Dear Freinds of Venus,
Click here after reading this Divine Intervention article >>> Divine Intervention & How Venusian – Pleiaden – Andromeden Technolgy Work
This post is to explain to you the information and technology of Divine Intervention given to humanity by various races to help us help ourselves. Because of the Fallen Angels power over the earth the more advanced technology that was given to the governments & the elites was only known to very few. Even now we generally know very little of the truth and capabilities of this lfe extension miracle technology.
They the black nobility the .50% who consider themselves our rulers are very serious about keeping this technlogy from the average human. The technologies include time travel and very advanced tech known as Med Beds. The reason is if we had free energy and healing we would be able to forget the governments and their endless laws and ordinances.
Despite this silence groups efforts the people are awakening and very quickly we can enjoy some of these technologies NOW on my site. See pyramid systems and Reptor and Projector. Hopefully in the near future this status quo will change.
Regardless of the rich and selfish peoples efforts to delay the whole truth from coming out, nothing will stop this technology from being used. Realized because the Victory of the Light was assured several years ago we must keep the ball rolling on releasing the hidden machinations and holding the Vibration Of Love.
There are various levels of this “Med Bed” technology. These are very exotic “Beds” and these are controlled by belicose miltary types along with elite bloodlines who occasional get to use these. Incredible surgeries can be performed leaving no scars. Regrowing tissue and knitting bones together at a unbelievable rate is childs play for those with this knowledge , .
If people knew they have been suppressing this type of tech and have kept the miracles that they can perform hidden for so long, there would be a great uproar. Med Beds silence is only the tip of the lies propagated by the non human intruders and interlopers who orchestrate wars suffering and all manner of Abominations.
There is a book written by an amazing now ascended Tibetan Master named Lobsang Rampa. The book is called Cave of the Ancients. The story is amazing and is avalable for free for members of the Inner Circle (See mega nz on Landing page under my Account) , Lobsang also visited Venus you read about it in his book My Trip to Venus . Again this book by Lobsang is free for Inner Circle members. The Tibetan spiritual information and all the people who the tibetan people and the Dalai Lama should know these teaching were given to the tibetans by a Queen of Venus in the Past her name is about meditation healing and development of super human powers
This following information is taken from Raymond Keller post on this site “George Adamski in Laguna and Tibet“
BY- R. Keller :
In the times before recorded history, the Venusians arrived in Tibet and helped the locals to develop a mighty civilization, called Thera, with its capital city of Shamballa. Initially, the Therans wanted to worship the Venusians as gods, but the Venusians, who called themselves Abejans, decided that the time had come for them to return to Abejar (Venus), and thereby appointed wise ones (tulkus) from among the Therans to rule in their stead.
The tulkus, or high lamas, as we know them, taught the people that they should not look to the sky gods for their salvation, but rather to themselves; that one day the peoples of Earth would be equal to the Abejans in every respect, for in the mists of times long past, the Abejans were once as mortal as they were.
Salvation is a matter of spiritual development. It comes with the possession of knowledge that helps the individual, and as a consequence, society at large, overcome the delusion that comes from living in the entropic material world. Before the Abejans returned home to the planet we call Venus, their Queen Dordje Naldjorma charged the tulkus with training the Therans in the mystic and spiritual arts to help refine their minds and mental qualities preparatory to their own transition to higher realms. The high lamas of Tibet maintain this secret instruction that has been handed down orally for thousands of years.
Lesson Number One: Impartiality to All
The first lesson taught by the high lamas is this: “Regard all beings impartially.” Regardless of their background or status, all should be treated with dignity and respect. “Such an attitude,” affirm the high lamas, “denotes a superior mind.”
Lesson Number Two: Continuing Education
The high lamas impress upon the people the importance of life-long learning: “Study impartially all teachings that are accessible to you, whatever be their tendencies.” We have nothing to fear from the acquisition of knowledge in all fields of endeavor and research.
Lesson Number Three: Exercise Latent Powers
It is pure vanity for an individual to strive for a high rank or social position in this world. Rather, one should apply the knowledge acquired to develop the extraordinary powers that are latent within.
Anyone familiar with the Secret Doctrine (London, England: Theosophical Society, 1888) of the Russian-born American mystic Helena P. Blavatsky (1831-1890), the co-founder of the Theosophical Society, will recognize in these lessons of the high lamas in her “Three Objects of Theosophy.” As many Theosophists know, Blavatsky in 1849 made two attempts to reach the Himalayas in Tibet, to converse with the high lamas and some of the Ascended Masters. She was successful on her second try, upon reaching Shigaste, where she encountered such a mystic group that she called the “Masters of the Ancient Wisdom,” and where she learned their Dharma or doctrine at their very feet. Upon her return to London, England, and many years in the Spiritualist Movement, in 1887 she published through the London branch of the Theosophical Society her first essay, History of a Planet, which was all about unveiling the mysteries of our sister planet Venus.
In her Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky defined the Three Objects of the Theosophical Society as follows:
• To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or color.
• To encourage the comparative study of religion, philosophy, and science.
• To investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity
Coincidentally, it comes as no surprise that these objects also encompass the teachings of the high lamas and a mission statement for the purpose of the Venusian presence on Earth, living among us and working behind the scenes for the peace and happiness of all.
I have digressed for the healing technology but realize that many verius races have technology to give to us when it is safe to do so, Please realize we must awaken to these realities and remove the criminals resposible for the suppression of truth.
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Rob Potter