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The Vast Venus Conspiracy pt 2

Dear Friends,

My Dear Friend “Cosmic Ray” who is coming to the conference From Venus With Love in Mt Shasta this summer is in the process of writing 3 books.

See Invitation to conference by clicking this link :


His current trilogy about Venus is becoming more popular day by day. He is sharing with me exclusive first releases on his ongoing articles and research in our neighboring sister planet.

As a physical contactee with several journeys to Venus an ongoing repeated physical contact experiences his stories are sweet warm and enlightening. Please enjoy all of these articles and share as widely as possible.




The Vast Venus Conspiracy, Part II

By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. the “Cosmic Ray,” author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising trilogy (Headline Books, Terra Alta, West Virginia,

Dr. Raymond Keller, the Venus expert, wonders why the space powers of Earth have sent 43 probes to Venus- that we know of- at a cost in countless billions of dollars.  If Venus is the “hell hole” they want us to believe it is, then why weren’t most of these spacecraft redirected toward Mars or some other planet?  Think about it.  See


          Venus, alternatively known as the “Morning and the Evening Star,” being the third brightest celestial object to grace our skies, and coming in behind only the Sun and the Moon, has often served as the muse for artists, poets, scientists and many other seekers of illumination.  Here in the Western Hemisphere, we have come to learn of legends from the indigenous peoples of both Central and South America about gods descending to Earth from the Morning Star.  These celestial deities brought the Native Americans in these geographic areas diverse knowledge concerning agriculture, the arts, astronomy, medicine, etc.  Venus, being the second planet out from the Sun in its orbital path, is approximately the same size as the Earth, being only some 300 miles less in its diameter.  And being the closest planetary neighbor to our world, Venus has naturally become the focus of speculation down through the countless millennia of human history as being an abode of life similar, in many ways, to the biological forms that have evolved here on Earth.  This would include humankind.

          By the early 1980s, however, the two greatest military powers of Earth,  the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, had devoted significant resources in fabricating and sending robotic space probes to our sister planet.  These spacecraft radioed back signals to monitoring stations in their respective countries of origin reporting that it was just too hot on the surface of Venus for any kind of life, at least as we have come to know it, to exist there.  The temperature on Venus allegedly exceeds 800 degrees Fahrenheit.  That high of a reading also indicates that lead would literally melt on the surface of Venus.  Additionally, the Venus probes from the two superpowers supposedly indicated an atmospheric pressure at nearly 100 times greater than that of Earth.  The thick atmosphere itself, according to the data relayed back from the probes, was laden with sulfuric acid. 

          Many reputable scientists on Earth, from all countries, began to question this data.  Based on their own optical astronomical observations, radar, radio spectroscopy, and high altitude balloon instrumentation readings obtained of Venus, they began to suspect that the space agencies of both the Soviet Union and the United States were not being truthful about the information on Venus that they were really garnering from the probe ships.  There were just too many discrepancies in the data secured from the probes and the already accumulated base of knowledge concerning Venus assiduously collected over time from Earth-based observation, experimentation and data analysis.  Initially, the public at large was disappointed with the probe findings; and this disappointment later turned into a type of complacency.  Lethargy with regard to Venus research just set it.  But then, as news of scientific objections to the reported findings of the American and Soviet probes emerged, more and more people worldwide began to suspect the existence of a vast and systematic cover-up of the probe data collected directly from the cloud-shrouded planet of Venus.  Anything discovered about Venus which would support the existence of life there, even as we know it, was being suppressed on the orders of the powers-that-be.  How long could this outrage be permitted to stand?

Soviet postage stamp commemorates the Venus landers.

Soviet Venera 13 and 14 Probes Land on Venus

        On 1 March 1982, the Soviet Venera 13 soft landed on Venus in a suspected region of volcanic activity.  Following this successful landing, on 5 March 1982, another Soviet probe, Venera 14, also soft landed on Venus a few hundred miles distant from the Venera 13 site.  However, and this is a big “however,” and that being there was a dramatic change in the landing procedures.  Both space craft separated from their parachutes at 41 kilometers above the Venusian surface.  That would be about 130,000 feet over Venus, whence the probes initiated landing by a process of aerodynamic breaking only.  Now it should be noted that both of these Venera probes had been substantially reconfigured from previous unmanned vehicles sent to the cloudy planet.  This time each of the spherical-shaped probes was capped with a sombrero-like aerodynamic shield.  This device served the purpose of slowing down the descent of the probe through the Venusian atmosphere. 

Need for the Shield

        A prominent writer on space exploration, with access granted to the control room at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, commented that, “The dense atmosphere obviously would have made it otherwise impossible to bring these probes down to the ground by parachute.  But, in my estimation, here is where the conflict begins.”  Drawing on his expertise in covering such space matters, the writer noted that, “According to information released from all the earlier US and USSR Venus probes over the past 15 years, all of these probes that succeeded in landing on the planet used the 100% parachute landing technique.” 

The expert was wishing to remain anonymous.  Without a doubt, he would have been denied future access to the JPL control room had he been identified as the one who “spilled the beans” about this discrepancy in landing protocols.  But he continued with his explanation, saying that, “This indicates that all of our earlier probes never got there; and the data released was fabricated, unless Venus is, indeed, much like the Earth.” 

Wow.  What a concession.  Little by little the truth is outed. 

An analysis of the two Soviet spacecraft indicated a spherical shape under a sombrero-like covering.  This was a crucial piece of information in understanding the true nature of the Venera missions.  “But how so?”…. you may be thinking. 

Our space specialist surmised that, “The sombrero looks suspiciously like an electromagnetically-propelled device which would not be in need of a parachute descent on any planet.  This, in my opinion, would also explain why these probes got to Venus much faster than by solid or liquid fuel rocket propulsion.”  My own research into these probes indicates that the Venera 13 was launched on 31 October 1981, with the Venera 14 going up on 4 November 1981, both going up from the same facility of the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.  The two spacecraft did, indeed, reach the cloudy planet Venus in record time. 

Atmospheric Findings Held Back

By June of 1982, the world scientific community was anxiously awaiting information about the content of the Venusian atmosphere garnered from the two probes.  This data was in possession of the Soviet Academy of Sciences; but the directorate of the organization was refusing all requests for a release of the findings of the atmospheric studies.  They claimed that they had not finished with the project.  A spokesman for the scientific body did state, however, that, “The water content in the thick Venus clouds was about 0.1 percent by weight.”  Unfortunately, he would add nothing more.

There were also some special instruments designed for searching out lightning discharges, of which there seem to be an overabundance on Venus.  But there was something odd about this, too.  Scientists were dismayed that lightning could be found anywhere on Venus.  After all, how could lightning exist in an atmosphere supposedly loaded with clouds of sulfuric acid?  I’m not a space scientist, but I do know a little something about electricity.  And I think that the strong presence of sulfuric clouds would be considered as self-grounding.  The existence of such lightning storms seems so Earth-like.  I can imagine all of the scientists outside of the various space agencies just scratching their heads about this.  They are probably thinking to themselves, “Can I really believe anything coming out about Venus from the Soviets or the Americans?  What are they trying to pull over our eyes?”

Hot Times on Venus

Some of the other equipment installed onboard the probes had been built for the express purpose of detecting volcanism on Venus.  Naturally, any such heat-seeking devices would steer the vehicles away from the colder areas of Venus, those parts of the planet covered by mountain lakes or drifting snow, the effect being one of lowering the ambient temperature of these localized landmasses to a significant degree.  In the case of the heat-seeking probes, they would have missed these cooler sections of the planet completely, which is exactly what Venera 13 and 14 did, arriving in an expansive area peppered with volcanoes. 

In any event, the Soviet team apparently succeeded in finding active volcanism with their probes, for a spokesperson for the group declared that, “evidence in reference to open volcanic activity on Venus” had been detected by the two Venera craft.  Just imagine, if you would, a space probe sent to Earth from some alien world being guided over the active Bezymianny volcano on the Kamchatka peninsula far eastern Russia.  This geological feature is located at 56.07N 160.72E with a summit elevation of 2,800 meters above sea level.  Any measurements taken of the soil, air and temperature near the top of such an active volcano would certainly parallel any information that was coming back from Venus with the Venera probes in a similar region. 

I remember when editing the New Millennial Star of Hilmar, California, and as I was writing an article about volcanism on Venus, I drew a cartoon for the cover page that had a Venusian scout ship towing an incoming space probe from Earth over the rim of an active volcano and away from a beautiful towering crystal city off in the distance, nestled in the midst of a snow-capped mountain range.  Naturally, Venus is no more completely covered by volcanoes than the Earth is.  Nevertheless, after this Soviet success in landing two spacecraft on Venus in March 1982, the Houston Space Center released a report to the United Press International announcing that, “Russians find surface of Venus like volcanic soil.”  To the casual reader, most likely unaware that Venus is a globe nearly as large as the Earth, he or she might erroneously assume that these findings applied to all of Venus.  What we see here is just another obfuscation of the facts by NASA, again surely living up to its acronym of Never A Straight Answer, at least when it comes to the question of life on Venus, or any other planets.

Dr. Hal Masursky of the United States Geological Survey took note that of the two soil samples gathered by the Soviet Venus probes, the analysis of both rendered similar results.  The American scientist was privy to reading the report by Soviet astrobiologist, Dr. V. L. Barsukov, who stated that the surface samples from the Venera 13 and 14 were “very similar in chemical make-up to basalt, the volcanic rock commonly found on Earth” (See Barsukov, V.L. et al., 1982, “Geochemical studies of Venus surface by Venera 13 and Venera 14 spacecrafts,” in Russian, Geokhimia, 7, 899-919).  Dr. Masursky concluded that, “The stew pot on Venus is working in a similar way to Earth’s, now that we know the chemistry is the same.” 

(Note:  Follow the Cosmic Ray’s astute analysis of conditions on Venus with the next exciting installment of The Vast Venus Conspiracy, Part III, appearing on this website.  In the next and final segment, Dr. Raymond Keller looks at the surprising light conditions on the planet Venus, the presence of water on the surface, the existence of moderate temperature zones and the Soviet discovery of sundry life forms on a volcanic plateau.  You won’t want to miss it!  -The Editors)

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