Dear Friends,
I am now launching a new Auto Post newsletter as I will be making some very important new information very soon. My next newsletter will be giving some very important new information about the summer conference. This particukar post was written 11 years ago for those whi have not seen it i hope you will lool this over. Most of this information is still accurate but at some point I will edit this however ths will be the firt test of my new auto post from my website to all my social media. Enjoy
By Rob Potter
Leader of Planetary Leadership Group
Section 1 Introduction
PREPARE FOR CHANGE For those who are looking for insight behind the dynamics going on behind the scenes of our current world events this book offers the following information. The story told below is explained in detail in other portions of this book. Only you and your own heart can tell you if any of this is true. We are simply here to act as facilitators, and are driven by love and courage.
The Earth has been run by gangsters for many ages. Today they are known as the Cabal, Illuminati, New World Order, and/or The Syndicate. They control our money supply, most of the food we eat, much of the water we drink, the types of fuel we burn, the way diseases get treated, our entertainment, our religions, our governments, our education systems, our space technologies, the stock markets, the media, and even the air we breathe. No one on the planet escapes their clutches.
They also control our DNA. Their veils of secrecy are soon to be lifted, and all the gangsters will be given a chance to either surrender, or be arrested. This is a certainty. At the same time the Cabal is arrested, all the government secrets that have been hidden from us for centuries are going to be released for the world to see. This is also a certainty.
This entire process of arrests is intended to take no more than two weeks from start to completion. We call it “The Event”. Aspects of this preparation have been in process for over 30 thousand years. Earth-based plans have been in process since the ’70s, with brave contributions by many brave men and women in various occupations throughout history to overcome evil and corruption. After The Event the following solutions will be implemented:
- All wars will cease.
- New, fair financial systems will replace all existing systems.
- Previously suppressed medical technologies as it relates to healing the human body and mind will be released.
- Media companies will be free to broadcast the truth.
- Governance will return to the citizens.
- Previously suppressed energy and space technologies will be implemented.
- Massive improvements will occur in education, food and water quality, and basic living conditions.
- Quantum leaps forward will take place in the areas of transportation, communications, family associations and spirituality.
- Our planet’s oceans, airways and eco-systems will be restored to previous pristine conditions.
- Peace, love and harmony will prevail.
This will be a worldwide phenomena so Prepare for Change .The Event is when humanity is lifted above the darkness and fear that has so engulfed us since the fall.
The Prepare For Change Network’s mission is to inspire and to uplift all who access this information towards participating in a network creating a New Society. More importantly we hope the will act as a stabilizing force during and after The Event to ensure a positive, peaceful and non-violent change of our world.
The site it self is a response by a group of people inspired by an anonymous emissary of light named COBRA. COBRA, like many of us, is seeking to encourage a profound and positive change in our world’s sociopolitical and societal infrastructure.
We, the Prepare for Change Network, are taking action to provide this information to educate and provide information and a solid reference base for the changes soon to come upon our world.
We hope to make this site a place for others to share knowledge and to prepare for the changes in a peaceful loving way. This information is not intended to foment fear or anxiety in anyway. In fact, we all are very, very optimistic about the revelations and plans for our planetary liberation.
The mold and darkness must be exposed to the light of truth so that it may be understood and forgiven. We may then forge a new path towards a just, transparent and open New Society.
We have been given detailed information about an enforcement of what is known as “The Galactic Codex”. This Galactic Codex enforcement will happen at the time of “The Event”. “The Event” can be defined as an imminent, unscheduled and simultaneous police force action of the lawful arrests of major criminals within the world’s political, military, societal and financial institutions worldwide.
The Event will also coincide with an energetic pulse from the glaactic central sun and may be accopanied by a strong solar flare that will postively effect all lifestreams by its nature.
Our main goal is to educate people the world over as to the history and nature of “The Event”. Furthermore, we have declared our peaceful intent and have transition teams in various disciplines established to support this commitment to peaceful nonviolent change.
There are people all over the world preparing right now to act as humble servants dedicated to Love when the time comes.
“The Event” itself will have multiple strategies affecting our society on many levels. However, at its core “The Event” is simply the intended peaceful and nonviolent arrest of major criminals. Rest assured that the results of these police actions will have dramatic results!
COBRA has asked us to emphatically state that the arrests and other radical changes that are to take place during “The Event” ARE NOT a military coup. “The Event” and the planned changes ARE NOT to be considered the results of instigators within renegade police forces or military personnel. In fact the arrests themselves are intended to restore peace, liberty and justice for all.
For this reason it is imperative that people are made aware of what is about to transpire on our world’s stage so they do not panic or over react.
We hope you will take the time to study the information contained herein and choose to participate in some way. We all may add a piece of the puzzle by our well-intended efforts and commitment to a harmonious and peaceful life!
Enlightened and aware individuals the world over are invited to help us in our mission. We should all take the time to dedicate ourselves to manifesting viable alternatives for our New Society. We have several different sections that have been designated for you to join us in our efforts.
There is a wealth of knowledge here which we know you will enjoy. Please accept our invitation to learn and to be part of the process. If you have ever felt you wanted to do something good for your fellowman, this is your opportunity to share your love and your good works.
With Love and Respect to you all from,
Rob Potter
Founding Head of PFC Leadership Group
Prepare For Change
Victory to The Light!
By Rob Potter,
Head of the New Society Leadership Group
The Prepare For Change Group is dedicated to everyone who is inspired to aid the planet in a nonviolent Transition to a New Society. Our efforts are based on faith in the power of Love and an instinctive knowing that freedom from tyranny is our right as sovereign beings.
We are committed to creating peace and harmony for all of humanity. Prepare for Change is for all people of Earth, but especially for the Light Workers of the world. We hope this collaborative effort will help to heal all aspects of the world’s political and social infrastructure during these major coming changes.
The membership of this group is worldwide. We are confident that the information we are receiving from our knowing, intuition, insiders within the world’s police forces, the benevolent extraterrestrials, and the higher dimensional spiritual leaders of our world and galaxy, is all correct.
This information indicates that we have a worldwide conspiracy of long-standing corruption and greed that must end. This information indicates imminent drastic measures that will ensure real and permanent change and healing for all life on our beleaguered planet. These long-lasting changes will come from within the hearts and minds of individuals.
Unfortunately, most people will need a kick start to realize that this change is not only possible, but is taking place daily in the lives of people all over the world. We who know, we who are awake and aware, must lead the way.
The end of the world’s current political system is not a fantasy. The end of tyranny is a divine directive instilled within our hearts and minds. Our collective spiritual will, and our firm resolve towards liberation, are being manifest daily.
Spiritual forces, beyond the conception of most people, are aiding us. Divine plans are being implemented that will come to pass sometime in the near future. No dates are known and none will be given for this tremendous miracle of Love. The time for this is now!
The virus of darkness, ignorance, superstition and fear must be exposed to the light of truth. This will ensure an allegiance to Love, forgiveness and healing; and it will give birth to a harmonious diversity never experienced before on Earth.
We all recognize the need to end the world’s current broken political systems. The process of the transition and change to building a new global society will require the full focus of the entire human race.
Clearly, this will take some time. However, we are sure this will not take as much time as many might think. Though the challenges to such a change are complex, wide and far-reaching, the Group is confident this mission will not fail. Furthermore, we invite you to join our cause for Love to reign in the hearts and minds of all. We have a plan! The changes that are now in process are deeper in scope and more profound than just our political and social institutions.
This movement of the Spirit of Truth will affect all aspects of the societal infrastructure. This is particularly true of the global political corruption. The movement of spirit will also drastically alter our emotional, physical and spiritual selves.
This journey to a New Society must begin with the first step. It must be peaceful, non-threatening and born of patience and compassion. This journey of liberation and redemption for our world has been in the planning for thousands of years.
The mind of creation itself has been waiting for the right moment for humanity to Re-member itself and to declare once again: We are sovereign beings of infinite Light, Love, and Power. That time is now upon us. Despite the bleak situation in the world with wars, and rumors of wars, we are confident that positive changes can happen very quickly.
Soon, the existing evil that has infiltrated itself into our world (to systematically break the will) and enslave mankind will be removed in action of just enforcement by peace officers worldwide. We are confident that, after these arrests, humanity will rise to heights unseen for thousands of years.
These lawfully executed arrests are called for by not only the existing laws of the world’s societies but universal laws known as the Galactic Codex. The hand of the Divine Creator will insure this Victory of the Light upon our world. We have the power within us to bring peace to this world.
Know that you also have this power within your soul and you must use it. Do not despair, do not give up hope, and do not give in to hate, violence, anger, fear or apathy. We hope you will commit yourself to action in service to Light, Love and Truth.
Prepare for Change. Be the Change!
“The Event is the moment of the breakthrough ” the moment of liberation. Our planet has been under quarantine status for the last 25,000 years. This status has been imposed upon humanity by the negative ET races. So we have been in a closed system and according to physics, a closed system tends to develop entropy, more and more chaos. This is exactly what we have now on this planet.” COBRA
Section 4
By Rob Potter,
Head of the PFC Leadership Group
Earth and the inhabitants have been in a type of imprisonment and planetary quarantine since the times of Atlantis. At that time, the planet was secretly invaded as hostile forces manipulated the planet into advanced forms of warfare that almost destroyed the planet. The light forces withdrew from the battle in order to save the planet from becoming another asteroid belt. They promised to return to achieve victory and to liberate the peoples of Earth from the hostile forces. It does sound like a fantasy but it is not.
We do not want to go into great detail on this subject but the fact remains we of Earth are not alone, we never have been alone, and we never will be alone. This universe is teeming with intelligent sentient life.
Furthermore our planet has been experiencing ongoing interactions with ET races since time immemorial. This must be understood to truly grasp what is taking place at this time on our planet. Without going into metaphysical details that are unimportant to The Event, we must realize that life is sacred and a beautiful gift that must be respected.
Unfortunately, some beings have not been able to manifest this realization and they have been the cause for much of the universal discord, fear, anxiety and destruction on our world.
The world’s societies and political and financial structures that have been corrupted by forces of greed, lust for power, hostile intent, and malicious manipulation are being orchestrated by very sophisticated beings, principalities and powers.
Most of these forces are unknown and unseen by the world at large. They are so far advanced technologically and they have hidden themselves so well that understanding what has been the real situation is nearly impossible for the average individual to discern.
We have been easily manipulated, and the nature of the dastardly plans includes genocide and destruction of life upon our world. Imagine someone with a master’s degree in child psychology manipulating an innocent child of four, and you will have some idea of the cunning nature of these selfish individuals.
These reprehensible beings have exercised their will against the very fabric of light and life for long enough. Now, they need to be arrested and stopped.
The center of creation itself has decreed that they must be removed from positions of influence to receive healing and to understand the deep consequences of their actions so that the suffering of life on our world can come to an end.
Just as we have criminals who make hostile takeovers on turf wars on Earth, the same thing has happened on a planetary level throughout the history of our galaxy.
Our planet was involved in an invasion many thousands of years ago. The result has been ongoing genetic manipulation, implantation technologies and mind control via a very sophisticated technology of which we have been unaware. We have been controlled and manipulated by what some call “The dark side”. Most people have relegated these advanced manipulations that are the cause of myth and many of the more convoluted histories to fantasy.
There are different levels to this hostile force but on Earth their agents could be called The Cabal. We have always been responsible for our actions but the influence to distort our consciousness has been a formidable foe.
In fact, this negative mental virus dominates most of the world. We are now at the crossroads and an end must come to this tyranny and the attempt to enslave our planet. To make things simple we will not designate the Cabal as ET or human. They are simply selfish criminals guilty of crimes against humanity.
The Prepare for Change Network website has provided numerous links to other sources to provide ample evidence for these indictments of genocide, genetic, manipulation, murder, theft, racketeering, treason, mind control, genocide, genetic altering, poisoning of our water, air and food to name a few.
The list is too long, and too depressing to detail here, but we have many posts and links chronicling these horrible plans
. This will come as a shock to many but there are members of the world’s military and intelligence agencies that have been involved in on-going interactions with ET races for over 60 years.
These ET interactions are not limited to governmental agencies. In fact, the open-minded elite intelligentsia of the world’s science and technological vocations have been physically contacted or communicated with as well. Many of these interactions have been very benevolent, positive and even highly spiritual in nature.
There have also been many interactions with regressive and hostile ET groups involved in secret agendas with criminal elements of the Earth’s elitist breakaway groups.
There are many members of regular civilian population and society who also have been having informational exchanges of varying degrees with our galactic brothers and sisters, or space family. Unfortunately not all contacts have been of a positive nature and this has led to much confusion. This confusion must end.
To insure the planetary liberation process, the benevolent forces of ET races have been making plans with various POSITIVE elite corps of Earth-based military and law enforcement personnel to insure the joint action of arrest of these criminal conspirators.
These plans are quite detailed, and they have made every allowance for every contingency to insure nonviolent arrests and total victory. The plan of action has been to amass enough evidence to arrest these criminals.
The evidence has been in hand for decades, but these criminals are in control the world’s media and military forces as well as the financial institutions and many other key aspects of our societal structure as well. These individuals and their secret societies are deeply involved in the politics and literally control the world’s view by manipulation.
The arrests of these individuals has been a long slow and arduous task and the world’s peoples owe a great debt to the brave individuals who have had to remain hidden to see that justice is restored to our planet. There are very wise beings and spiritual forces who have been promising for a very long time that the curtain will come down on the travesty which is the tyrannical exploitation of an entire planet and all of its lifestreams. This promise is soon to be realized as ET races will soon coordinate the plan for the liberation of our world.
The Agarthan Network, the Resistance Movement, and the Earth-based ground crew populace will also be very involved in these physical arrests. Unbeknownst to many, there have been major battles inside the Earth’s crust caverns and in outer space as well. This has been kept secret for various reasons and both sides have their reasons for keeping this under wraps.
The time for secrecy is over and the truth must be revealed. There are advanced technologies that can influence and control human emotions and feelings in a powerful way. These have been, and are being used against the average unaware human to his detriment.
We Earth humans, as it now stands, are not capable of overcoming these technologies at our current level of development and therefore we are being aided by benevolent forces who can match and neutralize these advanced technologies all at once.
Before the actual arrests can take place various elements of the electronic fence and implant matrix that manipulates the human consciousness field must be bought down. This aspect of the preparations is currently in progress and must be completed before the final enforcement actions are enacted. This will take time, and no man or angel knows the hour it will happen. When The Event happens it most likely will come like “a thief in the night”.
We, of the Prepare for Change Network, have great faith that what is known as the “Compression Breakthrough” will occur in the not too distant future. However, patience is key to remaining stable as we prepare to be of service to our fellow man who for the most part will have no idea exactly what is taking place.
This general apathy and drowsy malaise, which is firmly embedded in the human population, is now being dispelled by awake and aware individuals who are stepping into their truth and declaring their support for the light forces. This is the purpose of the Prepare for Change Network ” to awaken people to the immanent changes so they are not caught unaware.
The more people who know what is transpiring, and are active in supporting The Event in a peaceful way, the better off the planet will be. The smoother the transition, the quicker we can partake in greater revelations.
One of the main plans for The Event to be successful is to disable the central banking system, which is the root of the manipulation and control system on planet Earth. There have been tests in this vital aspect of The Event’s implementation and they have been successful. It is unfortunate but necessary that the world’s population will be somewhat disrupted by the closing of the world’s banking system, but this is necessary to cripple the criminals to ensure they cannot continue to wreak havoc at the time of The Event.
The ET forces have very advanced technologies, and they will act as the eyes and ears for the world’s police forces during the actual arrests. This will ensure a minimal amount of violence takes place and ensure the safety of the police forces.
All in all, thousands of years of preparation have been involved in making the way for this planetary liberation process and it is important that you who read these words know and respect the wisdom behind the patience to ensure our success. The delays are necessary as this is a fluid model of interaction and the human element comes into play. Rest assured, all haste is being made to end the suffering artificially created on our planet.
Research the links provided within these pages, and on the PFC website, if you doubt the criminal activity. Research the mountains of evidence of extraterrestrial life. Do not look for evidence in your mafia-controlled mainstream media as this is controlled by the puppet masters and is designed to confuse and mislead you.
Make no mistakes where you stand. We cannot serve ignorance, superstition, and fear any longer. The whole truth is here and it is setting us free, but we must take its hand. The Event is a righteous and just cause and will take place as planned. Please be prepared and think about the information we have shared here and see if there are any other suggestions you might have to prepare for this momentous period.
Taken Directly From Infrmation Provided by Cobra with added content By Rob Potter
WHAT IS THE EVENT? The Event will be a moment of breakthrough for the planet which will be on both the physical and non-physical planes. On the Non-Physical Plane There will be a big wave or flash of Divine Energy and Light coming from the Galactic Central Sun (which is called Alohae in the Pleiadean language) going towards the surface of the planet. It will be a flash or special kind of light from the Sun that permeates the Earth and humanity. It will calm humanity in the light of love energy and end duality. It’s a magnificent energy not seen or felt before on Earth. Everyone on Earth will feel and know something has happened. It will be a surprise as to when it will happen, even for us. It’s never happened before. It may be a major shock to some but for those who are aware of The Event. It will be recognized as positive change whose time has come. This divine flash will trigger spiritual forces, extraterrestrials, Agarthan Network people and the Planet X and Earth-based Resistance Movement to begin to put long-awaited plans into action. These plans are the enforcement of what is known as the Galactic Codex. Motherships will move into the Earth’s atmosphere invisibly to raise the vibrations of the Earth’s atmosphere and to help the populace acclimatize their consciousness fields as the electronic fence matrix is bought down once and for all time.
They will not reveal or announce themselves publicly for quite some time, although there will be increased physical sightings to prepare the world to accept their presence.
On the Physical Plane the Earth’s military and police forces will move into action to ensure there is no rioting and to safeguard vital infrastructure from false flag Cabal attacks designed to create panic and fear-based reactions.
- The Earth’s military and police forces will move into action to ensure there is no rioting and to safeguard vital infrastructure from false flag Cabal attacks designed to create panic and fear-based reactions.
- The arrest of the Cabal members who have led the way will be the most significant part of The Event.
- The reset of the Financial Systems. The entire central banking system and all banks computers will be shut down and will not be able to be bought online. So all banks will close until further notice.
- The main media stations will be taken over by civil authorities who will remove censors and Cabal-based programs and agendas.
- Disclosure The release of secret documents and events including ET information will begin some time after the actual Event. Many of the world mysteries will be revealed: who killed Kennedy, CIA drug dealing, the true forces behind all the world wars, ongoing depopulation agendas, HAARP, vaccinations, the secret space program, mind control, financial crimes, and many, many things that will shock many people!
- The beginning of a new fair financial system with prosperity funds and worldwide trusts for healing the planet will eventually be implemented.
- NEW Government and political systems, education system, health care system, history lessons, etc. Awakening of humanity slowly and gradually to the existence of positive non-terrestrial races and our galactic connections.
- Introduction of new advanced technologies.
- The techniques for spiritual growth will be shared as we learn who we are where we come from. We will discern our unique purpose and our life’s path will reveal itself to us individually.
- There will be artifacts bought forward from ancient repositories revealing the truth of man’s interaction with ETs in our recent history. We will understand our cosmic heritage. Ancient sites will unearth spaceships from our past and we will have physical proof of ancient technologies.
- There will be a host of advanced healing technologies released which have been suppressed to keep the Cabal rich and you suffering. Eventually the present medical system will alter radically in the light of more advanced forms of treatment.
- Free energy devices will be available for your home and car and an end to fossil fuels and other toxic technologies.
- Eventually public trials to expose what has been going on to ensure a mass catharsis of healing and eventual forgiveness. Criminals will get desperately needed healing and counseling for their distorted minds.
Keep in mind the details that are given here are most likely NOT an exact description of everything that may happen. However, these are the basic plans as it is understood at this time. It is indicated that certain aspects of this plan will be enacted. Human freewill plays a central part in this process, and the enactment of the plans will be a fluid model that may change hourly to be determined by the progress we make during The Event.
The Event is not intended to be an Earth-type revolution where there are risks taken to innocent people’s lives. It is for this reason that we are called to service to ensure a peaceful transition. This massive action demands the type of precision that only The Godhead Him/Herself can decide upon.
It’s time now for everyone on this planet to understand that these future coming changes are NOT in the hands of some mad people who might make wrong decisions that might lead to bloodshed. The coming Event will NOT be a bloody revolution. The Event itself is a lawful enforcement of existing planetary laws. Furthermore, this is also an enforcement of the Galactic Codex.
On the day of The Event the entire world will be informed that there is now, Peace on Earth, and a return to freedom for the peoples of Earth. We will all need to remain calm and to support this transition process to a non-violent and peaceful society.
We will need all the help we can get, from people all over the world to ensure our success. The world’s current political leadership most likely knows nothing about the intended changes at this time.
Very few of the worlds major political criminals and players will still be in positions of influence after The Event. So we must realize the real changes will come from concerned citizens like us who are committed to finding solutions. After finding answers to the world’s problems, we must follow up with actions to manifest the changes in the New Society. Be aware, the changes that will come will be fast and powerful.
Though much of the long-range plans will be implemented gradually, many things, such as the media stations will be liberated immediately. This will smooth things over and calm people around the world.
For the most part, white hat civil authorities will be given prepared and responsible guidance to leadership and this applies also to the general population. This will be through existing forms of media. Newspapers, television, radio, and some websites will be the most effective and comprehensive source of knowledge about what is transpiring.
We must support and reinforce these peaceful directives as firmly and as confidently as possible. Rest assured, the people are generally peaceful and well intentioned.
Keep in mind the reasons for The Event will not be known by 90% of the world”s people. Nor will they have any idea what is transpiring or why. Television stations will reveal the truth to them over time, because the forces of light will control the satellites and the communication systems.
The few media moguls who secretly own all of the world major media and are in charge of systematic mind control (such as, Murdoch, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds) will either be arrested or rendered impotent.
Their censors will be removed as civil authorities will be directed to ensure the dissemination of truth from the time of The Event until forevermore. The Cabal-controlled, script reading, MK Ultra victims, also know as talking heads, will be replaced by responsible reporters.
The satellites will be in control of the Resistance Movement and other supporting forces. The media will give us an honest detailed report of what is going on very soon after the arrest process begins. This will hopefully calm the populace and ensure people are getting the information necessary to help them and their families.
By Rob Potter
We are about to enjoy both a non-violent liberation of the planet along with a bright and beautiful future for ALL of humanity. Since we do not know the exact day, month, or year of The Event, it would be wise to follow a few simple rules of precaution:
- Keep an extra two weeks of food and water on hand, starting now.
- Make sure you and your loved ones have an up-to-date supply of any medicines that might be required.
- Keep extra cash hidden away at your home.
- Gas up your vehicle when the tank is ½ empty.
- Stay in touch with the Prepare for Change Network for updates.
- Educate yourself, friends and family members.
- Get together in groups each Sunday and do the [] and focus on bringing in The Divine Goddess Energy.
- Be sure to remain calm and centered and encourage others to do the same. They will be looking for answers and you will be able to help them, so study and prepare yourself to be of service.
The actual arrest of Cabal members is intended to take no more than 72 hours through a worldwide action and enforcement sweep. However, the human element will come into play and the initial arrests may take longer. Still the entire process is expected to last no more than 2 weeks.
There may be ongoing arrests of smaller fish in the months before or that follow! During this two-week time period the banks will have been closed. Hopefully, at this time the media will have been releasing massive amounts of evidence of the far-ranging criminal actions promulgated by those major players, both known and unknown to the public eye.
This will be a relief for many and riveting news for all. Overall, this will be a strong cause and impetus for change. What will come next is up to humanity as a whole. How fast and how well humanity adapts to the revelations on the world stage in regards to the arrests of these criminals will determine the next stage of our planet’s growth.
There will most certainly be a process of denial, shock and anger over what has been going on. Acts of revenge and violence, or acting out, will not be tolerated. We hope our group will be instrumental in educating the populace and preventing fear-based reactions and hostile actions by those in their communities!
By Rob Potter
The following information is presented as a POSSIBLE series of events based on inside information and is not being declared as the actual plans or results of The Event. Humanity collectively will determine our future and the possibilities are limitless! The sudden drastic changes of The Event will bring turmoil to some and relief to others. The weeping and gnashing of teeth by many is to be expected, but we are strong and we must pick up the pieces of our shattered beliefs and realities. We can reassemble them into the righteous pure expressions of love and beauty that will be a cause for joy. It is expected that many of the old programs of fear of change will persist in many people’s reactions. Have no fear or apathy in this regard as the victory of light is assured and our planet’s liberation from tyranny is a cause for celebration! We as a whole planet will bring in a bright new era unseen on this world since its creation!
Military Presence
It is hoped that shortly after the arrests the military will be able to stand down and the temporary state of confusion will end. The military and police may have an increased presence initially, but we expect there will be orders to remain nonviolent. Transgressions will be dealt with. It is hoped that the populace will be less prone to overreaction and panic after the electronic fence, Cabal and the media fear machine is rendered inoperative. Your help in this process is vital!
Work and Leadership
The world’s populace will be encouraged to go back to work as the plans to restore the governance of the people for the people and by the people proceeds apace. There will most likely be new elections within a short period of time. However, the choices of leadership will not be paid for and the election process will be just and transparent in its fairness and honesty. It may be required that you actually attend meetings to learn who and what you are voting for! Imagine no more voting by what slogan you hear on TV. It may be possible that if you choose not to learn about what’s going on nor attend the meetings to learn who and what you are voting for that you do not get to vote. Why have some people just pushed a button because they liked the sound of a name?
After the banks reopen, everyone will still have their money. Criminals, banksters and the big boy stock manipulators will find they have no money! These trillions of dollars will be used for the good of humanity. It is planned that there will be world trusts established to ensure the clothing, sheltering and feeding of the world’s homeless. The aged, sick and infirmed will be considered first. The misplaced children and unwanted of the world will find loving families and places will be provided for healing and nurturing of those who have suffered under the old false regimes of the world.
Science will blow the lid off of the repressed ideas and false understanding of physics, and we will learn the truth of what has been happening in outer space. Science boards will establish what technologies are harmful and toxic and such technologies will be banned. Alternative solutions will be sought out and chosen by those best suited to the task. Many careers will end and vast changes in the work forces of the world are anticipated.
New Technologies
New technologies will be released that will create not only free energy but create advanced communication resources worldwide. Satellites will be repositioned and space debris will be cleared. Wondrous secrets of nature will be revealed to heal many diseases. The truth of why we get ill and how our thoughts create our reality will be taught openly and the causes of many diseases and ills in our societies will be eradicated immediately and many will find an end to pain and suffering rapidly.
We will purify the Earth’s elements and the water and the air will be cleansed and healed in time. Huge water projects will commence. Dams will be removed and the water will flow as nature intended it. Vast desalination plants will be built and the desserts will be irrigated and mankind will never go thirsty or hungry again.
Old outdated and useless technologies will be recycled as we create sustainable and viable living environments that are in harmony with nature and our fellow life streams. Over time people will realize it is time to get busy and be part of the solution. Many individuals will literally explode with creativity and progress is expected to be very rapid.
Food Production
Toxic food facilities will be retooled to provide healthy local fare for their community’s populace. Genetically-altered foods will be destroyed. Monsanto and other companies will be closed and those responsible will be dealt with. No more insecticides or pesticides will be allowed. The horrible treatment of animals in slaughterhouses will be outlawed and man will learn the error of his ways and the planet will eventually become vegetarian. The lion will lay down with the lamb.
Trade Unions
Vocational boards and unions in the various technological crafts probably will be established worldwide to tackle the issue of retooling our society in the light of the immense freedom of information that will come forward. As the suppressed forms of communication and energy technologies are freely revealed, there will be a need for major systems analyses and subsequent plans of action. Civil engineering will be paramount to return the Earth to its pristine state. Massive transportation alternatives will be begun and the result will be clean air and less stress for the entire planet. Collectively, it will be realized we are stewards of the earth, and the culture will shift dramatically to enact this birthright and responsibility. New Jobs The tremendous changes that are needed to make our world sustainable, non-toxic and viable will require a complete retooling of our society as we know it. Many companies and jobs will be lost and some of them will end almost overnight. Financial assistance will be given to those who are misplaced. Job placement will be a top priority to ensure people have a chance to serve their fellow man in a safe and productive way. The volume of new projects and humanitarian projects will be so vast and far reaching that none will be left without something to do.
The world’s religions will face harsh repercussions as the truth of the teachers whom they claim to represent is revealed. The spiritual core of these messages will remain intact as the revelations of love, truth, harmony and peace that they truly are. The true essence of the spiritual revelations will be magnified. The dogma, dead rituals and control aspects of the religions will be exposed for the abomination that they are. This will be the cause of much despair amongst the masses of the faithful who have not established a true relationship with the light within. This cannot be avoided, as the creator never intended for any one man, priest or book to act as an interpreter of the living word of god that exists in each of us. Those who have sought to exploit their self-appointed positions of authority as “Religious Leaders” for profit, power and even fame will see their dominions end rapidly. The real and true essence of the ancient teachings will be reinvigorated as the deceptions and falsehoods of the priesthoods are exposed for what they have done. They repression of ancient scrolls and the true meaning of the great teachers will be explained in their true form. The great messages of wisdom from the ancient and recent past will be bought to the fore. The lineages of light and love that have remained intact and hidden will now continue to flourish in the light of the new day of freedom. There will be new temples built to foster the advanced science of spiritual growth. Glorious places of beauty may manifest where beings will rejoice together and worship God. These will not be religions or secular cults that seek to divide and destroy other people by negating other viewpoints. The game of manipulation will be exposed and no one will be able to place themselves above others for control. True spiritual leadership will be evidenced by those who live exemplary lives in balance with themselves, nature and the world around them. Those innocent and sincere seekers and followers of the various faiths will have to learn and grow to take responsibility for their own spiritual growth and not rely on others to tell them what to believe. Most of the innocent faithful followers have sincere intent and a pure desire to do good and these actions have been the power that has kept the priesthoods viable for so long. The entirety of humanity has learned much in the way of truth through the secular religions despite the malicious perversions instigated by priesthoods. Even the priesthoods themselves are filled with innocent victims of false information and concepts. There will be great strides in the process of spiritual development and these will be taught openly and freely to the world at large.
This may be hard for some people completely programmed by fear and a lack of understanding that we are all one people, but there will be no borders. Immediately after The Event borders and checkpoints will come down. There will be no restriction on anybody in the world going anywhere. After all no one owns the Earth and there are no lines drawn except on maps and in people’s limited thinking. No more TSA molestations, and you can keep your shoes on! If this is too radical for you, sorry. You will have to get used to it. It is one of the major lies and programs to keep people separated and in fear, and this will end.
The lawmakers created the lawbreakers and most laws created under the false political system will be repealed. The common law dictates will be reintroduced into society and taught in a fresh new form and will be a cause for joy. The prison systems will be ended as they exist now and most people will be released immediately. Some prisoners will need counseling and they will be rehabilitated. Programs to reinstate them into society after they are healed of their destructive tendencies will be welcomed by all.
Money System
The financial world will see changes so dramatic that it will bring a sigh of relief from everyone everywhere, except perhaps for those who have made their way unfairly at the expense of others. Stock markets will close forever, and companies will be forced to buy back their stock. Many companies and most banks will cease to exist in their current form. There will be no more credit cards. An open honest and transparent financial system backed by real gold is the first step. Then as the madness of money itself is exposed and the success of the universal economic system is implemented, people will heal. As we learn the proper relationship to the financial life, the actual use of money will eventually be replaced by a credit system. This means you will not have to carry money around. This is not the NWO version of control as this will be an open system monitored, and violators will be expunged from positions of responsibility immediately. The new system will not be allowed to be tampered with. It is hoped that by the time of its implementation, most of humanity will be healed from the old ways that created the sickness of desire for material wealth. The fear of lack and insecurity, which bred the illnesses of theft and greed, will have been healed.
The worlds taxation systems, which are another form of repression and control to oppress the peoples of the earth, will be eradicated very soon after The Event. They have been used to finance our destruction, and the funds will be put to better use after The Event.There are plans to have a sales tax on all newly purchased items. It has been suggested this will be around 15% but this will be worked on and agreed upon as we move forward with these changes. Humanity will realize that the real goal of life in not accumulation of physical gold but in realizing the alchemical process of transmuting themselves into instruments of divine will and love. By helping others and serving toward the community’s happiness and success, it will be seen that we all achieve as one.
New Wages
There is a strong possibility there will no longer be vast differences in financial remunerations. In other words there may be a limit on how much a person may earn in relation to another. It does not serve the laws of balance to have someone in one part of the world earning 2,000 times what another earns for their time. Right now, the discrepancy between earners is in some cases in the millions!
Unlimited Abundance
Innovation and prosperity and abundance will be encouraged and celebrated. There will be no limit to luxury and the quality. Art and music, science and education itself will see entire paradigm shifts and this will create a sense of purpose and hope for the world’s populace. These are only some possible scenarios that may develop after The Event. Many of these possibilities and proposed changes may take many years! The statements here are not intended to be declarations of plans for the New Society. The ideas presented here may seem like a fantasy to some, paradise to others and even hell on earth to a few. Our intent is not to dictate what will happen but to Prepare you for some the POSSIBLE changes that may occur. Certain aspects of the above article will transpire eventually. The exact details and timelines for these expected changes is unknown and this article is based on years of study and preparation for the Victory of The Light! The central theme is that there will be the opportunity for a total changeover and remodeling of the entire world’s social, political, financial and educational infrastructure. The possibilities will be limitless and expansive and the only caveat will be that we do no harm to the Earth, life, others or ourselves in the process. We will be truly free from tyranny and be able to express ourselves openly without fear. The world will truly flourish as we step into our magnificence and potential as infinite beings of love and light. May this humble vision act as an inspiration and a catalyst for change and may you be called from within to share YOUR VISION of THE NEW SOCIETY!
Universal Law called THE GALACTIC CODEX – Transmitted By Cobra
“Planet Earth is the last planet in this universe under the occupation of the Dark Forces – the last relic of galactic wars that raged throughout the galaxy for millions of years.
“Introduction By COBRA, the Official Spokesperson for the Resistance Movement.
This codex is called the Galactic Codex and represents the legal basis for all actions of the Confederation in this and other galaxies. This Codex is not a rigid set of external laws but a systematized code of inner ethics of all souls of Light that all beings of Light accept with their free will because it reflects their inner truth.
Planet Earth is the last planet in this universe under the occupation of the Dark Forces, the last relic of galactic wars that raged throughout the galaxy for millions of years. As the Galaxy was being liberated from the grip of the Dark Forces, the Forces of Light have been evolving from a military force created from the urgent need to defend basic liberties of sentient beings towards a harmonious galactic and cosmic society. As beings within the Galactic Confederation have evolved spiritually and made their alignment and union with the Ascended Masters, they have discovered an inner codex that regulates all inter-relationships between beings of Light and their relation towards the Dark Forces and occupied planets. This codex is called the Galactic Codex and represents the legal basis for all actions of the Confederation in this and other galaxies. This Codex is not a rigid set of external laws but a systematized code of inner ethics of all souls of Light that all beings of Light accept with their free will because it reflects their inner truth. We will now state the Galactic Codex in a form that is understandable to an average awakened being in a human society.
Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to a positive life experience. To explain Section I we need to understand that suffering and pain have no value in enlightened Galactic society liberated from the influence of Dark Forces and other aspects of cosmic anomaly. To value pain, suffering and sacrifice as a part of the growth experience was a part of the programming from the Dark Forces in order to enslave the population of the occupied planets more easily. Unconditional positive life experience of every sentient being in the liberated universe is guaranteed from the inner connection of every living being with the Source and strengthened by the power of Ascended Masters over matter which allows them to assist all living beings in their aspirations towards the Source and provide them with necessities of life. Life was never meant to be hard work and struggle but rather a journey of joy and creativity. Different subsections of Section I regulate all life in a liberated universe and all relationships between beings of Light so that conflicts never need to occur.
Let us explain the subsections:
Section I/1: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to physical and spiritual abundance. This subsection guarantees a positive life experience for every being in the liberated universe. The Ascended Masters provide for all necessities of living and for physical and spiritual richness and beauty using the power they have over redeemed matter of the liberated universe.
Section I/2: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to Ascension. This subsection explains how the Ascended Masters use their advanced understanding of spiritual technology of Ascension and by utilizing the Electric Fire of redemption assist all beings that free-willingly choose Ascension.
Section I/3: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to merge with other beings in proportion with his/her position in the Soul Family. This subsection is an instrument of regulation of all relationships inside a Soul Family. It guarantees the merging of beings of opposite polarity (twin souls, soulmates) and alignment of all other beings regardless of their state of development and outer conditions.
Section I/4: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to all information. This subsection is a guarantee that all beings receive all pieces of information they need to understand their role in the universe, greater perspective of evolution and all other pieces they need for their decisions, growth and well being. All this data is provided by Ascended Masters or other beings that supervise the evolutions of various races and civilizations.
Section I/5: Each sentient being has an inalienable and unconditional right to freedom. This subsection provides that every being has an unlimited potential of growth and life experience. Since all beings in the liberated universe create only positivism, their freedom never opposes the freedom of other beings.
Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to be divided and protected from the negative actions of other sentient beings. This section regulates the conditions in those sections of the universe that have just been liberated from the influence of the Dark Forces but that have not yet been accepted in the Confederation. It requires that the Forces of Light always divide the parties in conflict to protect them from producing mutual harm to each other. Then the Light Forces mediate the conflict until it is resolved. This section is often used to end wars and other armed conflicts.
Each sentient being that has chosen to live and act against the principles of Galactic Codex and refuses to, or is not able to, accept them now and balance the consequences of the past actions will be taken to the Central Sun, restructured into the basic elemental essence and begin a new cycle of evolution afresh. This section regulates the relations between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness. When defeated, beings that belong to the Forces of Darkness are given the opportunity to accept the Galactic Codex, do the best they can to correct the mistakes they made and to live positively afterwards. If they accept, they are forgiven and join the Confederation. If they are unable or unwilling to accept the Galactic Codex, they are taken to the Central Sun. Their personalities and soul essences are restructured with the Electric Fire and their divine spark begins a new cycle of evolution.
The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the intervention in all situations where the Galactic Codex is violated, regardless of the local laws. This section describes the policy of the Light Forces regarding occupied planets. The Confederation reserves the right to intervene in all areas, civilizations, planets or solar systems where the Galactic Codex is violated. It has the right to do so regardless of the position of the local civilizations about this intervention. It always has the right to use all peaceful means of education and regulation. If the critical mass of the Galactic Codex principles is violated, it has the right to use military force. Special cases are planets under direct occupation of the Dark Forces. The Dark Forces usually take the local population hostage to hinder the progress of the Forces of Light. On Earth they have threatened with nuclear war if the Light Forces would intervene. This is the main reason why the Light Forces have not yet liberated this planet (and not the so called we-will-not-intervene-because-we-respect-free-will; we-will-just-watch-as-the-suffering-goes-on nonsense). As in any hostage situation, this requires a lot of skillful negotiation and tactical approach. This situation is now being resolved and planet Earth will be liberated soon.
Section IV/1: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right of calling upon the Galactic Confederation in need, and the Galactic Confederation has the right to assist, regardless of local laws. This subsection gives a legal basis for intervention and assistance to all hostages of the Dark Forces. The Forces of Light always do the best they can to assist and improve the living conditions of all sentient beings, even on Earth. The situation on planet Earth just indicates how much more power darkness had over Light on this planet. Fortunately, this is changing now.
Section IV/2: The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the implementation of the Galactic Codex and of conquering the areas of Galactic Codex violation with military force, if necessary. This subsection gives a legal basis for the liberation of the occupied planets with military force. The military forces of the Confederation remove or give assistance in removal of the representatives of the Dark Forces and set the hostages free. Then other Confederation forces guide the process of acceptance of the planet into the Confederation by instructing the local population. Perhaps some humans feel that the Confederation has no right to intervene and that humanity has the right to solve its problems by itself. This is simply not true. Many wars all over the planet and constant abuse of basic human rights have proven that humanity is not capable of handling its own situation. So it is much better that it receives wise guardians to guide it. The Confederation will give assistance in replacing current masters of the puppets (Dark Forces) that humanity has invited long ago in Atlantis. Then the Galactic Codex will finally become the universal code of ethics throughout the universe and darkness will be no more.
In May of 2013, the New Society Conference was convened on the coast of California which activated the main anchor points of the Portal. This was one of the main energy breakthroughs needed before The Event can happen.
Origin of the New Society Groups
In May of 2013, the New Society Conference was convened on the coast of California which activated the main anchor points of the Portal. This was one of the main energy breakthroughs needed before The Event can happen.
The Prepare for Change Network was created to help everyone on the planet during and in the weeks after The Event. The vehicles for this help are the Task Groups created during the Conference, which are to develop practical tools that can be used throughout the world to calm people and guide humanity through the transition at the time of The Event.
Although the civil authority and the Resistance Movement will provide their own infrastructure at the time of The Event, it is very important to have grassroots infrastructure as well. Our alternative infrastructure will fill in the gaps and will ensure that the transition will be smoother and more harmonious. Six task groups were created:
- Renaissance Group
- Technology Group
- Financial Group
- Leadership Group
- Healing Group
- Media Group
All of these groups will develop practical tools which can help ease the transition in their specific area. Each task group will create content for the website. It will be upgraded and developed during the time before The Event to Prepare for Change. Victory of the Light is near!
Our Motto: All for one and one for WE
Our Aspiration: WE envision a society with a new way of thinking and feeling that facilitates a shift in paradigm and an expansion of consciousness without control. A society made up of inspired passionate people who love to be free and are in tune with each other.
Our Mission: To create a new philosophy that inspires new forms of art, expression, thinking and feeling that will empower, liberate and unleash the inner child in everyone; to encourage public displays of positive excitement and happiness. The New Renaissance will facilitate a shift in paradigm to expand consciousness without inhibition. It encompasses arts and spirituality (in the Gnostic sense) where the divine is experienced through rituals, soul family connections and ceremonies linked to art. Art and Music contain the deepest keys to understanding who we are and what we are capable of. They speak directly to the human mind and psyche.Together we can create art that breaks through the old mold and boundaries of our current society. This new philosophy will help us think globally and inclusively in order to bring all parts together in new combinations of oneness. The candle must shine brightly now because that is where passion lies. Finding your joy is where it all begins. The Renaissance Group wants to help you share your ideas, designs and concepts! Suggest an article for the Renaissance website by .
Our Mission: To inspire and ultimately lift the lives of humanity through making free energy information universally understandable, accessible and usable. Those with contributions for the Technology Group can participate by contacting us.
Our Vision: About one hundred years ago Nikola Tesla proposed clean, limitless free energy delivered without wires as a gift to humanity. At the time of The Event such a dream will begin for real. New Energy devices now exist that generate clean, virtually free energy from the so-called ‘Zero Point Field’ through magnetics, through cold fusion, plasma fusion, and from distilled water. Some clean devices now exist which can continuously charge electric motors for automobiles and other applications. Such free energy can, and will be delivered wirelessly to the exact location where it is needed the most. Energy means freedom; energy means life. Visualize lush green farms in the desert; food, water and medical care to the sick and starving in Africa and other rural areas. Clean, healthy water can be generated or purified from polluted water where it is needed; no chemicals or additives are required.
Technologies also now exist that can remove various contaminants and pollutants from the environment, including biological, petrochemical, and nuclear.We can unplug our homes and factories from the power grid, disconnect harmful smart meters, and enjoy more free time to be creative, without the need to work so hard just to pay our energy bills. Creative, self-contained communities will flourish with this kind of energy.
In the air, on the ground and in the water there will be travel and transportation without environmental or sound-pollution. Travel will become safer, as proactive collision detectors will prevent accidents. The travel radius of most vehicles will increase greatly, as the need to charge or re-fuel will diminish, or completely disappear.
First Phase: It is completely misunderstood just how much New Technology exists and how quickly it can be brought into our lives at The Event. Speeding relief to the sick and starving as well as maintaining existing grids and life systems will be most important at that time. Parts of Africa, island nations such as Haiti and other impoverished areas at home and abroad will get immediate application of new technology. Food, clean water and medical help will be delivered and administered in mobile clinics and permanent hospital-energy centers in towns and villages. Pollution and toxicity in the environment will be eliminated. Suffering and starvation will be eradicated.
In developed countries, power plants of toxic and inferior sources such as fossil fuels and nuclear will have the source itself replaced by New Energy devices while remaining connected to the grid (power wires). Many of us will feel no change at all, but energy costs will be vastly reduced. All life support systems will remain in place. Trucks, buses and automobiles will be upgraded to free energy technology if they burn fossil fuels, or if they run on electricity they will be equipped with clean technology that recharges them constantly. The range of most vehicles will vastly increase, while the cost to operate will fall. Anything that pollutes will be replaced at this time to facilitate the healing and detoxification of the planet. In addition, mobile detoxification and clean water generators will be dispatched.
Spiral of Progress: More organic, clean, efficient and sustainable technologies will be manufactured in the weeks and months following The Event as basic needs are met and energy sources no longer pollute. Free energy devices for our homes and businesses will be offered at reasonable costs to allow us to unplug completely from the power grid. Self-contained, green and independent new creative communities, such as Suzy Star Creative Communities or The Venus Project will spring up, utilizing New Technology for their manufacture and energy needs. Eventually, the power grid (wires), which waste energy and are an eyesore, can be completely removed. Automobiles, trucks and buses will eventually be replaced by safe, collision-preventing vehicles that hover or fly, so that roads become unnecessary. In this way, our ‘asphalt jungles’ can be replaced with oxygenating vegetation, trees and farms to nurture and feed us and beautify our lives.
Communication Hub: This page will serve as a communication hub for New Technology. It will help to educate, inform, network and provide links as new technology becomes available for use in the upcoming weeks and months. Free Energy devices, both domestic and industrial, travel, transportation, communication, detoxification and other topics will be listed. Questions about technology will be answered, and inventors can share methods, needs and breakthroughs here.
Our Mission: The Financial Group will initiate and maintain a bridge of stability between providers of goods and services and purchasers in need of those same services during the first two weeks immediately following The Event. Local groups will need to review plans on the website and organize to do this in their area. Contact us to submit articles on local issues.
Our Vision: Lightworkers, awakened brothers and sisters, please understand that we are about to enjoy both a nonviolent liberation of the planet along with a bright and beautiful future for ALL of humanity. It is known that you will be better prepared than most, and we will need YOUR help to provide stability and calmness by setting an example of strength, and then using your knowledge of offer comfort and assistance to others. Since we do not know the exact day, month, or year of The Event, it would be wise to follow a few simple rules of precaution:
- Keep an extra 2 weeks of food on hand starting now.
- Make sure you and your loved ones have an up-to-date supply of any medicines that might be required.
- Keep extra cash hidden away at your home.
- Gas up your vehicle when the tank is ½ empty.
- Stay in touch with this website for updates.
If you are coming to this site without having prior knowledge of The Event, please read on as we want to offer as much information as possible so that you can rejoice along with the rest of us as our entire planet along with its entire people move into the golden age together. When The Event occurs, all will be aware of the changes in the air, however, you need to know that WE ARE NOT EXPECTING ANY NEGATIVE ISSUES WITH THE FOLLOWING INFRASTRUCTURE.
We are NOT expecting:
- Power outages
- Water shortages
- Cell phone disruption
- Civil disobedience
- Interruption of either medical care or normal emergency services
In all likelihood the Internet will be operational in most areas. Charitable, institutional, and governmental agencies will all have been briefed in advance of The Event and will be available to assist if needed. What to consider as it relates to the stock markets closing: If you currently own stocks or bonds in a public company, you will not have the same channel for buying and selling those securities shortly after The Event. All stock markets around the world will experience volatility and then close. None will re-open. Shareholders of record will retain ownership in those securities, and in all likelihood be voting those shares when a redemption plan is formulated by your company’s management. In lieu of stock and bonds, some people are suggesting gold, silver, precious metals and land as alternatives. The websites Portal 2012 and Divine Cosmos offer additional information on this subject. Whether you stay in the markets until the end or not is somewhat irrelevant.
- No person will go hungry
- No person will become homeless
- No person will be without health care
Global settlement funds will first be released to the people who need the assistance the most. Over 25,000 people a day are currently dying from starvation. The worst conditions exist in North Korea. This is reason enough for The Event to occur sooner rather than later. Realize, please, dear friends and loved ones, that our planet is the last one in the galaxy to be liberated. All of the other planets use mutual co-operation and love to run their economies. None use money. In time, Earth will run the same way, and money will become obsolete.
Day 1. Initiating The Re-set To The Financial System
As with any major change, the first few days are always the most confusing. Since all major TV networks, newspapers, and radio stations will be broadcasting quality information about The Event, you can expect to become more and more comfortable as the day moves along.
On Day 1 all banks will temporarily close. All credit cards and ATM machines will be temporarily disabled. The reason for this is to cut off access of funds to the illegal owners of the central banks around the world, known as the Cabal. Most businesses will be encouraged to stay open, and continue to accept cash and checks as they would in their normal course of doing business.
When the critical mass of pressure is exerted upon the Federal Reserve, it will be forced to repay debt that it owes to people due to its fraudulent operations. Since the Fed will not have money to repay that debt, it will go bankrupt. This will trigger a chain reaction of BIS, IMF, World Bank and all central banks worldwide going bankrupt also.
Extreme volatility in markets will result in a worldwide stock market crash. Stock exchanges will close, including the NYSE. All financial instruments, such as options and credit default swaps, will be zeroed out. All shadow accounts will be closed and zeroed out. All public bank accounts of the Cabal will be seized. All foreclosures will be frozen, as well as all public and private debt (mortgages, loans, credit card debt).
Day 2 The Banks will stay closed and there will be a lot of uncertainty and confusion. Some businesses may temporarily close and there could be some light problems in the distribution channels.
Worldwide stock markets will permanently close. Revaluation will take place. It means that the exchange rates between various currencies will change, but not drastically. They will reflect more truly the real productivity of nations.
The Iraqi Dinar will not gain much value, contrary to speculations of many people. Federal Reserve notes, Euro banknotes and other banknotes will be widely accepted until they are phased out within a few months and new money is printed.
All fair business agreements, contracts and responsibilities worldwide will be kept valid and will be respected. Those business agreements that involve criminal or fraudulent interactions with the Cabal will be canceled, null and void.
Multinationals will be obliged to buy back their shares and this will effectively force them to go bankrupt. They will be split up and healthy portions of those companies will be nationalized in their own countries.
The existence of Global Settlement funds will be then introduced to the public. Those funds include about $ 70 trillion from old money patriots connected to the Positive Military, $ 100 trillion from White Dragon Society and Templar groups, $ 120 trillion from the Resistance Movement and $ 10 trillion from the Saint Germain Trust.
Global Settlement funds will also include all money and assets from the Cabal. Global Settlement funds will be used for many purposes. First, all national, public and private debt will be paid off worldwide. After that, all people will receive restitution for all theft and criminal activity against them by the former Cabal.
Then prosperity funds will be released and humanitarian, environmental and new advanced technology projects funded. Part of the money from the Saint Germain Trust will go directly to Lightworkers. The rest of it will fund projects connected to the introduction of the First Contact.
Posted By Cobra On Saturday, April 28, 2012
Financial life after The Event will be vastly improved now that the bonds of debt illegally imposed by the Cabal are removed. Every person on the planet will have funds available for improving their lives. Many businesses will embrace the new technologies which are described in that section of this website. Banks could possibly reinvent themselves into financial planning centers as shown below. Sustainable housing, which is homes that supply their own water, heat, cooling, and allow you to grow their own food, while remaining affordable, will holistically be fitted to their surroundings. A 3-5 hour workday will suffice for most everyone who chooses employment. Those who choose to spend time raising a family will be able to do so without the financial stress associated with the old system of debt, interest, high prices and excessive taxes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How did we get into this situation?
A: Here’s a fun graphic that you can use as a guide to check out some of the more nefarious folks in our history dating from the 1500’s. Type the word “conspiracy” after entering them into a search engine and see if doesn’t resonate to what will be broadcast when the “EVENT” begins.
- Will money deposited in banks that fail be remitted to me after The Event?
- Yes, so long as you obtained the funds legally.
- What about my job?
Most businesses will continue to operate, however the individual work loads will be drastically reduced. Due to the release of funds to all of humanity and the corresponding introduction of advanced technologies, the new economy will be huge and vibrant. While it’s ramping up, you’ll have the added benefits of reduction of debt along with money paid out to you through the Global Settlement funds.
- How much money will I get?
- About $100k USD for every adult person on the planet.
- Q. Will I lose money in the stock market crash.
- That depends on the viability of the stock that you own. All public companies are all going to turn themselves into private sector operations. The Cabal-owned operations will either be nationalized, or closed down.
- Which companies will fare the best in the new economy?
- That’s hard to say, but let’s talk first about the ones that are both big and are producing really old technology products and services. Demand for pharmaceuticals will drop significantly. So will industries associated with healthcare. But that’s not to say they can’t reinvent themselves like the banks may do in the graphic shown above. “Almost free” energy devices will come online fairly rapidly, which will obsolete utilities and internal combustion engines. Again, any of these businesses may come up with ways to stay viable. It’s a matter of how fast management can adjust. Fossil fuels will fairly rapidly become a thing of the past.
The first thing I’m going to buy is a hand-held “almost free” energy device. Can’t hardly wait for that one. Check out both the new technology and healing sections on this site for some other really awesome stuff.
- Shouldn’t I be scared of all these changes?
- Nobody is going to be hungry, nobody is going to be wanting for healthcare, nobody is going to be homeless if they don’t choose to be, and nobody is going to get burnt out trying to make ends meet.
How’s it sounding so far?
- What about wars?
- We’re done with them. There will never be another one.
- What about the military-industrial complex?
- Personally, I think they’ll transition into great construction organizations.
- Who are you?
- My name is Jeffrey, and just like you, I’m in the process of finding out who I really am, and what our true nature and power is like here on this unbelievably beautiful planet. For the record, I’m 63 years old, and have a wealth of experience in the business world.
By Rob Potter
The Event will come suddenly!
The Planetary Leadership Group is dedicated to everyone who is inspired to aid the planet in a nonviolent transition to a New Society. Our efforts are based on faith in the power of Love and an instinctive knowing that freedom from tyranny is our right as sovereign beings.
We are committed to creating peace and harmony for all of humanity. The Prepare for Change Network is dedicated to all people, including lightworkers, infrastructure personnel, media professionals and the entire population of the world. We hope this collaborative effort will help all aspects of the world’s political and social infrastructure during these major coming changes.
The membership of this group is worldwide. We are confident that the information we are receiving from our intuition, insiders within the world’s police forces and the benevolent higher spiritual leaders is all correct.
This information indicates that we have a worldwide conspiracy of long- standing corruption and greed that must end. This information indicates imminent drastic measures that will ensure real and permanent change and healing for all life on our beleaguered planet.We have the power within us to bring peace to this world.
Know that you also have this power within your soul and you must use it. Do not despair, do not give up hope and do not give in to hate, fear or apathy. PREPARE FOR CHANGE. BE THE CHANGE! We hope you will commit yourself to action in service to Light, Love and Truth.
Leadership Mission Statement
By Rob Potter
Our mission is to advise and support the existing leadership of the world’s various governments to understand what is happening globally at the time of The Event. This is not a local event, but rather one that encompasses our entire planet with numerous steps in the process of positive change. We intend that this website will be a catalyst to prepare self-appointed volunteers to act as advisors and provide support for maintaining peace and order within their communities, during and directly after The Event. To do this, we have decided on Four Sections to our Mission:
- Protocols for disseminating “The Community Leaders Brief”.
- The Background to The Event, and The Event itself.
- Lists of those in positions of influence whom we feel are pertinent to a peaceful transition and who will benefit by receiving this information from you the informed Light-working people.
- Training suggestions for those who feel called upon to take up this work and distribute this information to the leadership of the world’s life-supporting infrastructure.
Mission Goals
The primary goal is advising community leaders to encourage people to be calm and to maintain the status quo of societal infrastructure during The Event. The most important aspect will be to ensure there is no fearful, drastic reaction by the political leaders to the mass arrests.
We will help the populace to remain calm with good and informed help, and by providing inside intelligence about the current plans for change using this website, which will be updated with the most current material available. For obvious reasons, inside information and details will not be revealed until the related actions occur. Throughout the changes this website will continue to focus on the peaceful, harmonious change into a happier, healthier world.
During The Event itself whenever it comes we, the self-appointed volunteers, will be able to offer our local, state, and national political infrastructure the patient, compassionate, and responsible answers they will need to understand exactly what is transpiring!
To be effective, we must walk our talk to those in positions of power during The Event itself. We must be calm, non-threatening and helpful. We will present them with a series of all-inclusive “Community Leaders Briefs” to explain that The Event is a peaceful and necessary action, not a military coup or reason for fear.
We can explain that this is simply a sweep of the world’s police forces to round up criminals involved in racketeering on a global scale. No hope martial law will be declared, and no restriction of movement upon the people will be required. We will encourage those in positions of power to be of real help by using their authority to maintain the life-supporting infrastructure to the community that they represent.
Of primary importance is the uninterrupted supply of water to the community. We will ask that all such vital systems that are essential to everyday modern life continue to run smoothly. We expect that gasoline, propane, transportation, electrical power grid and communication companies remain open and online, that hospitals and emergency responders are fully functional for those in need of such assistance. We also will encourage the orderly distribution of food to all that seek it.
We want peace and harmony, not violence or over-reaction by any police forces. We will ask that law enforcement show restraint and not resort to violence. We will have plans to assure them that their calm reaction and leadership will ensure that no rioting or over-reaction to the situation by their constituents will occur.
We will buttress their staff and support teams with knowledge and sympathy. We will not challenge their positions of authority. We will wait patiently to be invited to the table to share our information in simple and plain language with no agenda or fear. We will be transparent and honest. We will not proclaim to know the whole plan or to be experts. We will only steadfastly present ourselves as concerned citizens, committed to a peaceful transition, who have been apprised of this action beforehand, and we are offering our support for education and advice.
To ensure this process is successful and peaceful, this website will provide packages of information (“Community Leaders Briefs”) to be disseminated to those in positions of power, by those self-appointed volunteers who are called to do so. This material can be studied or actually given as hard copies.
Introduction to the Four Sections
We are self-educating. There are no rules here, and since no one knows the hour of liberation, we suggest that you meditate, study, and prepare, as soon as your life permits. Allow the curve of spiritual development to guide you in this process.
This EVENT will happen not on our time, or your time, but the right time. If you do not have a copy of these pages with you, please study and remember the “training” part of this page and let Love and compassion be your guide. If you are not sure what we are presenting here, do not be afraid to ask, to learn, and to study.
Do not act, unless your spirit is strong and you feel confident even if you feel good about this but still have doubts. At the time of The Event, print a copy of the “Community Leaders Brief” and leave it anonymously, or give it to someone better suited, whom you feel may do a good job presenting it.
For those of you who choose to participate and are called to action to aid this group’s mission, we have protocols for you to study and directives we hope you will abide by in approaching your local governance at the time of The Event. Above all, remain peaceful and kind in your demeanor when trying to share your knowledge.
Section One: The Protocols to Disseminate the “Community Leaders Brief”
We have chosen our protocols based on the eternal Principal of Truth. Throughout the universe, this is a primary virtue, recognized throughout all time and space by beings of Love in the Light of Truth. These are the lessons and qualities of soul that you take with you after you leave the world of flesh and blood. As you abide in these truths, these truths will abide in you.
- Loyalty Be loyal to the mission of peaceful nonviolent change,the principals you know in your heart and the purpose of our mission. Be loyal to yourconvictions regardless of what others say!
- Patience Be patient with those in positions of power with whom you are trying to connect. Understand they are busy. Realize they have no clue about what is really going on! They have filters to gain personal access to them, and this may take some time. Be patient with others who are serving along side of you in this mission.
- Honesty Be honest in your dealings and impeccable in your word, and remember you are representing the positive and benevolent forces. Do not over promote your authority to appear more knowledgeable. Always speak the truth, as far as you know it and feel it in your heart.
- Perseverance Do not give up! Hold fast to the wheel, and you will weather the storm. Do not engage in controversy. Do not let a disrespectful dismissal of your person dissuade you from your appointed task. Keep in mind the importance of your mission. Seek strength from within.
- Compassion Have compassion for those who are trying to deal with the spiraling sense of fear and chaos that may be looming on the horizon. Imagine if you had no idea what was transpiring, and how you might feel in the same situation. Realize their burden and help them carry the load.
- Restraint Try to not indulge yourself in your personal desire or self-serving agendas. Keep to the straight and narrow path. Keep your personal battles and prejudices off the negotiating table. Treat leaders with respect €“ even if they do not return it to you. Be careful not to take responsibility you are not prepared for or not trained to handle.
- Equanimity Remain calm. Remember the universe and all life must be balanced. Hold your center and project the calm in the eye of the storm that is within your heart. Do not presume to know everything about The Event because you do not. You know this is about Love, and this about truth. Let this calm presence guide your words and actions as well as your demeanor.
- Courage Have no fear. Do not let your mind wander into doubt or hesitate. This effort is important. Your efforts and actions may actually save lives! Do not throw caution to the wind or be reckless. Have the courage and know you are more prepared than those to whom you speak and do not be intimidated by their “Office.” However, be careful not to take responsibility you are not prepared for, or are not trained to handle.
- Humility We must respect the views and experiences of others and we cannot exude arrogance or a know-it-all attitude with the public servants we hope to influence. Nor can we presume that those in power will not receive us well. Our perspective must be presented with humility and this is of vital to our efforts. However real or right we may think we are there are always other viewpoints to be considered. We must remain humble when facing the leaders or those in positions of control. We are not to be meek or allow the importance of our task to be mitigated, but we will achieve better results by being firm in our convictions and respectful of others.
- Temperance Be non-threatening. Temper your message with prudence, and be tactful and not overbearing. Do not ask too much of your contact at once. Let this person digest your information, and try to read and watch for signals of whether the person is actually listening and absorbing what you say or are just trying to mollify you. Re-phrase when necessary.
- Charity Give freely of your yourself and your time to the cause. Give your knowledge and your Love unflinchingly. Give of your time to these leaders and to the actual mission itself. Who is more responsible than you? Devote yourself to the Cause of Peace.
- Faith If you do not have this, it may be difficult for you to be effective in this group. Many of us just know! We do not need proof. We do not need a TV to tell us what to do. We do not need to listen to others. We have faith in the power of good! We have faith in the power of creation/god/the Light within, Love. We walk into the fire of doubt and fear knowing we are eternal beings of Light. We know €“ because we have already been tested in the crucible of time and space; and we know Love is the answer. It opens all doors, and it is our salvation.
- Peaceful Above all else, be nonviolent and non-threatening. We cannot overcome the world’s grave situation by perpetuating that which we want to end. In most situations, reason will rule the day. If your situation is threatening to you or others €“ retreat. If you are forced from an area, do not resist. Remain peaceful. If the leader is inappropriate, that person will be removed sooner than you think. There will be those who are trained and ready for these people, and they will effect their removal in due time. This is the most important goal of our mission. We must respectfully state: if your life is in imminent danger, you have a right to protect yourself. Be careful and invoke the Light!
What Can You Do Before The Event
We are about to enjoy both a nonviolent liberation of the planet along with a bright and beautiful future for ALL of humanity. Since we do not know the exact day, month or year of The Event, it would be wise to follow a few simple rules of precaution:
- Keep an extra two weeks of food and water on hand starting now.
- Make sure you and your loved ones have an up-to-date supply of any medicines that might be required.
- Keep extra cash hidden away at your home.
- Gas up your vehicle when the tank is ½ empty.
- Stay in touch with this website for updates.
- Educate yourself, friends and family members.
- Join one of the 6 task force areas €“ on this website and assist in the liberation of our beautiful planet.
- Get together in groups each Sunday and do the Planetary Liberation Meditation and focus on bringing in The Divine Goddess Energy.
- Be sure to remain calm and centered and to encourage others to do the same they will be looking for answers and you will be able to help them so study and prepare yourself to be of service.
What Is The Event?
The Event will be a moment of breakthrough for the planet which will be on both the physical and non-physical planes.
On the Non-Physical Plane
There will be a big wave or flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun (which is called Alohae in the Pleiadean language) going towards the surface of the planet. It will be a flash or special kind of light from the Sun that permeates the Earth and humanity. It will calm humanity in the light of love energy and end duality. It’s a magnificent energy not seen or felt before on Earth. Everyone on Earth will feel and know something has happened. It will be a surprise as to when it will happen, even for us. It’s never happened before. It may be a major shock to some but for those who are aware of The Event, it will be recognized as positive change whose time has come. This divine flash will trigger spiritual forces, extraterrestrials, the Agarthan Network, the people on Planet X and the Earth-based Resistance Movement to begin to put long-awaited plans into action. These plans are the enforcement of what is known as the Galactic Codex.
Motherships will move into the Earth’s atmosphere invisibly to raise the vibrations of the Earth’s atmosphere and to help the populace acclimatize their consciousness fields as the electronic fence matrix is bought down once and for all time. They will not reveal or announce themselves publicly for quite some time, although there will be increased physical sightings to prepare the world to accept their presence.
On the Physical Plane
- The Earth’s military and police forces will move into action to ensure there is no rioting and to safeguard vital infrastructure from false flag Cabal attacks designed to create panic and fear-based reactions.
- The arrest of the Cabal members who have led the way will be the most significant part of The Event.
- The reset of the Financial System: the entire central banking system and all banks’ computers will be shut down and will not be able to be bought online, so all banks will close until further notice.
- The main media stations will be taken over by civil authorities who will remove censors and Cabal-based programs and agendas.
- Disclosure €“ The release of secret documents and events including ET information will begin some time after the actual event. Many of the world mysteries will be revealed / who killed Kennedy / CIA drug dealing / the true the forces behind all the world wars / ongoing depopulation agendas / HAARP/ vaccinations / Secret Space Program / Mind Control / financial crimes and many, many things that will shock many people!
- The beginning of a new fair financial system with prosperity funds and worldwide trusts for healing the planet will eventually be implemented.
- NEW Government/Political system, Education system, Health care system, History lessons, etc., etc. Awakening of humanity slowly and gradually to the existence of positive non-terrestrial races and our galactic connections.
- Introduction of new advanced technology.
- The techniques for spiritual growth will be shared as we learn who we are and where we come from. We will discern our unique purpose and our life’s path will reveal itself to us individually.
- There will be artifacts bought forward from ancient repositories revealing the truth of man’s interaction with ETs in our recent history. We will understand our cosmic heritage. Ancient sites will unearth spaceships from our past and we will have physical proof of ancient technologies.
- There will be a host of advanced healing technologies released which have been suppressed to keep the Cabal rich and you in suffering. Eventually the present medical system will alter radically in the light of more advanced forms of treatment.
- Free energy devices will be available for your home and car and an end to fossil fuels and other toxic technologies.
- Eventually public trials to expose what has been going on to ensure a mass catharsis of healing and eventual forgiveness / criminals will get desperately needed healing and counseling for their distorted minds.
Keep in mind the details that are given here are most likely NOT an exact description of everything that may happen. However, these are the basic plans, as it is understood at this time. It is indicated that certain aspects of this plan will be enacted. Human freewill plays a central part in this process and the enactment of the plans will be a fluid model that may change hourly to be determined by the progress we make during The Event. This “event” is not intended to be an Earth-type revolution where there are risks taken to innocent people’s lives. It is for this reason that we are called to service to ensure a peaceful transition.
This massive action demands the type of precision that only The Godhead Him/Herself can decide upon. It is time now for everyone on this planet to understand that these future coming changes are NOT in the hands of some mad people who might make wrong decisions that might lead to bloodshed. The coming ‘Event’ will NOT be a bloody revolution. The Event itself is a lawful enforcement of existing planetary laws.
Furthermore, this is also an enforcement of the Galactic Codex. On the day of The Event the entire world will be informed that there is now Peace on Earth, and a return to freedom for the peoples of Earth. We will all need to remain calm and to support this transition process to a non-violent and peaceful society. We will need all the help we can get, from people all over the world to ensure our success.
The world’s current political leadership most likely knows nothing about the intended changes at this time. Very few of the world’s major political criminals and players will still be in positions of influence after The Event. So we must realize the real changes will come from concerned citizens like us who are committed to finding solutions.
After finding answers to the world’s problems we must follow up with actions to manifest the changes in the new society. Be aware, the changes that will come will be fast and powerful. Though much of the long-range plans will be implemented gradually, many things, such as the media stations will be liberated immediately. This will smooth things over and calm people around the world.
For the most part, white hat civil authorities will be given prepared and responsible guidance to leadership €“and this applies also to the general population. This will be through existing forms of media. Newspapers, television, radio, and some websites will be the most effective and comprehensive source of knowledge about what is transpiring. We must support and reinforce these peaceful directives as firmly and as confidently as possible. Rest assured, the people are generally peaceful and well intentioned. Keep in mind the reasons for The Event will not be known by 90% of the world’s people. Nor will they have any idea what is transpiring or why.
Television will reveal the truth to them over time because the forces of light will control the satellites and the communication systems. The few media moguls who secretly own all of the world major media and are in charge of systematic mind control (such as, Murdoch, the Rockefellers and the Rothschild’s) will either be arrested or rendered impotent. Their censors will be removed as civil authorities will be directed to ensure the dissemination of truth from the time of The Event until forevermore.
The Cabal-controlled, script reading, MK Ultra victims also known as ‘talking heads will be replaced by responsible reporters. The satellites will be in control of the Resistance Movement and other supporting forces. The media will give us an honest detailed report of what is going on very soon after the arrest process begins. This will hopefully calm the populace and ensure people are getting the information necessary to help them and their families.
After The Event
The actual arrests of Cabal members is intended to take no more than 72 hours conducted through worldwide action and an enforcement sweep. However, the human element will come into play and the initial arrests may take longer. Still the entire process is expected to last no more than 2 weeks. There may be ongoing arrests of smaller fish in the months that follow! During this two-week time period, the banks will have been closed. Hopefully at this time, the media will have been releasing massive amounts of evidence of the far-ranging criminal actions promulgated by those major players, both known and unknown to the public eye. This will be a relief for many and riveting news for all. Overall this be a strong cause and impetus for change.What will come next is up to humanity as a whole. How fast and how well humanity adapts to the revelations on the world stage in regards to the arrests of these criminals will determine the next stage of our planets growth. There will most certainly be a process of denial, shock and anger over what has been going on. Acts of revenge and violence or acting out will not be tolerated. We hope our group will be instrumental in educating the populace and preventing fear-based reactions and hostile actions by those in their communities!
The following information is presented as a POSSIBLE series of events based on inside information and is not being declared as the actual plans or results of The Event. Humanity collectively will determine our future & the possibilities are limitless!
The sudden drastic changes of The Event will bring turmoil to some and relief to others. The weeping and gnashing of teeth by many is to be expected, but we are strong and we must pick up the pieces of our shattered beliefs and realities. We can reassemble them into the righteous pure expressions of love and beauty that will be a cause for joy. It is expected that many of the old programs of fear of change will persist in many people reactions. Have no fear or apathy in this regard as the victory of light is assured and our planet’s liberation from tyranny is a cause for celebration! We as a whole planet will bring in a bright new era unseen on this world since its creation!
Military Presence
It is hoped that shortly after the arrests the military will be able to stand down and the temporary state of confusion will end. The military and police may have a increased presence initially but there will be orders to remain non violent. Transgressions will be dealt with. It is hoped that the populace will be less prone to over reaction and panic after the electronic fence, Cabal and the media fear machine is rendered inoperative. Your help in this process is vital!
Work and Leadership
The worlds populace will be encouraged to back to work as the plans to restore the governance of the people for the people and by the people proceeds apace. There will most likely be new elections within a short period of time. However the choices of leadership will not be paid for and the election process will be just, transparent in its fairness and honesty. It may be required that you actually attend meetings to learn who and what and who you are voting for! Imagine no more voting by what slogan you hear on TV. It may be possible If you choose not to learn and attend the meetings and learn who and what you are voting for that you do not get to vote. Why have someone just push a button because they like the sound of a name?
After the banks reopen everyone will still have their money. Criminals and banksters and the big boy stock manipulators will find they have no money! These trillions of dollars will be used for good. It is planned that there will be world trusts established to insure the clothing, sheltering and feeding of the worlds homeless. The aged, sick and infirmed will be considered first. The misplaced children and unwanted of the world will find loving families and places will be provided for healing and nurturing of those who have suffered under the old false regimes of the world.
Science will blow the lid off of the repressed ideas and false understanding of physics and we will learn the truth of what has been happening in outer space. Science boards will establish what technologies are harmful and toxic and these will be banned. Alternative solutions will be sought out and chosen by those best suited to the task. Many careers will end and vast changes in the work forces of the world are anticipated.
New Technologies
New technologies will be released that will to create not only free energy but create advanced communication resources world wide. Satellite’s will be repositioned and space debris will be cleared. Wondrous secrets of nature will be revealed to heal many diseases. The truth of why we get ill and how our thoughts create our reality will be taught openly and the causes of many diseases and ills in our societies will be eradicated immediately and many will find an end to pain and suffering rapidly.
We will purify the earth’s elements and the water and the air will be cleansed and healed in time. Huge water projects will commence. Dams will be removed and the water will flow as nature intended it. Vast desalination plants will be built and the desserts will be irragated and mankind will never go thirsty or hungry again.
Old outdated and useless technologies will be recycled as we create sustainable and viable living environments that are in harmony with nature and our fellow life streams. Over time people will realize it is time to get busy and be part of the solution. Many individuals will literally explode with creativity and progress is expected to be very rapid.
Food Production
Toxic food facilities will be retooled to provide healthy local fare their community’s populace. Genetically altered foods will be destroyed. Monsanto and other companies will be closed and those responsible will be dealt with. No more insecticides or pesticides will be allowed. The horrible treatment of animals in slaughterhouses will be outlawed and man will learn the error of his ways and the planet will eventually become vegetarian. The lion will lay down with the lamb.
Trade Unions
Vocational boards and unions in the various technological crafts probably will be established world wide to tackle the issue of retooling our society in the light of the immense freedom of information that will come forward. As the suppressed forms of communication and energy technologies are freely revealed there will be a need for major systems analyses and subsequent plans of action. Civil engineering will be paramount to return the earth to its pristine state. Massive transportation alternatives will be begun and the result will be clean air and less stress for the entire planet. Collectively it will be realized we are stewards of the earth, and the culture will shift dramatically to enact this birthright and responsibility.
New Jobs
The tremendous changes that are needed to make our world sustainable non-toxic and viable will require a complete retooling of our society as we know it. Many companies and jobs will be lost and some of them will end almost overnight. Financial assistance will be given to those who are misplaced. Job placement will be a top priority to insure people have a chance to serve their fellow man in a safe and productive way. The volume of new projects and humanitarian projects will be so vast and far reaching that none will be left without something to do.
The world’s religions will face harsh repercussions as the truth of the teachers whom they claim to represent is revealed. The spiritual core of these messages will remain intact as the revelations of love, truth, harmony and peace that they truly are. The true essence of the spiritual revelations will be magnified. The dogma, dead rituals and control aspects of the Religions will be exposed for the abomination that they are. This will be the cause of much despair amongst the masses of the faithful who have not established a true relationship with the light within. This cannot be avoided, as the creator never intended for any one man, priest or book to act as an interpreter of the living word of god that exists in each of us. Those who have sought to exploit their self appointed positions of authority as “Religious Leaders” for profit power and even fame will see their dominions end rapidly. The real and true essence of the ancient teachings will be reinvigorated as the deceptions and falsehoods of the priesthoods are exposed for what they have done. They repression of ancient scrolls and the true meaning of the great teachers will be explained in their true form. The great messages of wisdom from the ancient and recent past will be bought to the fore. The lineages of light and love that have remained intact and hidden will now continue to flourish in the light of the new day of freedom. There will be new temples built to foster the advanced science of spiritual growth. Glorious places of beauty may manifest where beings will rejoice together and worship God. These will not be religions or secular cults that seek to divide and destroy other peoples by negating other viewpoints. The game of manipulation will be exposed and no one will be able to place themselves above others for control. True spiritual leadership will be evidenced by those who live exemplary lives in balance with themselves, nature and the world around them. Those innocent and sincere seekers and followers of the various faiths will have to learn and grow to take responsibility for their own spiritual growth and not rely on others to tell them what to believe. Most of the innocent faithful followers have sincere intent and a pure desire to do good and these actions have been the power that has kept the priesthoods viable for so long. The entirety of humanity has learned much in the way of truth through the secular Religions despite the malicious perversions instigated by priesthoods. Even the priesthoods themselves are filled with innocent victims of false information and concepts. There will be great strides in the process of spiritual development and these will be taught openly and freely to the world at large.
This may be hard for some people completely programmed by fear and a lack of understanding that we are all one people, but there will be no borders. Immediately after “The Event” borders and checkpoints will come down. There will be no restriction on anybody in the world going anywhere. After all no one owns the earth and there are no lines drawn except on maps and in peoples limited thinking. No more TSA molestations and you can keep your shoes on! If this is too radical for you sorry you will have to get used to it. It is one of the major lies and programs to keep people separated and in fear and this will end.
The lawmakers created the lawbreakers and most laws created under the false political system will be repealed. The common law dictates will be reintroduced into society and taught in a fresh new form and will be a cause for joy. The prison systems will be ended as they exist now and most people will be released immediately. Some prisoners will need counseling and they will be rehabilitated. Programs to reinstate them into society after they are healed of their destructive tendencies will be welcomed by all.
Monetary System
The financial world will see changes so dramatic that it will bring a sigh of relief from everyone everywhere. Except perhaps for those who have made their way unfairly at the expense of others. Stock markets will close forever and companies will be forced to buy back their stock. Many companies and most banks will cease to exist in their current form. There will be no more credit cards. An open honest and transparent financial system backed by real gold is the first step. Then as the madness of money itself is exposed and the success of the universal economic system is implemented people will heal. As we learn the proper relationship to the finacial life the actual use of money will eventually be replaced by a credit system. This means you will not have to carry money around. This is not the NWO version of control as this will be an open system monitored and violators will be expunged from positions of responsibility immediately. The new system will not be allowed to be tampered with. It is hoped that by the time of its implementation most of humanity will be healed from the old ways that created the sickness of desire for material wealth. The fear of lack and insecurity, which bred the illnesses of theft and greed, will have been healed.
The worlds taxation systems, which are another form of repression and control to oppress the peoples of the earth will be eradicated very soon after The Event. They have been used to finance our destruction and the funds will be put to better use after The Event.There are plans to have a sales tax on all newly purchased items. It has been suggested this will be around %15 but this will be worked on and agreed upon as we move forward with these changes. Humanity will realize that the real goal of life in not accumulation of physical gold but in realizing the alchemical process of transmuting themselves into instruments of divine will and love. By helping others and serving toward the community’s happiness and success it will be seen we all achieve as one.
New Wages
There is a strong possibility there will be no longer vast differences in financial remunerations. In other words there may be a limit on how much a person may earn in relation to another. It does not serve the laws of balance to have someone in one part of the world earning 2000 times what another earns for their time. Right now the discrepancy between earners is in some cases in the millions!
Unlimited Abundance
Innovation and prosperity and abundance will be encouraged and celebrated. There will be no limit to luxury and the quality. Art and Music, Science and education itself will see entire paradigm shifts and this will create a sense of purpose and hope for the worlds populace. These are only some possible scenarios that may develop after The Event. Many of these possibilities and proposed changes may take many years! The statements here and are not intended to be declarations of plans for the New Society. The ideas presented here may seem like a fantasy to some, paradise to others and even hell on earth to a few. Our intent is not to dictate what will happen but to Prepare you for some the POSSIBLE changes that may occur. Certain aspects of the above article will transpire eventually. The exact details and timelines for these expected changes is unknown and this is article is based on my years of study and preparation for the Victory of The Light!
Whom Do You Contact?
Realistically speaking, your mission for contacting world leaders has already begun. Practice for The Event everyday; and contact anyone and every one who has ears to hear and eyes to see. Let your heart be invested in this practice and learn what words, what information, you share does shut people down. Try to bring the information through clearly and concisely as possible. Do not get discouraged that you are not up to the task.Anyone in a position of power and responsibility who will listen to you. You do not have to “shoot the moon.” Sometimes, the right person can pass your message along; and you may receive an invitation at a later date.
- The local town leader, a mayor, or even a city council member may be just the person you need. Use your local knowledge of choosing whom you will reach out to first.
- County boards (such as water districts) may be quite accessible and easily reached. Your influence may make the difference.
- School boards, teachers and principals may be helpful in providing safe havens €“in case of chaos in certain populations: do not be afraid to educate the educators.
- Utility companies gas, electricity, and water must be kept running. If these fail, do not be afraid to contact the responsible parties in your area.
- City Hall. This will include all the city’s infrastructure (such as city works). Please let them know what is going on. You may find a knowing and helpful ear.
- Food- Talk to the managers of the local stores. Remind them that the people will need to eat €“even though this is a short time period during the immediate transition. Their help is needed to maintain, as far as possible, the reasonable and fair distribution of food. Being present in the parking lots with leaflets will dissuade people from panicking and stealing.
- Communication centers; this may be hard to do but perhaps local experts can be contacted and radio hams and and other forms of communication can be prepared for use in The Event of power losses. Research and preparedness are the keys here.
- Law Enforcement Last, but certainly not least, is the importance of communicating to law enforcement this situation. This will be one of your most important efforts, as the membership takes its lead from the leader. This group often chooses this profession not out of a desire to serve but out of a desire to control. You will need all of your tools and contacts to be effective here. Remember to whom you are talking. When choosing your representatives for this task, choose a messenger who is free of
a criminal past, or known as a troublemaker. Have compassion; and remember to exercise caution and encourage them to do the same. Let them know you are actually working with “Special Forces of law enforcement” and you are acting as their liaisons to local governance to prevent lawlessness. Encourage preventative police action that is respectful of people’s rights to assemble peacefully. Show them the Community Leaders Briefs as proof that you knew that this was coming. It may help!
Training Suggestions
Be Inspired: We hope you will be inspired and learn here; and we hope you will take initiative become a leader in your own town, village, hamlet, city, county, state, or even country. We will encourage you to set up meetings for group meditation and to discuss these ideas and to encourage others to Prepare For Change.
Weekly Meetings: We recommend weekly meetings in person or even by social media and conference-call networking. Anything and everything that works should be included. All sincere voices should be heard. Avoid power struggles within your group. Please follow our Protocols. Role-Play: Be sure to practice and role-play amongst yourselves. Test yourselves as to the nature of the content of your message and the purpose of our mission. Remember to prioritize the message. Present the Community Leaders Brief as you are comfortable with the contents. If you are not confident in the mission, or the package contents, perhaps this is not the group for you. We want LEADERS who are self assured and able to embody these Protocols when it counts. Be Aware of Stress: Be aware when training or practicing your approach, that these leaders will be stressed and it may be difficult to even find them or get through the layers of security around these people. Use persuasion and be tactful. Any personal contacts within your group should be exploited €“when it is possible, or feasible and practical to get near these individuals who control areas of the infrastructure we wish to contact. Always encourage them to maintain the status quo and be responsible leaders. Approach in Groups: We will ask you to approach these leaders these authorities in positions of power in groups. Have a leader who knows the Protocols. This is probably most important. Hold a candle-light vigil, or some other peaceful non-threatening type of attention-grabbing action, if you are rebuffed. You can be creative but non- threatening, if you cannot get an official audience. Use the Renaissance Group or humor; and don’t be afraid to use an underling with access to the corridor of power. Be patient, be firm, be honest. Teach your group these principles and be your brother’s keeper. Watch over each other. Do not let emotions or self-importance rule your approach. Under your tutelage, responsible local leadership can refuse directives in the chain-of-command that violate our Protocols and are obviously against liberty and justice for all. You may or may not get through, but your efforts will help, nonetheless. Take Your Message to the People: If all else fails take your message to the streets and the people. Speak on a soapbox use a megaphone but be kind and come from heart spaces of Love! You will succeed!
We Need Your Help
We know there will be many different cultures involved. So, this must be addressed when considering this body of information as well as the goal of worldwide dissemination. Please consider all these pages to be worthy for your suggestions.
There are so many different political systems and hierarchies, we cannot possibly take them all into account at this time. Think of resources in your area.
Contribute Your Insights: We know there will be many different cultures involved. So, this must be addressed when considering this body of information as well as the goal of worldwide dissemination. Please consider all these pages to be worthy for your suggestions. There are so many different political systems and hierarchies, we cannot possibly take them all into account at this time.
We sincerely pray, and know that many of you have valuable and different perspectives to add to this work. We humbly ask you to submit your positive additions to our work.
We have faith that this will be done by those who are called. We know many intelligent Light Workers the world over can do this. Is it you? Truth Bank: With your help, this website will become a resource and a bank of truth that all may withdraw from for free.
It will be backed by the gold of your pure alignment to the mighty word of your spirit source I AM within. Let your pure mind speak the whole truth; and let your loving thoughts be shared with us all. Please feel free to make your deposits anonymously or not. Our council will screen these additions for content to insure the ideas are in harmony with our protocol’s.
Comments / Questions: We realize that our effort here is not complete. We have a place here for comments. The “Comments” page will be screened for content. We will not tolerate trolls or haters here. Words of encouragement and of a positive nature will be allowed.
Sincere queries and honest questions will be answered or directed to other sources for edification. Please keep your questions on topic and directed to the content of the planetary leadership group only or we may not post it. If we decide not to post it, we will tell you why.
Submissions Page: We welcome constructive criticism; and those with good intentions will be heard. We have a Submissions Page for those individuals who wish to aid in the establishment of benevolence and truth upon our world. We encourage you to submit well thought- out additions to our work.
For those whose submissions do keep in mind our Protocols; these people may have their submissions or parts of them added for all to see. If our Planetary Leadersip Group consensus agrees, these submissions may be added to our final product.
For those who submit articles or papers here, please understand that this site is free to everyone; and there will be no copyright to the material submitted here.
Continued Self-Study: These prepared briefs will be divided into 3 phases, as the revelation of humanities origins and our extended families influence will most likely not be wise to discuss or be required in the early phases, but it will, after the mass arrest enforcement and The Event.
We will ask, whenever possible, that our groups approach the leaders in charge with compassion. It is important that our groups follow the Protocols at this website that have been established for contact with their communities leaders. These Protocols have been carefully selected to ensure, as far as humanly possible, that you will receive a positive reaction. We are sure, if you follow these guidelines, you will meet with success.
Conclusion; Again, if you are not sure what we are presenting here, do not be afraid to ask, to learn, and to study. Do not act, unless your spirit is strong and you feel confident even if you feel good about this but still have doubts. At the time of The Event, print a copy of the “Community Leaders Brief” and leave it anonymously, or give it to someone better suited, whom you feel may do a good job presenting it.
Justice Will Arrive in a Flash
Some have seen and believe. There are others are who are blessed who have not seen and still believe. Judge this tree of knowledge by the fruit. We call for Peace, and for Love, and for Honesty on our world. By the Light of Truth, we will have it.
Rise up now for no one but we, ourselves, can break these shackles that hold our minds in fear. Do not be paralyzed! You must act for truth now, today, this very minute! Hold in your heart the source of all that is good, and beautiful, and true. Your intent, your willful action to do good, will resonate and the universe will respond. God speed to you all!
With Love and Peace unto
All Victory To the Light,
Rob Potter
I am willing to help in any way I can
I love hearing this .
Fabulous. Well researched and written. I’m eagerly awaiting the next update.
Aaron, used to have meetup groups in person but most people did not consistently meet for the 8 years since I wrote this until now. Now, most of the networking is online except fr global meditation efforts. However, I suggest you go to the site and look around to see if you are inspired to contribute in some way to this team effort.
Perhaps by yourself be a stabilizing force and share whatever you feel is worthy in my articles with others.
Will read tomorrow
I saw a line that popped out at me
We need you contribution if you cone from a different culture just popped
Am in the uk , but family who for an entire year and half , two refuse to accept any of
my information.
I knew about Hitler very much like you …was walking out of the house in london when I heard in the background the tv …aman screaming at two others from different countries at an EU summit and he said
You must yield to the German chancellor ..merkle ..
I walked out …no Hitler connection yet but I was outside and I stoped and I said out loud ..www2 is not over Hitler said …we will win the war not with guns but by taking over their economy …it was longer but
That was what I just now calling my first activation
Thank you Osama I have received your order expect it soon. Much amazing information we are all connected. The activations are coming quickly now.
Thank you Kelly some new video to come out soon!
I wrote this long ago but these are some pop the possible plans moving forward. I chose not to talk about the ET factor here but more people are aware of it now. Thank you
I loved your message of hope, but I am also very worried about the likes of Klauss Schwab and his great reset. This would lead to complete misery for all, and there would be no point living. Will it be two powers trying to get the upper hand, good against evil, how will it play out. Meanwhile I will still hope, Thank you Angela
God and the forces of light have another plan its time people take responsibility and dethrone these unhuman monsters. Arrests would be nice
Amazing bright future and my heart leaps for joy in reading all this. I have always felt I didn’t belong in a world like this on earth. Intuition? I am learning so much and it all makes sense.
Count me in, even though i am 71 years old I am positive happy and excited for this utopia change to take place. To see the earth live in harmony and work side by side to bring health, happiness and joy to all humans as it should’ve been from the beginning.
so glad you feel this way. we must first go through the tribulation period. but the principles of sovereignty freedom brotherhood liberty and justice are universal. god bless thank you