The Promise Nuclear Receptor
Silver 4 Leg Wave Pave Bridge
By Fred Bell & Robert Potter
How It Works
Both the Nuclear Receptor and the Nuclear Disc utilize radionic and precursing electrical vibrations. Radionics is the science of subtle energies while electrical pre-cursation is the Science of what happens before electricity is generated and transmitted within the human body.
(EPU) electrical pre-cursation is what makes the digestion and utilization of vitamins and food substances possible. All the Human, animal, vegetable, and bio-dependent chemical reactions are Electricity in on electricity. Living biochemistry is in turn dependent on pre-electrical parameters called science, etheric or sub-atomic.
The reason that People achieve varied results on consistent nutritional programs is that they fail to take into consideration EPU. Readers of scientific journals such as Scientific American should be well-aware of the results of sub-atomic experiments which yield results of particles that exhibit psychological characteristics These particles known as Quarks, Leptons, Hadrons, and others give characteristics that are labeled scientifically as flavor, charm, truth, and beauty. Surely even an average intellect can recognize the affiliation between EPU and human emotional response.
The DNA & Telomeres
The Telomeres are like the end caps on your shoelaces, and they are at the top and bottom of your DNA. They keep the DNA from unraveling until it is time for the DNA to reproduce or split. This is a natural occurrence for the DNA to reproduce itself in cellular reproduction. Your, DNA is twisted and has several Steps between each spiral turn. When we are born, we have according to some experts our DNA has 46 base steps between the spiral turns. This ensures exact duplication of the cells when we are young. By the time we are 21 we only have maybe 26 steps between the spirals.
This means that the body is already severely degraded in its ability to be healthy. We are experiencing aging as the cell does not have all the proper information to reproduce the cells properly. By the time we are 55 we maybe have only 8 steps per turn, and we are well on our way to our next reincarnation.
Why Is This Happening
This cellular degeneration process can be slowed down or stopped by various means and the Nuclear Receptor is one way to slow this process down. When the ladder splits in mitosis each ladder sends out a scalar field and call to the body to send the proper amino acids to build the other half of the ladder that was discarded. This process takes place at various frequencies 7, 14, and 23 MHZ are key frequencies that support this important transformation in our cells, and it is all due to the DNA.
Semjase said that this gift of divine intervention was given for us to help ourselves naturally as the design of the Receptor is like a satellite in that it has a parabolic dish that is tuned to 23 MHZ! This combined with the 144 pyramids set in a Fibonacci sequence spiral directing energy into the gemstone is reflected into the body after being filtered through the backside of the Receptor design called a Cassegrain Wave Trap.
In essence, this design allows you to be impervious to a large amount of interference in your cell’s reproduction process. When your cells are reproducing, and you are breathing airplane glue for instance normally your scalar signal from your DNA during the critical mitosis stage is disrupted and your cellular reproduction is shorted out due to toxins in the glue.
The Receptor allows you to breathe the toxic glue, but the body ignores the toxins, and your cells reproduce as if the toxin did not exist. The toxin – glue still comes into the lungs but has no side effects, the body ignores it! This is true of electronic radiation of 5G smog and other toxins as well. See Video Demonstration Here.
Laser Maser Orgone
Hello, my name is Robert Potter I hope you will enjoy this reproduction of Dr. Fred Bells Nuclear Receptor Manual. I have added some information & used some of Fred’s original images for this Promise Revealed Receptor Manual! The Promise Revealed Nuclear Receptor is a product of technological research that began in the United States as far back as the 1960’s.
Developed over the last four decades, The Promise Receptor utilizes technologies derived from shape energy research, crystal, gem and filter technology, MASER – Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation technology. Laser stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation technology. In the full spectrum of frequency medicine there are many parts including homoeopathic and allopathic medical sciences, Tibetan acupuncture and Pleiadean and Venusian science. In the Receptor package itself, NASA Cassegrain technology, complete with orgone plating on the Receptor surface is built into the product. Quite a lot for such a small, one and a half inch (or four centimetre) disk! We at Promise Revealed don’t expect you to fully understand all the aspects previously mentioned, but the Promise Revealed Manuals and the Promise Revealed Seminars will help you gain a greater understanding of the engineering excellence incorporated within the confines of the Promise Revealed Nuclear Receptor.
Silver Star of Life Kyanite
The Promise Nuclear Receptor
The body, although biochemical in its nature, is also Cell Nucleus
electrical. Electricity controls, each step of our cellular and organismal growth. A healthy individual will reproduce cells at the rate of 50 million per second. At this high reproduction rate, the entire red
the blood cellular system reproduces itself within 90 days. The entire body, including all bones and brain cells, reproduces completely every seven years. The integrity of this activity starts with the part of the cell known as the DNA – Deoxyribonucleic Acid.
Guiding all this electrical, biochemical and cellular activity is a super intelligence within the heart of the DNA itself, called the Nuclear Membrane (NB), which interprets tiny command signals called Electrical Precursor Energies (EPC’s).
Nuclear Membrane
EPC’s are themselves energies of consciousness that free flow from the astral plane to the physical plane. Initially, to our waking consciousness, they are felt as basic emotions. The astral the Greek word meaning “starry” plane is often referred to by the Eastern cultures as the emotional plane, or center, where all emotions come from.
Electrical Precursor Energies
EPC’s have not only energy to sustain life force, but also polarity. They can work for you, or against you! So, as our society begins to embrace conquest of space, time, and the stars, likewise it must begin to realize that subtle forces, such as EPC’s, can no longer be regarded as subtle, but instead, should be recognized as being of the same magnitude as what we eat, drink and breath into our bodies!
Hormones are the first units of biochemistry that possess total consciousness. It is the endocrine glands that secret the hormones that are responsible for your feelings. EPCs are “felt” by the body as good or bad feelings, thus giving them a polarity. They, in turn, stimulate good or bad eicosanoids pronounced eye-kah-sah-noids, which are the body’s super hormones. For those of you not familiar with hormones, they are the first units of biochemistry that possess total consciousness. There are seven levels of consciousness, called:
Within the body are seven glands, called endocrine glands, one for each level of consciousness. Connecting them to the other organs are 14 “energy conduits” called meridians. The energy they conduct via the 14 meridians is called Bio Plasmic Force in Western terminology, and “Qi” pronounced “chee’ in the Eastern cultures.
The seven endocrine glands each correspond to one of the seven levels of consciousness. Surrounding each endocrine gland is a ganglia or group of nerves originating from the parasympathetic nervous system.
This single pathway makes up of the 14 meridians. This auric egg of life force receives stimulus from the outside world. Some of the stimuli are received by the five senses, and other stimuli are received from the surrounding environment, and some stimuli come from deep within the cosmos itself.
Nose – Smell
Eyes – Light Vision
Ears – Sound
Mouth/Enzyme – Taste
Skin – Temperature/Sensation
In theory, the stimulation perceived by one or more of the above routes triggers the release of hormones to the brain. The brain interprets these messengers and via synaptic activity begins modulating switches, called effector and receptor, sites, on and off at a rate that produces thought activity within the brain.
As these thoughts begin to match the stimuli from the chakra or endocrine gland, a wave of consciousness is felt as the awareness passes electronically via the aura throughout the entire body. In short, we become animated! It is within this animation process The Promise Nuclear Receptor functions.
Why interfere with a natural process? Doesn’t it appear that the body has everything it needs?!
The answer is not a simple one. Negative technology, created by man, has polluted the environment with:
- Toxic fossil fuel hydrocarbons
- Radiation (both organically and man-made origins)
- ELF pollution (Extremely Low Frequency radiation)
- Endless chemicals that have permeated our food and water supplies
- Steroids in our livestock
- And many other forms of negative energies and conditions.
Our bodies and minds as individuals are becoming clouded, and our societies are fighting amongst themselves as they have for millennia before, but with bigger and more powerful A weapons of mass destruction. Yet, more claim we are reaching a Golden era. We are, in fact, reaching a “potential” to find peace because of our relationship in space and time, but the “space” part needs much work in preparation for positive future events. We must treat our temples, our bodies, with respect. Then we can welcome the coming challenges.
So, the Promise Revealed Nuclear Receptor is a device from positive reinforcing technologies that can, if properly utilized and understood, assist us in our efforts to see, hear, sense and feel the correct way to balance ourselves within this sea of energies.
18 Kt Gold 4 Leg Wave Sapphire
Seven Different Levels
Our bodies are composed of oxygen (O2), hydrogen (H2), nitrogen (N2), and carbon (C2), three gases and one solid. These, in turn, combine to make up all of our cells, organs and organisms. A healthy aura only exists when your body is making 50 million new cells per second! Anything less and you will feel tired, repressed, or “not all there.” And this, believe it or not, is directly associated with your body’s relationship to the hydrogen atom.
The hydrogen atom, the basic atom of universal consciousness, vibrates on seven different levels, transforming consciousness into the cells it becomes a part of. Yes, you guessed correctly if you concluded that each vibrational level of the hydrogen atom corresponds to a level of consciousness! Likewise, a sound and color correspondence exists.
When proper sounds and colors combine over time, gemstones are formed, usually under some sort of terrestrial pressure. That’s why gems are usually formed under the heavy pressures found far below the Earth’s surface.
Sliver 3 Leg Wave Gold Plated Garnet
In the center of the bridge of the Super Receptor, you will see a gemstone.
Four Leg Straight Amethyst Silver with Gold Plating
Scalar Waves
The Super Receptor unleashes the stored energies of the gemstone and transmits them via scalar waves deep into the aura of the wearer, where these vital, pure, and perfect increments of the life force are transformed into the cells of health and consciousness. This offsets the negative influence of the outside environment, allowing you to function normally and with high energy.
Because the hydrogen atom has seven colors, and because everyone is exposed to stress, our hydrogen atoms are weakened on a “color level.” Color therapy to increase these weaker levels has been used by medical science for over 100 years most recently, but the Super Receptor goes beyond color therapy.
How To Test Yourself For Your Personal Promise Nuclear Receptor
On the next page you will find the Promise Revealed Quick Check Super Receptor Chart to correlate some of the basic responses. You may use this or the chart on page, but usually one starts with the Quick Chart, then advances to the In-Depth Chart. You will be performing the muscle reflex test used in Kinesiology.
Muscle Testing
You may have noticed that you must be muscle tested by a Promise Revealed representative, or perhaps you were able to self-test. This is a very important first step toward realizing the benefits of the Promise Receptor and its integrated technologies. After you decide To explore purchasing a Promise Nuclear Receptor The first thing, of course, is to be tested, or test yourself, for the proper Receptor. First, we need to find out which color we are weakest in.
Step 1.
Place the color chart on a table in front of you. Sit down and relax. Rest the pad of your middle finger on the nail of your index finger (use your right hand if you are right-handed, your left if you are left-handed).
Step 2.
Gently press your middle finger pad against the nail of your index finger. Observe the way this feels. Now, when you test yourself on each color by visualizing in your mind the written color in the first column of the Chart, you’ll notice that your response is either strong pressure, or weak pressure. Strong means “Yes” the gemstone is good for me. Weak test means “NO” it is not the best stone for me right now.
* When referring to the word “energy” on the chart – “Energy” means a gradual increase in energy after Receptor is activated fully into body systems. A calming effect is often noticed before a gradual increase of energy becomes apparent. This is because the cell structures are attaining a state of balance. In some cases, a deep detoxification initially begins, in which case the feeling of “energy” will become less. However, this is only a temporary state. * *Promise Revealed does not recommend the Diamond Receptor for everyone. It can cause auto toxification.
Dynamic Chakra Colors
Because the body is made up of oxygen (O2), nitrogen (N2), hydrogen (H), and carbon, it is constantly in motion. The combination of these three gases and one pyramid-shaped solid carbon forms all cells, all organs and finally, us, the organism.
The hydrogen atom is the atom that delivers the consciousness of the seven levels of consciousness to the organism. Chakras are colorized, polarized, and energy susceptible gateways that control endocrine function. Endocrine function then switches the brain/aura, giving us consciousness into feeling. These charts and the color/chakra correlations are based at sunrise when red is focused on the pineal/pituitary and violet on the base of the spine. Red is the color of the will/desire to wake from sleep, ending the night (violet – astral/emotional plane). All carbon-based life forms conform to this cycle. Although chakras are dynamic, the color chart can be used as printed, day or night.
The test is dedicated for you to find your weakest color and that is always consistent until strengthened. Do not confuse older chakra and color charts, written by others with fixed colors. They were intended for another era (the Piscean Age) and are obsolete in the present, New Age (Aquarian).
Step 3.
Place the tip of your other index finger on the first color on the chart, Red. Notice your response. Is it weak? Strong? Remember, a strong response indicates that yes, you do need this color. A weak response lets you know this color is not for you. Give your body time, but generally, the difference in pressure is most noticeable immediately. Repeat this procedure for each color, noting which is “yes,” and which is “no.” (You may discover more than one “yes,” but that’s ok. Test yourself again on the colors to which you experienced a strong response. Notice the different intensities of your responses; some colors will cause a stronger “yes” while others
may be a weaker “yes.”
Suppose you tested “yes” for both red and deep blue. Now, read the information on the chart for each color. You will notice that red is very energizing, while blue has a more calming effect. If you are already a high-energy person, or maybe even anxious, you may select the deep blue and its calming qualities. Or, you can ask your body!
Use the same finger technique. Ask your body, “Is deep blue more beneficial than red for me at this time?” and notice your response. Again, strong means “yes” and weak indicates “no.”
You did not do it “wrong!” Sometimes, the body is reluctant to reveal information. Trust yourself. Repeat the message to your body that a strong response to a color means you need that frequency, whereas a weak response means your body doesn’t need that frequency. Maybe you are confused because there are different levels of response, or different intensities. Tell yourself that your responses will be much clearer this time, then test yourself for each color again. You will be surprised at how much clearer your answers will be.
Choosing Your Bridge Design
Choosing your Receptor bridge design does not make that much difference in the functionality unless you get the Pave design which contains more gemstones. We have various designs called the 4 Leg Wave – 4 Leg Straight- 3 Leg Wave – 3 Leg Straight – The Star of Life. Each of the designs mentioned has a “Pave” version that you may choose but the additional 12 gemstones come with an increase in price. These “Pave” designs are custom made and we work closely with each customer, so prices will vary with certain gemstone prices.
Choosing Your Base Metal
Each Receptor has other selections as well. The next choice is the Solid Silver Receptor that we plate in Rhodium so that it does not tarnish or become black from being worn next to the skin on the body. You may also choose 24 Karat Gold plating on the Solid Silver. You may also choose 18 Karat Gold as your base metal, and these are obviously more expensive but if you can afford it they are well worth it. The 18 Karat Gold Base metal design is a very calming yet powerful metal choice and is way more powerful than the silver. The final metal choice is Platinum, and this is a very high-frequency metal. I have worn these for short periods of time and the energy is extremely high it almost feels like you just had an espresso shot. A Platinum Receptor with genuine diamonds is the highest energy possible with a receptor.
Choosing Your Gemstone
We have a variety of gemstones to choose from as well and these all are related to our chakras and our endocrine glands. We choose the gemstones based on our body’s greatest need. The gemstone and color that the body needs the most is the one that will “muscle test” the strongest. We recommend that you go to the Gemstone page to choose your gemstones by muscle testing. Some people simply know the color frequency by instinct or by the endocrine or color of the gemstone. The gemstone color chart is not required but highly recommended. Please go to Color Chart Click Here
Once you start wearing the Promise Revealed Projector with the proper gemstone-determined frequency that is right for you, your aura will shift frequency.
Because your body reproduces itself every seven years, it will respond to the auric shift in a positive way. New cells created while wearing the Receptor will be more “sensitized” to higher and more subtle energies. In fact, your life will change the moment you put it on.
Because the body does respond, it is a good idea to retest
yourself every six months. Sometimes you will respond very quickly to the Receptor’s rays and will need to change to another colored stone. You can look upon this phenomenon as a cellular bridge made up of seven links, each link a color of the rainbow.
When the Receptor is worn continually in correspondence to the color of that link, the link becomes stronger. Soon, it becomes stronger than the next weakest link, so that link must be strengthened. So then, after determining through muscle testing the next progressive color, you should switch to that color stone. You may find that you vacillate between two, or even three colors during the first four years of wearing.
If you purchase the gold-plated Super Receptor, it is best to have one on hand for each color. If you have the Silver or Solid Gold Receptor, you can change stones on the bridge. Promise Revealed will gladly do this for you, or you can have your local jeweller perform this simple task. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself changing stones. Realize this is a dynamic and very active device, and good things are happening. What is more important, you can “witness” this progressive growth improvements within your auric enterprise.
Although the Super Receptor is, small, it is quite powerful. Several space age technologies, as previously mentioned, are used in its construction. By the use, of the parabolic curved lens, the Receptor traps different stray energies, such as radiation, magnetism, ELF, electrical fields ,and a myriad of different forces that are ever present in our ecosphere of twenty-first century pollutants. When properly worn, the Receptor hangs vertically, thereby positioning several different sized pyramids from an almost upside -down position at the top of the disk, to a nearly upright position at the bottom of the disk, a result of the parabolic curve across the face of the disk.
If you were using one of the Promise Revealed Headgear Pyramids and performing a general muscle test on someone, you would probably find that when the person under test wore a Pyramid in the normal position on their head, they would test “strong.” If, however, you were to place the Pyramid upside down, so that the point was touching their head, they would probably test weak. This is because the Pyramid’s energy, although containing the energies of the seven levels of consciousness, is in fact, polarized.
This type of polarization of the life force energies is male energy (+) in the normal position and female energy (-) in the inverted position. Remember, on a very primary atomic level, we are three gases, O., H., N3, and one solid. That solid is in a pyramid shape, be it the carbon atoms in our body, or the pyramid-shaped iron atoms located in, every red blood cell which carries the life force! In nature, the Pyramid is an eight-sided, 52 degree angled octahedral structure, containing both the male and female energies in perfect balance.
Yet, mankind has yet to learn about the fact that energy follows thought. For centuries now, the male ego has predominated mankind! This male energy dominance has affected our DNA and as a result, our female energies, present in both men and women, remain latent.
Until we balance both male and female energies, there will always be internal conflicts, causing world Karmic (individual) and Dharmic (racial) problems.
In the case of the frontal surface of the Promise Receptor, we split the octahedral structure of the pyramid in half and position it so that the male -upper half and the female -lower half are divided. Then, at a point in space, slightly in front of its forward surface, the two energy “halves” come together into perfect synthesis. This is known as the focal point, and it is located within the center of the bridge.
As you look across the face of the Receptor, you’ll see a pattern that is formed by not only the positioning, but also the size of the different pyramids. This arrangement conforms to what science calls the Fibonacci (Phi) Curve.
If you were to look at a single Pyramid, such as on found in the super Receptor or a Promise Revealed Headgear Pyramid or even the Great Pyramid in Egypt, you would find a couple of interesting facts:
- If the ratio of the height of the Pyramid to its apex is compared to the radius of a circle, then divided into the distance around the Pyramid’s base, the result is PHI.
- If you wound a coil around the Pyramid starting at the top and continuing to its base, the ratio of the length of the coil as it varies from tum to turn would define Phi, or the Fibonacci Series. Named after Leonardo Bigollo Fibonacci (circa 1179), this series of numbers defines the natural order of growth from cells to the order of petals on a rose. The numbers progress 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc. The arrangement and sizes of the Pyramids on the Receptor face also are placed according to the Fibonacci Series.
By the combined arrangements of the above-mentioned facts, all stray or spurious energies that meet the Receptor face are “factored” and scaled into what is known by science as “scalar waves.”
Scalar waves are, by nature, the conditioning energies behind the intelligence of DNA. Because they operate in “scale” of the nature of the form of all matter, they are timeless – but not shapeless. Being timeless, they are present on all the seven levels of consciousness, yet they individually are not conscious. It is this lack of consciousness that makes them easily programmable by consciousness and directly usable to correct out of phase shifts within the confines of the hydrogen atom. In simple terms: the hydrogen atom directs all energy used for motion, intelligence, feeling and expression on the physical plane. When our individual energy is low, or our physical healing potential impaired, the hydrogen atom is the place to “fix it.”
Healing Yourself Minerals Contain Intelligence Minerals Contain Consciousness
Remember, you must heal yourself, but devices such as the Promise Revealed Super Receptor can put aside man-made, environmental pollution and allow the body to achieve maximum healing potential.
Platinum 4 Leg Wave Diamond
The random energy received at the face of the Receptor is converted into scalar waves. The bridge of the Receptor directs the waves into the gemstone set at the center. A gemstone is a mineral, which is the type of matter containing intelligence that makes up 5% of our body. Yet they control the other 95%. Minerals also contain consciousness. The body needs them to extract intelligence and consciousness for its proper operation of not only healing, but also thinking!
Since a gemstone is a mineral in its higher vibratory state, it will amplify the interdimensional qualities of the color it represents and send them deep into the heart of every hydrogen atom of the individual that is wearing it. In order to accomplish this, you will see a small hole in the center of the dish of the Super Receptor. As the processed energy currents go through this opening, they are further filtered and refined as they pass on to the aura of the wearer! The back of the Super Receptor bears a pattern quite different from the face.
This, again, deals with polarity. Although the scalar wave is created with the merging of the stray energies and the Pyramids’ effect on the parabolic dish, this energy. Once inside the gemstone filter located on the apex of the bridge, becomes Bio Plasmic Life Force precursing energy, or “Qi.”
Of course, this energy has polarity. And to be properly utilised, it must be presented to the body harmoniously.
Did you ever pull the plug on the bathtub drain and watch the direction of the whirlpool that is formed? North of the equator it spins clockwise, and south of the equator, counterclockwise. This phenomenon is known as the Coriolis Effect. Bio Plasmic Force enters our time, interacts with polarised fields (such as magnetic fields), and propels the electrons around the protons in the cells of our bodies, or, on a greater scale, causes the Earth to rotate on its axis. In our own body systems, the first effect is noticed via pH balance as the energy moves through the hydrogen atoms in our bodies. This, then, causes proper enzyme activity which, of course, means proper metabolism.
To solve the problem, we at Promise Revealed use a stacked microwave trap, much like the ones used on high frequency radar, to prevent internal arcing. We arranged this trap in in what is called a Jahnin Mantram and positioned it on the back of the Receptor according to the hemisphere it would be worn. When the energy leaves the gemstone on the front and is returned to the back, it is directed to a laevorotatory spin as it enters the body. South of the equator, we use the same pattern, but it is rotated 180 degrees.
Backside Nuclear Receptor – Cassegrain Wave Trap
A discussion of the design of the Super Receptor cannot be complete without remarking upon its small size for such a functional device. Promise Revealed utilized a NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration technique called the Cassegrain Method, which allows a shortening of the focal length of the entire system.
If this Cassegrain Method was not employed, it would take a parabolic dish fifty feet across to accomplish what the amazing Super Receptor does in a space of 1 1/2 inches!
The hypothalamus, often called the emotional brain mind, is a linkage of chakras that, when combined into your consciousness, causes a physical change in the operation of your endocrine system. This is a very important “integration,” and the Super Receptor can play a major role in this development.
Here are some important facts:
- All of your feelings, i.e. energy, creativity, motivation or sexual, come from the hormones.
- Hormones are stored in the seven different endocrine glands, one for each level of consciousness
- The chakra system, or nerve antenna system, controls the release of hormones.
- The environment of the world, i.e. radiation, pollution and stress, “blocks” the proper functioning of the endocrine, chakra and hormone centers
As we have said before, the body needs proper functioning of the chain of events leading to the biochemical formation of hormones themselves:
- The body is 5% mineral. This 5% controls the other 95%of the body.
- The body then needs enzymes of a proper pH balance, 5.5 – 7.5, to assimilate any form of nutritional substance.
- The body needs vitamins next. Vitamins can be defined as the first unit of biochemistry that contains light. Or the many known types of vitamins, they all break down into one of seven categories, each corresponding to a level of consciousness.
Strangely enough, when viewed in a laboratory, all vitamins, except for vitamin E, it polarizes slight to the PEPTIDES left, and are therefore called Laevorotatory. Most substances, except for vitamin E, that polarize light to the right are considered poisons and are reversing the polarization of the electrons that is called Dextrorotary.
Cyanide, curare, strychnine, monosodium glutamate (MSG), sodium nitrite, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), propionic acid, calcium propionate, benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, sorbic acid, potassium sorbate, methylparabens, propylparabens, and sodium nitrate are all poisons.
Believe it or not, except for curare, everything mentioned in the last paragraph is either found in processed or store-bought foods or those grown used in fertilizers that are sprayed on the vegetables and fruits, unless they are clearly marked “Organically Grown.”
D. The body next combines proteins into peptides and polypeptides, which then eventually form hormones. Hormones, of course, are the first units of biochemistry that contain consciousness.
I might add here that Promise Revealed, recommends different vitamin and mineral formulas are not only made from organically grown plants, but also combat many of the “free radical” forming effects of these deadly poisons that food manufacturers so carelessly use. Once the hormones are in place, they are orchestrated by vibration and sent directly to the blood. It goes without question that if the blood is not pure, there will be problems transmitting the consciousness messages from the hormones to the brain once the blood has transported the hormones there. This is one of the many merits of the Promise Receptor. It helps purify and balance the biochemical constituents within the blood itself. This then allows the electrical fields of the hypothalamus to combine, and produce, a truly integrated, conscious effect on the body currents, referred here as the emotional/brain mind!
Unfortunately, the hypothalamus, in most people, is not functional. This is demonstrated by:
- Poor health conditions
- Nervousness
- Indecision
- Both over and under-weight conditions
- Poor complexion
- Loss of hair Or a myriad of other “symptoms.”
Granted, poor nutrition, bad health habits and environmental pollution contribute to these conditions. But we are looking for an underlying factor here.
The hypothalamus is part of what is called the diencephalon of the forebrain. This part of the forebrain frontal area lies within the confines of the third ventricle. It includes structures known as the optic chiasma (eyes), tuber cinereum, infundibulum and mammillary bodies. As the hypothalamus extends down into the chest, it includes the thalamus gland or the immune system. It continues further down into the body, reaching the adrenal cortex solar plexus. Here it affects the pancreas and finally it terminates at the base of the spine Muldahara chakra. So, you can see why it is called the emotional brain/mind.
A few of the physical body functions affected as the hypothalamus extends through the body are:
- Metabolism of sugar and fat
- Water balance
- Heat regulation
- Sex drive
- Creativity.
When the body receives too many negative Electrical Precursors (stress), and if the hypothalamus is out of balance, one of the body’s related locations, the adrenals, will react in a negative manner and secrete a hormone, norepinephrine, which will cause the blood vessels to constrict and raise blood pressure, which is unhealthy! On the other hand, if the hypothalamus is balanced, it’s response to excess stress will be to block it and then process it into creative energy.
You should now begin to get the picture. When stressed, most people “react” rather than “process!”
First, let’s understand that the hypothalamus is an aerial that picks up and receives vibration and stimuli. When you tune a radio to listen to different stations, you can hear good, soothing music, maybe noisy static, or even distressing news or a talk radio show. However, you have control as to what you listen to.
The body, as it moves through the situations of life, is also the same way. You can control the “effects” of the situations that are presented. That doesn’t mean that you always have control of what the situation “is,” but you have control over what the situation “does” to your physical health and wellbeing.
EXAMPLE: You are driving leisurely down a highway, listening to your favorite music on a Sunday afternoon. It’s a warm, sunny day, and your mood is quite up and happy. Suddenly, as you turn a corner, you come upon a serious traffic accident. You stop to help the several people that are injured. A little later, after the ambulance leaves and you are back on your way again, you probably will be emotionally affected. This is where the proper balance of the hypothalamus can have a tremendous effect.
- You can reflect on the accident and feel sorry for everyone, have some griefs, begin to worry, that you too may have an accident, =paranoia, and in general, consider your Sunday, maybe even the entire weekend, ruined causing extreme stress. From these thoughts, grief, paranoia, and stress, you can now allow this to run your vitality down, which will trigger your immune system, and soon you are sick.
- OR, you can be thankful that you were there to help these | unfortunate souls in a time of need (service to mankind), realize that the accident was a karmic event for all parties involved, which includes you because you were there (wisdom), and give a silent prayer for the victims’ speedy recoveries (compassion). Then you can release the entire incident as a fact of balance and return to your normal happy state for the rest of the day. Because you have helped others, your immune system will have become strengthened and your vitality greater.
Both these examples are a result of “conditioning” of the emotional brain/mind.
As stated before, the hypothalamus is an aerial. It is an integration of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. It starts in the third ventricle of the brain, which is the north pole of the human aura. Also located within the third ventricle are the pineal gland (emotional spiritual control) and the pituitary gland (physical body control). The emotional brain/mind extends down to the solar plexus (seat of compassion) and terminates at the base of the spine, which is the south pole of the aura (seat of creativity and reproduction). It is electrical in physical nature, and emotional in astral nature.
Because it is a physical complement to the entire aura system, it is highly susceptible to electrical precursing energies that control all the bodies electrical and finally physical conditions!
And now, as you are beginning to see, the Nuclear Receptor has a tremendous influence upon the human aura. It is, however, extremely important to have upon your person the proper balancing frequency that the Super Receptor emanates. That is why we have these Promise Revealed Receptor Charts. Take your time when testing yourself or have someone test you that has proper experience. These devices are not toys; they do work and, over time, have extremely potent effects.
All matter is composed of atoms, and each atom possesses polarity and consciousness. As we evolve and become more intelligent and aware of ourselves and our surroundings, the cells within our bodies vibrate at higher rates of vibration. This allows us as individuals to become more sensitive to each other and our surroundings, our children more progressive, and our physical lifespans longer.
Our nutritional needs are such that our bodies require foods and vitamins that have a tendency to rotate or polarize light spin to the left or Laevorotatory. These characteristics are determined by the arrangement of the super forces deep within the heart of the atom, which in turn directs, by impulsion, intelligence to the 12 billion nucleic acids withing the center of all our cells, DNA.
Just before birth, the DNA has 46 base pairs per turn to direct a full complement of instructions to reproduce cells with a high vitality level. After the first breath we only have 34 base pairs per turn! At 55 years of age, there are only six base pairs per turn. This causes the cells not to receive a full set of instructions, thus this is the gateway to advanced ageing.
It is a well-known fact that man lives out of harmony with natural law, creating stress, which reverses the polarity patterns within our cells that are necessary for a long-life span and healthy immune system.
The ancients have historically shown that proper use of external objects made from precious metals such as gold, silver, and copper, fused into the proper shapes, can create a sensational response by impulse from the sea of natural forces that surround us.
The human aura, which is one source of our feelings, is produced by the passage of electrical currents in a linear manner throughout our bodies. The sodium potassium pumps within our central nervous network are composed of over 72,000 Nadi’s, which are modulated by the external and internal forces we encounter each day.
Unfortunately, in our present age of existence, our external environment is not polarized properly, which stresses not only our longevity, but also our immune system. Man’s progress in biochemistry is moving towards real breakthroughs in longevity, but only recently have electrical potentials and polarity requirements of the cell been recognized by science as a necessary precursor for proper biochemical metabolization, which will enhance and facilitate proper nutrient uptake and assimilation.
Our bodies are 5% mineral by nature – 5% controls the metabolism and behaviour of the remaining 95%.
Human metabolism of minerals occurs at three basic frequencies, or octaves, and resounds or makes its effects known through three separate nervous systems, which behave much like a filter network.
The lowest vibration with the highest currents occurs in the region of iron, manganese, cobalt and zinc, in the aura band of 18 – 20 Hertz (cycles per second), operated throughout the human body via the autonomic nervous network. This makes possible a variety of functions such as heartbeat, respiratory and other unconscious functions that are vitally essential for basic metabolic functions.
The second band of minerals, such as chromium, silver, selenium, germanium, and copper, work in the alpha-theta band, which is from 7 – 18 Hertz. These reflective minerals synthesize into usefulness through the sympathetic nervous wreath, and are felt as the sensations of pain, hot cold, good taste, bad taste and thoughts such as, “I am hungry,” “I am full,” etc.
The third band of minerals, such gold, titanium, europium, neodymium and other rare earths commonly referred to as trace minerals, synthesized in the beta frequency band, or below 7 Hertz. The family of contemplative minerals makes its presence through the para-sympathetic nervous wreath, and are the basis for intuition and deep, harmonious sleep, called REM sleep. Take away any of these vital minerals and you automatically will have a physical and spiritual behavioural problem.
Once the minerals are present, enzymes make possible the metabolism of vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. Some vitamins, of course, are enzymes. Basically, what is happening is as the body systems approach the proper PH or potential hydrogen, the energy transfer of the solar rays from the sun, via the plant kingdom, becomes very efficient. Chlorophyll, which is like hemoglobin with the exception that instead of four iron atoms in the nucleus, as hemoglobin, it has four magnesium atoms, and transfers the green part of the light spectrum directly into our cells in the form of readily useable ATP. ATP or adenosine triphosphate thus allows cells to form seven different capillary reservoirs called endocrine glands.
The endocrine system works by relaxation of the membrane walls, and the result is a supply of hormones eventually reaching the brain. The brain functions as a two-fold switch, allowing the body to experience one or more of seven known levels of consciousness.
The brain as a switch has two types of contacts occurring at the synaptic level. The first switch is called the effector and is normally closed. Acetylcholine, when presented to the effector’s neuron sites, will cause a contraction, thus opening the paths of electrical conductivity. On the other hand, the receptor sites are normally open, and when hormones such as epinephrine appear, conduction and passage of electrical currents down into the body begins.
Example: You are sleeping by the seashore. You wake up, take a deep breath, and feel tremendously euphoric. Why?
Assuming that your body was in a reasonable state of health (minerals present, correct pH, enzymes, vitamins, etc.), your body would have metabolized two amino acids, lysine and arginine, forming vasopressin, and would store them in the pituitary gland. When you arose from sleep and inhaled the negative ions produced by the seashore (Lenard effect), the vibratory rate of the ions would have relaxed the pituitary, allowing the accumulated vasopressin to arrive at the receptor sites on the brain. This, then, switches on the brain to receive a “feeling, “ in this case, euphoria, from the emotional body, “felt” throughout the physical body as a pleasant sensation.
All of our feelings (i.e., sexual, energy, motivation, meditation, contemplation and metabolization) are triggered in this fashion as long as all of the catalysing ingredients previously mentioned are present. Each endocrine can be triggered by the appropriate vibration from a mineral, gemstone, sound, planetary influence, lunar influence, electromagnetic wave or color. This, then, releases the physical counterpart via the endocrine system, and thus switches the brain to the appropriate octave.
Sliver 3 Leg Straight Gold Plated Emerald
When working with your overall vitality, the field around an individual’s aura is a good indicator of not only single organ function, but also of overall general body health.
At the end of World War II, we made some interesting observations of the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb explosions. This was probably the best example of how exposure 10 the raw form of super radiation affects human beings.
The only difference between human exposure then, versus human exposure now, is the amount of radiation exposure we are exposed to over time. In Japan the exposure occurred in seconds, and now it occurs gradually over a lifetime. Radiation can kill or harm slowly, or all at once as it did in Japan. When you examine the final result, you’ll find it’s the free radical damage to our cells which eventually causes fatigue and ultimately organ failure. In the United States, if a pregnant woman were eating dairy products such as milk, cheese, butter and yogurt, the radiation from these over the counter, store bought items would accumulate in her breast milk. And by her ninth month, her breast milk would contain more radiation than is allowable by employees of a nuclear power plant! No wonder so many women have breast cancer today!
What was interesting about Japan was that several people at Ground Zero, where the radiation was the highest, had less long-term genetic damage and poisoning than some other survivors that were thirty miles away, where the radiation was considerably less.
The question was, why did some of these high exposure victims survive? Why were they, in some cases, almost unscathed?
When scientists began their investigation, they found that the people least affected after the maximum exposure were the ones that had large amounts of Fo Ti, Ginseng and Gotu Kola in their bloodstream.
As further investigations took place, it was revealed that these herbs increase the electrolytes in the human brain. When the electrolytes are increased, the brain produces more electricity to send through the spinal cord. As we have said earlier, increased electricity is increased vitality, and the result is a much stronger auric field.
We at Promise Revealed have learned many lessons about preventing free radical damage, and several of our products help prevent free radicals from occurring in our body systems. Therefore, at The Promise Revealed we recommend formulas contain both Gotu Kola and Ginseng, Antioxidants that contains L Cystine, an amino acid that helps prevent cellular damage resulting from daily exposure to radiation. Our Essential Fatty Acid Formula contains Vitamin E and other oils that build the electrolytes that are so necessary for body vitality. One of the greatest scavengers of precious brain and body electrolytes is automobile exhaust and the resultant carbon monoxide (CO)
Equally important, alongside consumption of these precious daily nutrients, is the Super Receptor and the Promise Revealed Pyramid Headgear. As the Headgear and the Super Receptor are worn daily over a period of time, there is a tremendous change in the wearer’s aura field. This is because a healthy body is rebuilding cells at the rate of 50 million per second. As you probably have deduced by now, most people do not reproduce cells at this rate, and are therefore in most cases unhealthy.
When the Super Receptor is worn on a regular basis, several things begin to happen:
- The cells in the body receive a stronger complement of proper frequencies via the hydrogen atom to the cells.
- Cell groups, such as nerve cells, brain cells, and organ cells, begin to vibrate on higher, more “natural” frequencies. These natural frequencies then shed or discharge the lower “pockets of toxins” that lower vitality. These pockets are called “mast cells,” and harbors body toxins.
- The chakra system, via the hypothalamus emotional brain mind, comes into proper phasing and synchronization, resulting in clearer thinking, better hearing, and vision.
- The overall aura field becomes charged in such a way that disruptions of events in time and space move away. Don’t be surprised if your circle of friends begins to change. A positive aura will cleanse the surrounding area and that may include relationships. Don’t worry, more compatible individuals always replace the ones that drain your energy. If you are surrounded by draining individuals and don’t change, you will become drained!
- The amount of time and the “quality” of your sleep will change. The Super Receptor and the Promise Revealed Headgear both, as we said earlier, discharge long term toxins from the brain and mast cells of the body. This opens the way for the emotional body or astral body to properly connect to the physical. This “connection” enhances the flow of energy from the higher centers to the lower ones. A good comparison would be to try and watch a picture on TV with the brightness and sound turned all the way down. You could not see or hear very much. When your body discharges toxins, the light of perception and consciousness shines through from your soul directly to your personality!
As said earlier, you use most of your energy overcoming gravity. This means that you use your muscles to do almost everything physical daily. Spent muscle tissue produces lactic acid or a waste by product in the bloodstream. By the end of a long day, there is so much lactic acid in the blood stream that the brain cannot communicate clearly with the body. Our attention begins to drift, our interests wane and our body feels heavy. Eventually, we give up and go to bed.
This Process Is Called Auric Radiation Offset.
Although this is a natural process, it is greatly accelerated by our polluted environment. Here is where the Super Receptor and the Promise Revealed Pyramid Headgear come in to play to assist the body in detoxifying those unwanted agents of stress. However, the Pyramid Headgear and the Receptor each function differently. Both accomplish the same result.
Don’t confuse this process as the sole result of the Promise Revealed Nuclear Receptor or Pyramid Headgear, as each performs many other individual functions outlined elsewhere in the Promise Revealed Manuals. Instead, consider this a vital function of both.
- The brain receives hormones from the endocrines.
The hormones contain minerals and enzymes; therefore, they possess consciousness. The hormones arrive at the receptor and effector sites within the brain itself. The brain contains electrolytes.
This combination of hormones and electrolytes discharges electricity in a manner of consciousness.
- This “consciousness” of electricity is sent down the spinal cord as it travels through the axons.
Along the axon route are electrical amplifiers called Nodes of Rainer. The Super Receptor synchronizes them. In most people, they are unsynchronized (low vitality). As the currents move through the spine, electromagnetic fields are set up around the body.
- When this process is all “in phase,” the body electricity is quite high, with plenty of “reserve” to deal with toxins, stress, viruses and unfriendly bacterium.
- While the body is in this mode, it creates a vacuum within the hydrogen atom, birth place of the aura.
This vacuum is replaced with clear high consciousness from the seven inner levels of consciousness. The stress is thrown off on the outer levels and the Earth heals this toxic energy through the plant and Mineral Kingdoms. The excrement becomes fertilizer and carbon dioxide becomes oxygen as it is reprocessed through the Plant Kingdom.
In conclusion of this brief treatise on Auric Radiation Offset, you can enjoy purifying the world via your personal aura. However, it does take time. However, when we all through proper adherence to Gods natural laws the earth frequency will change. This alone the transformation of human consciousness at the individual level will bring positive change to the world
It can take seven years or longer to enjoy the full benefits of high energy processing. This is because once you begin the internal purification program such as the one Promise Revealed offers, it takes seven years to rebuild all the cells, blood, organs, and bones within the body. And in some highly toxic, sensitive individuals, the process can take multiple seven-year processes. But one thing is certain: the process works for all those who try!
For any Question or to receive a free consultation please be sure to either email me at [email protected]
Or Call my Phone number =1-530-925-3502
Rob Potter