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Gospel of Mary Magdalene

Mary with Scroll 02

Dear Friends,

There is a renewed trend of New Agers and new lightworkers confused by all of the dark agendas and lies of confusion designed by the dark side to ignorantly deny the holy sacred and divine truths revealed by Jesus Christ. The foremost recent theory that has been around for 2000 years is that Christ did not die on the cross. I have not met him physically but I have been pervaded by his holy spirit.

I further have met a Translated earth man now the Head of the Venusian security for the Angel Force on earth. He is originally from Persia and  is now over 2400 years old. He was present at the time of christ’s birth, his name is  Ahl Lahn.  Ahl Lahn walked with Christ as part of his security force ready to assist him if he required it. (there were many beings not of the earth) walking clandestinely amongst his followers to hear the words of the incarnate Creator Son deliver his messages of love and truth to a fallen world. Ahl Lahn. Believe it or not, take it or leave my claims or not. I will say there are more powerful stories and tales of power to be revealed in the coming years.

Open your heart, your ears, and minds and gird your loins for the coming year 2023 is the YEAR OF  REVELATION as revealed by the  Venusian master AMANI as revealed through Luis Maertens my friend and fellow Veniusian contactee. The coming year of 2024 is the year of DISASTER – FAITH. The following year of 2025 is the year of LIBERATION-RESURRECTION. I will speak more on this in the future for those who want to interview me or those who will continue to read my blogs.


I say where is God NOT? God is immanent and transcendent in all things in realms and dimensions of time and space. Christ is immanent in every aspect of creation no matter how minute or how large. You are like a drop in the ocean of love and mercy part and parcel of the divine Christ said “KNOW YE ARE GODS” and he also said “GREATER THINGS YE SHALL DO”. We all have Christ dwelling within us though many are blinded by lack of faith and materialism through their confusion they deny this one true living reality. Thou art That!

The Witnessed Truth By The Chosen Messenger Through The Ministry Of Angels Raymond Keller 

With the permission of Dr. Raymond Keller, I am releasing a few excerpts of The Gospel of Mary Magdeline & Youth Gospel of Thomas. This revelation and understanding of how this Gospel is accurate can be found on this website under The Gospel of Thomas. I wrote the introduction of this gospel and the technology that was provided to Dr. Keller to allow him to view the Akashic Records and why this book is accurate is explained in this important link here.  The Gospel of Thomas can be purchased on this website prior to its official publishing in a spiral-bound limited edition copies

The exciting new revelations contained in the gospel of Thomas reveal Thomas as Jesus’s Twin Brother who Jesus sent to India after his resurrection. I am also allowed to post the excerpts where Thomas shares his experiences of Jesus’s divine powers and the raising of the dead from the age of 7 or 8 years old. I am doing this as there are many conspiracy theorists who think did NOT die on the cross.

I am declaring that christ did die and resurrected himself. I do this as a defender of the flame of truth and to emphasize the importance of the Creator’s Son’s incarnation as the living word of god made flesh. I am not trying to focus on the personage of christ so much as the messages and truth that he lived throughout his life. I deny and throw out the religious bathwater of secular religious authorities. I am here to declare that Christ was the greatest incarnation and highest possible incarnation of any being on the physical planes in this entire galaxy.

I am not an idiot of a Jesus freak but I know quite a few people who have physically met the Ascended Master Jesus Christ. In fact for those who follow my work and understand more intimately the Venusian mission on earth. One of these people was Dr. Frank Stranges and you may know I have met VALIANT THOR the Commander who was appointed personally by Jesus Christ himself to head the Venusian and solar hierarchy of lights mission to serve the earth through her coming changes!  

Nobody truly Dies

To appease those who say cannot wrap their mind around the creator indwelling in one human form and creating a hoax of resurrection by going into a coma or using some technology I will reveal certain truths. I will say those who limit God are foolish because as the creator of all things through him all things are made and all things are possible for the isness is nothing but infinite potential and continues to renew itself forever and ever..

  1. The Soul does not die but the mortal coil is surrendered at death. Jesus came to Prove this by willingly laying down his life to show his love for humanity this was the great sacrifice he made to prove the eternal life of the soul.
  2. In The Gospel of Thomas, Jesus says “Blessed is the soul who knows he was a soul before incarnating as a human on the material planes.
  3. You will not truly die as you leave this robe of flesh to decay into dust on this earth. Your spirit and your soul will go through a process and continue in your soul’s evolution whether you believe or know this truth.
  4. Christ was offered some pain medicine while on the cross but refused this as he must fully experience it. He did die as a mortal man but as a soul whose indwelling physical self was fully fused with the creator, he was able to resurrect himself.
  5. For those who a more aware of the technologies of the beings in the higher dimensional realms and their mastery over the material entropic universe limited by time and space,  I will acknowledge that these beings can resurrect a body within three days of its death. I cite the Egyptian History of Isis trying to resurrect Osiris by finding his body parts.
  6. These beings can also create an etheric double or for certain missions create a physical double in a technologically advanced form of cloning that allows them to walk in our atmosphere among us. This body can be entered at will and discarded allowing the Space representative to return to their natural physical form.  Our limited understanding,  of these technologies, precludes us from knowing these seemingly magical abilities. These technologies allowed some of the less responsible Space family to appear as demigods.                     

I want to make clear this was NOT THE CASE WITH CHRIST. I do not care what some researcher or person thinks they know the truth from some story they have heard from someone who read a book or whatever. I do not care if you are ground command, some remote viewing super soldier, or a person without personal experience but with strong logic and a sound mind, and a researcher with good intentions, you are in error.  

Rob Comment – Clearly Jesus was a unique and the highest level Ascended Master or descent of truth and messenger-World Teacher. He was raising people from the dead like popcorn at such a young age and throughout his life it is unprecedented. There are no stories of Krishna or Buddah resurrecting at an early age though he did have divine powers at an early age.  In the Gospel, if you choose to read it, you will read countless other examples of his command over life and death and resurrecting and healing many people. It is these accentuations of and Divine gifts and the powerful message of forgiveness and love that had so many people being influenced to change their lives and connect with God that it became a powerful movement despite the dark force trying to squelch it.

In the end, we see how the dark forces need to maintain fear and control by creating religions. They are putting themselves as interpreters of Christ’s message and distorting the truth. This is the same with all the messages of teachers from all religions. We see these dogmatic secular priesthood types manipulate to have power and money for themselves. There are many well-intended members who intend to teach the messages but overall they are bereft of life. They know people will see through their lies and turn away from his message. They also know others will fall prey to their interpretation and their installation of fear and limited truths like guilt and judgment! 

My Mission is to faithfully report the truth. For those who have not walked in my moccasins, I may sound like a zealot of a fanatic but I assure you this is not the case. I am not concerned about what anyone believes this is all an individual internal process to realize within oneself. I am not here to convert anyone to anything other than to strive to link your heart mind and soul to the almighty creator of all things -God.

Gospel of Mary Magdalene

All Copyrights are preserved and owned by Dr Raymnd Keller alone!

In the weeks following his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples both individually and assembled together on numerous occasions, imparting to them a knowledge of the nature of the material world and also of the higher worlds in the spiritual realm of the Pleroma.  I, Mary of Magdala, the only woman called by Jesus, the Holy One of Israel, to be numbered among his apostles, provide now my testament of his words and teachings for the edification of the saints in Jerusalem and scattered throughout the nations:

One evening, as the apostles were roasting some fish and breaking bread along the banks of the Jordan river, Jesus appeared in their midst but assumed a much younger appearance. The apostles then asked Jesus, “Master, where did you go and what did you do there, after you left us?”

“The Father of Lights regenerated my soul and carried me away to the celestial realm of Barbalo, where all stand immortal before Him.  Barbaro is but one of the kingdoms of the Father far beyond the Sun and even the stars.  It is populated with innumerable concourses of angels, to which I could see no end.  These great ones are holy and perfected beings.  Only those who have been purged of the impurities of the material realm can pass by the angelic sentries that guard the gates of Barbaro.”   

Then the apostles wanted to know how they could purge themselves of these material pollutions, and Jesus explained that “One begins this process by setting aside their unbelief.  Being thus quickened in the spirit, the seeker opens their spiritual eyes to the reality of the Flame of Truth that dwells in their heart.  No longer relying on the arm of flesh, and having dispelled the darkness, this one henceforth finds itself among the ranks of the awakened.

“Those consumed by the darkness have never found the Flame of Truth that abides in everyone who cometh into the world.  These are the ones who have been blinded by their unbelief, ignorantly rejecting the Divine Light granted them from above.  There are none so blind as those who will not see.

“Those who continue to stumble in the darkness do so because they love darkness rather than light.  The minds of these pathetic, misdirected, blind ones are still focused on the lures of the material world.  Having filled their minds with earthly wisdom and scholarly, mortal knowledge, their blindness has manifoldly increased as to those spiritual matters important to godliness.  This blindness of mind was brought on themselves through their great wickedness of unbelief, whereby they cannot behold the things of the Spirit, but only the tangible, gross, physical things of the flesh, which is to say only those things to which their five weak, mortal senses bear witness.

“No one can possibly turn their heart to God fully without discovering the Flame of Truth that dwells within them.  That is the Flame that contains all power, truth and love that will heal the blindness of their mind.  The Flame of Truth contains all that is required to cleanse and purify any individual, directing their life to a path of peace, power and fulfillment, thereby bringing about their redemption while securing a place for them in the celestial realms of the Father of Lights.”

What is sin? 

Jesus said, “There is no sin, per se, to be found in the natural order of the world.  But when we stray from the illumined path by committing adultery or other actions contrary to the Decalogue, we retard our own spiritual progress.  For this reason, it pleased the Father of Lights to send me to this world, to awaken you to the presence of His Flame of Truth that abides in your heart.  I came into your midst to set a torch before you and reset your feet upon the illumined path.

Then Peter, speaking on behalf of the apostles, said to me, “Mary, dear sister, we know that the Master loved you above all women.  Please tell us the words of Jesus which you remember, those words that you know and cherish, but which we have no knowledge of, the words that we have never heard him speak. I proceeded to tell them of the marvelous things taught me by my Beloved when we were together and alone, apart from them in the work of the ministry:

There were times when  I saw the Lord as if in a vision, similar in appearance to the way he just departed from us.  The last time I encountered Jesus, I was standing outside his tomb, crying aloud in the brokenness of my heart.  I feared looking at His corpse, knowing how the Roman crucifiers had so abused and tortured Him at the cross.  But I found the needed courage, bent over, and looked into the tomb.

I was dismayed, for I saw not his body there, but two angels, dressed in pure white garments and arrayed in light, seated where the body of the Master had lain.  One angel stood up at the head and the other at the foot of the stone upon which His body had rested. 

The angels wanted to know why I was crying. one at the head of the stone said, “The One Ye Seek informed us that we should be expecting you.  Let your heart be calm and know that he lives; and that His love for you endures forever.”Then the angels bade me farewell and disappeared in a flash of light, in the twinkling of an eye.”    I then left the tomb, overcome by the intensity of the angelic encounter, but rejoicing in my heart to know that my Beloved yet lived.  I was still crying, but with tears of happiness.  At this point, however, I still wasn’t sure if I was dreaming or not.

While I was walking through the garden and about to leave the grounds, the caretaker approached me.  “Why are you crying, dear lady?  Who is it that ye seek?” he asked me. I said to the caretaker of the garden, “They have taken my Lord away and I have no idea where he can be found.  Good sir, if you have taken him away, please let me know where you have put him, and I will go and get him. Then the gentleman looked deep into my eyes and softly called me by name, “Mary.”

Upon hearing my name spoken, it immediately dawned upon me that this was my Beloved Jesus.  I cried out in my native tongue of Aramaic, ‘Rabboni,’ which means teacher, and moved to embrace Him.  But Jesus stopped me, saying, “Do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father in the heavenly realms.  But rather go to my brethren and inform them that I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God. Blessed are you, Mary, that you did not waver at the sight of me.  For where the mind is, there is the treasure.” After relating these profound teachings of the Master to the apostles, I bore my testimony of Jesus and how he freed my soul of all that had previously bound it to the snares of this world.    I testified as to the transient nature of the material world and its fetters of oblivion.  I now attain to the eternities in the presence of my Beloved Jesus.

Rob Comment – Clearly Jesus was a unique and the highest level Ascended Master or descent of truth and messenger-World Teacher. He was raising people from the dead like popcorn at such a young age and throughout his life it is unprecedented. There are no stories of Krishna or Buddha resurrecting at an early age though they did have divine powers at a somewhat early age.  In the Gospel, if you choose to read it, you will read countless other examples of his command over life and death and resurrecting and healing many people. It is these accentuations of and Divine gifts and the powerful message of forgiveness and love that had so many people being influenced to change their lives and connect with God that it became a powerful movement despite the dark force trying to squelch it.

Many secular Christians believe I am a blasphemer because I accept many other truths as expounded by other great teachers like Guatama Budda and Krishna! Get over it god sends his messengers whenever darkness threatens the worlds of his creation! 

In the end, we see how the dark forces need to maintain fear and control by creating religions. They are putting themselves as interpreters of Christ’s message and distorting the truth. This is the same with all the messages of teachers from all religions. We see these dogmatic secular priesthood types manipulate to have power and money for themselves. There are many well-intended members who intend to teach the messages but overall they are bereft of life. They know people will see through their lies and turn away from his message. They also know others will fall prey to their interpretation and their installation of fear and limited truths like guilt and judgment! 

This is only a partial excerpt of the Gospel of Thomas that is gifted to you by Raymond Keller. 

I wish to thank publically my dearest friend Cosmic Ray for his constant support, love, and guidance to help me realize my mission and interceeding with The Venusian Hierarchy to arrange for me to have a more intimate relationship with the Venusian Angel Force. His taking the time to transcribe the answers to my questions to the Venusians and reveal many secrets of the fourth and fifth dimensions and answering all of my questions is so deeply appreciated that words cannot express my thanks. More importantly, the presence of his human self and his love for God embodied in his gentle soul’s radiations have refined and tempered my spirit. The Force Is Strong In This Brother! 

Thank You, Raymond

Rob Potter 

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