Limited Offer For 6 Discounted Tickets
To the Mt Shasta Summer Conference July 18-21- 2024
IF you are interested in coming to the 10th Annual Mt Shasta Summer NOW is the time to get your tickets. Yesterday a customer called me who had purchased 2 tickets worth 600 dollars said he would not be able to come.
He told me he wanted to dontate these tickets to some people who needed them. I have decided to give $50 dollar disccount to 6 people who need to save some money. If you would like to take advantage of this special offer I will suggest you act fast. Do not delay, simply call my personal phone number at 530-925-3502. Leave a message with your full name and your phone number and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Be sure to see the summer conference information page linked with this news letter. See MT Shasta Summer Conference