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2 Venusian Themed Conferences in Germany

Dear Promise Friends in Europe,
You will see below information on 2 very good conferences in Germany this summer. Anja Schaefer my friend and Omnecs Onecs primary assistant in Germany, is producing two special conferences.  Raymond Keller and Omnec Onec will both be there! If You are able to make to either conference you will be able to meet Omnec Onec and Raymond in person. Keep in mind this will be in English and translated into German for some of the speakers.
Anja Speaks English and you can contact her for details. 



Anja Schäfer
The Ultimative UFO-Disclosure Conference
June 21-23, 2024
with Dr. Raymond Keller, Omnec Onec, and more international UFO-Experts
City Hall Memmingen, Germany
????Speaker-Info & Tickets:
From Venus with Love Conference “Intl. Planetary Ascension Conference”
July 4-7, 2024
Hohenfels Castle, Germany
with Dr. Raymond Keller, Omnec Onec, and more international Ascension Teachers
????Speaker-Info & Tickets:
Facilitator of Venusians ❤️ Venus Love Initiate
Venusian Spirituality * Ascension * Awakening
Venus Messengers Omnec Onec and Dr. Raymond Keller
+49 (0) 174 6001905 WhatsApp + telegram
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