Liquid Gold
The newly discovered paradigm shift could be labeled as BIO-COMPATIBLE TECHS also, another definition (from the effect point of view) is HEIMMOX products, an acronym for HIGHLY ENGINEERED IMMUNE MODULATORS. LGQX – WHY IT IS DIFFERENT THAN ANY EXISTING PRODUCTS
It is known by the scientific community that the immune system by design is a natural phenomenon and will try to avoid
the toxic waste from entering into the tissues; for that reason the typical reactions will be mainly represented by constriction of the vessels and pore closings. This effect will trigger inflammation immediately, plus pain and discomfort. LGQX by its neutralizing effect, is able to diminish the whole body inflammation, keeping the vessels open and aiding in the rapid elimination of toxic waste.
Harvard Health Publishing: What is Inflammation
LGQX has a very complex composition, unlike existing products. The selection of extracting, separation, filtration, purification, and sterilization procedures together
with computerized analysis and ongoing improvements has made LGQX a user friendly, safe and fast acting product for GOOD MAINTENANCE OF THE WHOLE BODY.
Intense research in Europe has shown that LGQX (10 ml spray) is efficient for one month supply in most cases.
The results show also that there was no registered side effect when LGQX was overdosed up to 5 to 8 times.
All anti-inflammatory synthetic products are well documented and their unwanted and dangerous side effects are very well known.