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Alana Aphrodite Bells Declaration Part I


Alana BellDear Promise Friends, 

I am happy to formally announce that Alana Bell my friend,  Fred Bell’s daughter, and I are in a legal contract to create and share his inventions and products. She has given me the right to use all of his copyrighted material. This includes verbal recordings Music and written material along with his Jewelry line of The Nuclear Receptor & The Andromedean Holographic Projector.

Both of these products are now available for purchase on this website. Fred passed away without a will and so all of his heirs are free to share his legacy. Alana and I agreed that it would be good to state this publically so that there is no confusion in regard to Rob’s right to recreate, sell and share Fred’s legacy on this website. Fred was my guide and mentor and very close friend nd even a father figure for most of my life. 


Hello Everybody,
My name is Alana Bell I am Dr. Fred Bells’ second oldest Daughter. I am here to announce I am working with Rob Potter to share my Dad’s advanced technologies with the world.

I have entered into a legal contract with Rob Potter and for him and his website to use all of my father’s intellectual property rights Patents and designs and to sell my dad’s information, books, music, and products without restriction.

My father left no will so there are equal rights for us daughters, who are his only heirs to use his inventions and designs and intellectual property rights in any way we see fit.

I have known Rob since the day I was born under an 8 foot Pyramid in Laguna Beach.

Rob has always been honest with me and we are working together to share all of the teachings and products my Father has created.

We are launching our new Promise Jewelry line The Promise Nuclear Receptor and The Promise Andromedean Holographic Projector.

We will use the standard 3 Leg Wave and the 4 Leg Wave design along with the 3 Leg Straight and the 4 Leg Straight design as well.

This new version is a bit thicker than the original design and will have more silver and gold than the original design. Be assured this new design with more silver or gold will only enhance the power of these devices.

We will also present some new bridge designs for the Nuclear Receptor very soon. Our prices will be very reasonable as well.

I have given Rob full intellectual property rights and use of all of my father’s books, pictures, images, tapes, music CDs, digital media to create any product and to use in marketing as he desires or wishes to use.

Rob also has all full rights to the use of patents and bridge designs for the Nuclear Receptor, The Andromedean Holographic Projector, and The Stand Alone Holographic Projector.

My mother Kim Bell who was my dad’s second wife worked tirelessly to help create “The Death of Ignorance”.

This was my dad’s first book and with her loving attention to all of the hand-drawn images this book was and still is a masterpiece for students of Truth.

Both my mom Kim Bell and Frauke Bell my Dad’s 3rd wife have also given their approval to my contract and support me working with Rob.

Rob knows more about my father’s life and career than anyone on the planet as he worked by my father’s side creating the prototypes of many of my Dad’s inventions. He was present during quite a few of my father’s contacts as served my dad faithfully from 1973 – 2010 until his death.

Frauke my stepmom for a period actually ran his company Pyradyne as she was CEO and driving force for over 10 years.

Rob’s passion and long-standing loyalty and devotion to my dad and his mission stand on their own merit. He is carrying on the legacy of my Dad and has some products of his own invention as well.

Rob has so many personal experiences with my dad and their physical contacts together that he alone is qualified to share this technology from real experience.

I look forward to hearing from all of you. I want to hear how these amazing teachings of my father and the products he bought to us from the space people have enriched our lives.

As Rob would say Victory To The Light 

With Love From Alana Aphrodite Bell

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Comments (3)

Wow how blessed you were to have such an experience and be so close to the person of your father. I am sure he is proud of all pf ypou for keeping up with all his years of hard work. I myself wish I had know the man. I do believe whAT YOU have stated about the cabal for they are truly of the dark ones who in an attempt to rule the planet have destroyed many lives, so so very sorry for your loss. I look forward to reading more and becoming a part of all this has to offer. I love that copper and crystal device as shown. Please tell me more about it or point me in the direction where I can read more.

Love and Light

Thank you Robert my experiences are real people will understand more in time many changes are on the horizon.

I agree the cabal needs to be arrested many are being removed from the earth these are the hidden ones behind the scenes. who is in the public are only minions many you see are false.

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