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Possible Methods of UFO Propulsion Examined, Part IX

By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising series of books All of Raymonds Venus Rising Books Can Be Found HERE

Since the dawn of the Age of Flying Saucers in the summer of 1947, the idea of creating functional anti-gravity space vehicles of our own has been foremost in the mind of defense planners.  Above, artist’s conception of the vertical rising disc-shaped aircraft under development in the mid to late 1950s for the United States Air Force through a contract with Avro Aviation, Ltd., of Canada.

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From Anti-Gravity Theory to Application

Gabor Strasser of New York City was the first-place winner of the 1952 Gravity Research Foundation (GRF) national award for his essay on “Gravity and the Dimensional Constant ‘G’.”  In this paper, Strasser looked at various experiments performed in the field of physics taking into account Newton’s Second Law, the Universal Gravitation Equation, Electric Fields and Magnetic Fields.  All experiments carried out within the context of these areas of investigation expressed the physical quantity of force within their respective equations.  However, the physical dimension of force seemed to be different in all four cases; and this inconsistency could not be accounted for due to the following reasons:

  1. Physical dimensions are the sole agents that identify uniquely physical quantities.  Therefore, identical quantities must have identical dimensions.
  2. All four forces expressed by the respective four equations were the same, identical physical quantities; but they had different dimensions; and
  3. Gabor Strasser had to conclude that some adjustments needed to be made in order to arrive at a true, unique dimension for force. These adjustments needed to be made with physical justifications, where the electric field and the magnetic field have justifiable dimensional proportionality constants, a dielectric constant and permeability, respectively. 

These issues were dealt with at length in Strasser’s essay in the context of a thorough dimensional analysis.  While some of the applications of dimensional analysis to ‘G’ seem to be impractical, the physicist did succeed in outlining several possible approaches; and the valid explanation of some of the dimensions in ‘G’ seem to indicate that the key to harnessing gravity might be found through the proper identification of ‘G,’ the Universal Gravitational Constant. 

Strasser defined the force of gravity as an “apparently inexhaustible force.”  He added that, “It should be considered as an asset and might eventually serve as a catalyst to get cheap, but not free power.” 

Strasser was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1929.  Like Nikola Tesla, Strasser immersed himself in the study of electricity and physics while growing up in Europe.  It wasn’t until two years after his award-winning essay that he obtained his Bachelor of Civil Engineering at the City College of New York.  In 1959, he went on to achieve a Master of Science at the University of Buffalo in New York; and in 1968, he completed another Master of Science in the Program for Management Development at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  Interestingly, his study of physics led him into deeper metaphysical research, whence he earned a Master of Divinity from the Virginia Theological Seminary at Alexandria, Virginia, in 1992. 

The Hungarian born physicist led an intriguing career with companies on the cutting-edge of technology.  He was a research engineer at Bell Aircraft Company in Buffalo, New York, 1956-1961, and a project leader at Boeing Airplane Company in Seattle, Washington, 1961-1962.   He also served as a department head at the Mitre Corporation in Bedford, Massachusetts and Washington, D.C. during the period 1962-1968.

Strasser was also the Vice President, Urban Institute, Washington, D.C., 1968-1969; technical assistant to the president’s science adviser at the White House, 1969-1971, executive secretary to the president’s Science and Technical Policy Panel, 1970-1971, and planning director at the Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, 1971-1973.  His last position before retiring was as President of Strasser Associates, Inc., Washington, D. C., 1973-1992.

It therefore appears that the captains of industry were beginning to take anti-gravity research quite seriously.  The work of the GRF had moved from the fringes of scientific thought into the arena of active research into its practical applications.  This trend became all the more apparent with the winner of the GRF’s 1953 award winner, Dr. Bryce S. DeWitt of the Radiation Laboratory of the University of California at Berkley.  It was his paper, “New Directions for Research in the Theory of Gravitation,” that spurred his appointment by the newly-elected President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954 to serve as chair to a special Department of Defense high-level investigations team composed of leading physicists and the top engineers of America’s aviation corporations, coming together for the purpose of constructing a viable space vehicle.  

Dr. DeWitt, in his essay, noted that, “Just as electromagnetism can be split into an electric and a magnetic part, so can gravitation be split into two parts one being that produced by static matter and the other that produced by moving matter.  The gauge group of electrodynamics has its counterpart in the coordinate transformation group of gravidynamics.  The electromagnetic and gravitational fields both propagate with the speed of light.”

The professor also wrote that, “Every form of energy produces its own gravitational field.  The gravitational field is all-pervading.” 

In the European edition of the New York Herald Tribune of 20 November 1955, the existence of the joint corporate and government anti-gravity project was revealed, with its Military and Aviation Editor, Ansel E. Talbert, declaring that the mighty efforts of these joint corporate and engineering endeavors were placed on a par with those of building ever-more devastating hydrogen bombs or launching an artificial moon into orbit around our planet.  In the 21 November 1955 edition, in the second of a series of three articles about the TOP SECRET anti-gravity project, Talbert further revealed that, “Many thoughtful theoretical scientists and practical engineers see a ‘space vehicle’ degravitized to a neutral weight and following an electrodynamically-controlled route charted by radar as the ultimate answer.” 

He learned that following consultations by high-ranking Department of Defense officials with Dr. Hermann Oberth, the German rocket pioneer who was then working on the development of guided missiles for the United States Army, that, “It would take about 40,000 tons of liquid propellants to lift a payload of only two tons beyond the Earth’s gravitation.”  In search of a more economical and satisfactory method of space flight, it was decided to invest heavily in the development of anti-gravity technology and that a viable anti-gravity spaceship could be functioning within 25 years. 

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