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Dear Promise Friends,

This Interview is very dear to my heart as I have been involved with the Pleaideans since 1975.I was experiencing multiple contact with Various Pleideans throuohgt my life. Britt elders was one of the 4 primary investigators of the most documented case of UFO face to face contact in the recent history of the earth. The amount of knowledge is incredible and will sooner that later be regular reading for most people of the earth to understanding the true history of the earth and the fact we are not alone never have been alone and never will be alone. 

Britt Elders was very kind to allow me to interview her. She is one of the original investigators in the most well documented contact cases in modern day history period. Her gentle and very inteligent spirit shines in this interview. She allowed way more time and indulged me in my quest for knowledge. 

Billy Meir

Blilly Meir is the most profound contactee in modern day  history. It is going to be hard for anyone to comprehend the amount of knowledge and spiritual awareness he has. He has probably had well over 1000 face to face contacts with many differenet extra terrestrial races. His humility and  his pure spiritual knowledge is transcendant he is adhering to a spiritual protocols of non ego and  humility. 

Billy gives and shares his experiences and  informatin freely. He does not make money or seek the limelight. He has well over 25 direct attacs on his life. He is now 87 years old and continues to gather knowledge. He has been transported back into the past, he has traveled to other galaxies and his knowledge is fathomless. I will suggest you go here to download his contact note here Meirs contact notes and much more this is a must read for all.

As with any contactee he has his own filters and shares certain things based on his own perceptions. His soul was prepared for many lifetimes. I wish to thank Billy and his group of individuals from F. I. G. U. Silver Star Center in Switzerland. Wether these attempts are by govt silence groups agents or just fanatical individuals motivated by religion or  hate, jealousy and envy is not important. The fact that TRUTH is being attacked. 

Billy does not seek fame or fortune and is the man I would most like to meet ! Please note UFO Contact from The Pleides Volume # 00002 image from the book given to me by colonel Wendelle Stevens who in my opinon was one of the finest rearchers of our time.  God bless Billy his team Wendelle Stevens (RIP) Lee Elders (RIP)  Britt Elders Thomas Welch and Jim Dilletoso  who is one of the most profound technological metaphysicians I have ever met….. along with Fred Bell.

Wendelle sent me this book ufo contact from the pleiades vol I just two weeks befre he passed to the other side of life. see image below Billy Meir owns Book # oooo1


Author name: Brit Elders


The Beautiful Britt Elders                         Cover of The New Contact from The Pleides Part I-II

Billy Meirs contact notes and much more this is a must read for all


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Book description-

For the first time—forty-five years after their original publication—the two photo-journal volumes of UFO…Contact from the Pleiades are combined in one book for a modern audience, with a new foreword written by Shirley MacLaine, a prologue written by Mexican UFOlogist Jamie Maussan, and a new introduction and preface written by Brit Elders.

This photo-journal presents the unique contact case of a Swiss farmer, Billy Meier, who claims to have met with the Pleiadians hundreds of times, compiling many layers of evidence including notes on their conversations, hundreds of photographs, movie footage, audio recordings of the craft, landing tracks of the spaceships, dozens of witnesses, and even metal samples of the craft itself. The quality and amount of evidence was convincing, making this unlike any case previously seen. 

UFO…Contact from the Pleiades takes the reader back to a time before home computers, digital photography and easily accessible photo enhancement programs. Yet the evidence—analyzed in laboratories around the world—could not be easily dismissed and supported the claims of the contactee, Billy Meier. The breath taking images, profound words of the Pleiadians, and the extensive investigation that spanned seven years are as relevant today as they were forty-five years ago. 

Author Bio: Brit Elders is an investigative author and documentary filmmaker who traveled the world exploring a variety of topics including the mysterious world of UFOs. She has participated in several in-depth investigations, including the Billy Meier case and the waves of UFO sightings in Mexico, which began in 1991 and continue today. The CEO of, Brit continues to research and write for herself and others.



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