of Thomas Introduction By Rob You can purchase one of a few limited edition spiral bound first copies here Buy Gospel of Thomas HERE
Newsletter We Are Back
This newsletter is finally back online and I have quite a few announcements for my Basic Members both new and old. If you have not purchased your ticket to this year’s Mt Shasta summer conference July 7-10 please do so now. As a member, you will receive a $25 discount upon checkout IF you are logged in. I look forward to seeing you all in Shasta this summer.
I am currently working on the schedule of speakers and workshops this week and I hope to have it published on the ticket purchase page as well as on my IC and Victory of Light Blog. Keep an eye out for that.
I have finally launched one of my favorite products that I used to love and sell for my friend guide and mentor Fred Bell. The Products are The Promise Nuclear Receptor and The Andromedean Holographic Projector. You may see these amazing Jewelry products by going to Pleiaden-designed Nuclear Receptor HERE!
You can also see the incredible Andromedean designed Holographic Projector HERE
I hope you can take the time to see the documentation I have created in all of the links on all of these product pages.
Special Offers
For the launch of these two products, We have a special offer for a discount on any of the Receptors. You can get this discount if you are logged in to your basic membership it will show you a discounted price. The Promise Revealed Nuclear Receptor Manual
We also have a special offer for a discount on any of the Adromedean Holographic Projectors. You can get this discount by being logged in Adromedean Holographic Projector Manual
There are many new brochures all linked now on all of these various Jewelry products as well as some of the original brochures we created at Fred Bells’ original company Pyradyne Inc which no longer exists. I am in contract with Fred’s second eldest daughter Alana Aphrodite Bell.
I will make a newsletter after the conference specifically dedicated to these products but you can see them now and purchase if you like.
Promise Pyramid Systems
Many new members may not realize that some of the products on the site are discounted for inner circle members when logged in. You will not need a promo code to see these discount prices but if you are logged in you will get some good deals
Do check out the Original Pyramid Systems Manual Circa 1980! I have recreated it with some minor additions and edits HERE
Planetary Situation Update
Thee is a lot going on behind the scenes and as always the Venusians along with other races are now making huge headway in the clearing of the dark entities and interlopers who have poisoned our world and negatively been influencing us.
Both the light and the dark have influenced us like the wizard of Oz unbeknownst to us. Thanks to Raymond Kell and many other contactees we are getting the hopeful and positive news as we get closer to ending ignorance and growing spiritually.
I will be happy to pass on the report from Ground Commander that on April 24th the earth will receive a solar pulse that will activate many starseeds and we may see more open contacts as we all gather more wisdom light and responsibility with these new light
Other resistant humans and nonhuman intruders may see themselves exiting their bodies so don’t be surprised in some of the Deep State criminals start exiting their bodies moving on to their new lessons on the path.
I am very proud of my blog and I have a ton of incredible information for those with ears to hear, eyes to see and hearts to love.
Remember energy follows thought. thoughts are things and we are all one. We are connected through quantum tunneling because we are all truly one. ONE BEING BEING ALL & ALL BEINGS BEING ONE.
Intend think and feel love. Try to keep your thoughts words and deeds elevated. Practice forgiveness and treat others as you would have done to you.
Never give up! Keep hoping for the Angels Most! The Stars Toast The Messiah in Robe Cloaked Whispers & we hide her in Gypsy Song!
As always I am here to serve in the Light of Venus and Our Radiant One!
God Bless you all have a Happy Easter
Reach out t me anytime

Warm Regards,
Victory to The Light
Rob Potter
The Promise Revealed
+1 530-925-3502

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