Hello, I’m Rob Potter
My entire life has been filled with a calling and a longing. These longings and search for love and truth have been a blessing and a curse. I have always wanted to know: who am I? Where did we come from? What is our purpose here? Why is there so much suffering and discord and anxiety on our planet? Why is the world so distorted and fractured, and so caught up in wars pollution ignorance superstition and fear?
09 Apr : Jesus The Christ
Read More09 Apr : Secret Space Program
The Background to the Secret Space Program Photo Gallery Some years ago I was on the Internet and I…
03 Apr : H.A.A.R.P.
My fellow Light Workers the secret governments of the world have been using advanced and exotic technology for many years….
02 Apr : Cosmic Plan
Dear Promise Friends, This is the first publication of my newsletter with an auto post feature to all of my…
02 Apr : Robs Contribution to Prepare For Change
For those who are looking for insight behind the dynamics going on behind the scenes of our current world events this book offers the you valuable information.
Read More4 FEB : The Future of Our World
Read More4 FEB : Victory of the Light
25 Jan : Hopi Prophesy & Native American Indians Meet Venusian Contactee
“Tribulation”, Nuclear Destruction of North America”: Latter-Day Prophecies Of Mormon prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., UFO Contactee Paul Solem, And Native…
Dar Promise Friends , Here is part A – 1 of Global situation report. Click here Part A-1 Part 2…
12 Mar : VENUS TOUR UFO CON 4-6 – Laguna Beach 4-8 – 4-10 Joshua Tree – Sedona 4-12 2025
Hello Promise Friends, Raymond and I will soon be appearing for 1st stop on the Two Venusians Tour. Two Venusians…
10 Mar : Mega Meditation Summit Free Event in LA August 30-31 Sept 1
Dear Promise Friends, This is very important for those who would like to come to a completely free event in…
05 Mar : Accessing Higher Realms With Raymond Keller
Here are some good interviews with Dr Raymond Keller Accessing Higher Reals Higher realms Part ! Higher Realms Part 2…
Inner Circle membership
Dear Promise Family,
The Promise Inner Circle is an opportunity for you to become more intimately associated with my work and the Plan of Redemption and Planetary Liberation. You will receive many benefits by joining this circle that will not only include special promotion codes for discounts on products but also you will receive access to information of a more refined spiritual nature not generally released to the public. I have been instructed by a potent spiritual source to prepare for a release of detailed instructions that are designed to aid people in achieving spiritual alignment and a process to connect with their life’s true purpose.
Dr. Frank Stranges one of my mentors and one of the world’s greatest contactees of modern times has left a legacy I am guided to share with the world. He had an inner circle membership and instructed all of its members through the years to create their own inner circle groups. I am now following his instruction and I invite you to join me on this journey. This Inner Circle journey has yet to unfold but will include a higher caliber level of insight and information that is no secret per se but is geared towards a more refined and discerning spiritual palette.
Victory to the Light
Rob Potter
Please feel free to join or subscribe to whatever social media you like to follow me on the bottom of my home page. The other BIG Change is my email and posting process is in the process of getting an overhaul. Remember that inner circle meberships are for life and yu get my digital book for free and many discounts that you can ony see when logged on into my website. The basic membership will eventually allow you to see discounts on certain Products when you are logged in but this will not be functioning until the end of Jan 2021.
Be aware if you were ever a customer of a member you will still get the membership newsletters whether you re-register for your membership or not. You just won’t be able to see the special discounts until the end of January for the basic membership.
The Inner Circle Members will get access to premium content by the 1st of January. I hope to have at least recreated some of this content for inner circle members to see when you are logged into the site by the end of the first week in Jan. is my hope.
Also, all Promise Newsletters will be available on my Blog from now on. I have several blog sections as well with some premium content that is going to be added over time.
For those wonderful people who have ever been in my Inner Circle Membership, I will be giving all of you free membership for life. I was unable to edit and to make this what was promised for almost two years so this is my way of apologizing to you all. For those of you who want the free lifetime membership, please send me a quick email to [email protected] Include your name and email address and I will check my records and then send to you the free membership instructions.
The Inner Circle Membership will allow you to see even more discounts and the premium content promised. All Inner Circle memberships will get a $100 discount code to my summer conferences and a $188 discount to my international retreats in Bolivia and Peru and Hawaii & Egypt.
I appreciate your patience during the time it has taken me to have a more responsible and professional website. If there are any problems or you need help or you if you notice anything please do let me know and we will address your needs or concerns immediately.
Thank you, Victory To The Light, Rob Potter, Mt Shasta Ca, 7-20-2020