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Summer Conference Vendor Information

Dear Friends and Guests,

This page is created to give you more details on the conference vending situation and options requirements etc. Please be aware we will have space for 290 guests throughout the weekend due to the Venues size. The vending area is right outside the Shasta city park where our conference will be held Thursday-Sunday. Vending will officially be starting at 8:30 am Friday morning until 7:00 pm every night. 

All Vending will be at 1315 Nixon rd. behind the main lodge at the city park. There is plenty of shade and it may be hot although we anticipate moderate weather at the Summer Solstice. We will have private Security sleeping on site but we recommend you take your valuables home or able to enclose your booth. We do not guarantee your booth’s safety overnight.


 Your Vending spaces can be chosen on a first come first serve basis starting on Friday, June 23rd around 12 PM. If the time for choosing your space may change you will be alerted to any changes. After you register you will be given emails as we get closer to the event and you can come to this page for updates as well.


You can see the vending area on the backside of the building in the embedded video below. The Vending area is not really flat because it does have a slope be sure to see the video of the area you will vend prior to committing. There will be no refunds if you do not like the vending space. We will have some tables for dining in an area designated. There will be also a designated vendor area as well. You will notice in the video this is an enclosed area surrounded by a 6-foot fence.


We will have security and expect to have one person sleeping in the back area overnight from 8:00 PM until 8:30 AM the next day. However, unless you can enclose your booth I suggest you take all products and valuables with you each night as we are not responsible for theft it will be too difficult to guarantee your product’s safety at night. You will be able to store inside the building at night but remove them in the AM by 8:45.

I hope this event will prove prosperous for all involved so bring your happy faces and your wonderful products. There is no wi-fi on the premises so you will need a hot spot on your phone to process your credit cards. You can also take credit card information and process them at night in your hotels. There are only two plugs so please bring your Longest extension cords as I have no long cords to provide electricity to the site. You can arrive early to get a space close to the one outlet. I will have some power strips. You will need a very long extension cord if you require electricity. The nights are quite late and we will be in sunset/twilight at 8:30 pm. No major lighting is planned for at this time.

 We also have many speakers who will also get half of an 8-foot table to sell their books and other items. Some speakers may not even use their tables as this is unknown at this time. So far we have a few Vendors who have 10 x 10 booths. We also offer 4-foot table shares purchased at this time as well. Be sure to submit your requests as soon as possible. 


Each 4-foot table will have two chairs. The 8-foot tables will have 4 chairs and 10 X 10 by ten gets 1 – 8 x 2-foot table and 4 chairs. We will have no tablecloths or coverings so you will be responsible for your own table presentation features these are tables and chairs only. prices are as follows $150 for a 4-foot table–$200 fOr an 8-foot table–$ 300 for a 10×10 booth. Also, the ground is covered in smaller gravel but some areas are showing some dirt watch the video embedded below to see the entire 360 views of the Vending area. The Vending space does not include entrance to the halls or the speaker except for presenters. Please note dates are incorrect on the forms below- The information is correct!



Also, If you are a vendor and you want to sell some products you must go to the city business License application page here Peddlers Permit License Required To be a Vendor, and fill out some forms. On that page, you must click on the Business Application Form Page. That form is pictured above you must print and fill out the form by hand. You will then realize that much of the information will not apply to you as a peddler buying a “Day Peddler Permit” essentially you will be buying a temporary Business Permit.

You will see below a sample of the first page of the Business Form Application that you should print out. This is the only form you will need to fill out. When this form is filled out please send it to the city hall as described on the site. You can call them at (530) 926-7510. You will need to fill this out to sell products. You may be issued a citation and fined and have your permit revoked if you do not follow these instructions.

Please see the second image of a letter from the city warning me of repercussions for violators.  I am sorry if this is a bit of a hassle but I hope you will take the time to do this. This is a small town I suggest strongly you fill out forms at least 1 to 2 months in advance. I look forward to meeting you all.  I will hope you will make the effort to do this as we will not be responsible if you are flagged and not allowed to sell due to having no license in your possession. Some speakers will bring their books to show as a sample only and have their customers purchase online from their booth!

As always call me if you have any questions. If you are vending out of state please call me for more information! Phone number 530-925-3502


Thank You

Warm Regards 

Victory To The Light

Rob Potter



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