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Al-An Venusian Security Chief Answers Questions about Mary Magdelene & Divine Feminine


Dear Al-An,

I have several questions regarding Mary Magdalene for the enlightenment of mankind to reveal the truth of the holy and divine mission of love and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Rob Question: Can you please tell me about the marriage of Jesus and Mary and why this is not really known or understood in our modern era?

Al-An Answer: Brother Rob, this awareness comes from Al-An by way of Dr. Raymond Keller:

Answer: The Roman Catholic Church was a thousand years old before it took a stand in favor of celibacy in the twelfth century at the Second Lateran Council held in 1139, when a rule was approved forbidding priests to marry. This was largely done to keep the priests from bequeathing their lands and other property to their descendants instead of to the Mother Church. In 1563, the Council of Trent reaffirmed the tradition of celibacy to reinforce their hold on property in the face of the emerging Protestant movement initiated by Rev. Martin Luther in Germany and the princes there.  If it was acknowledged that Jesus, like any other rabbi, was married, it would destroy the Roman Catholic Church’s claim on vast tracts of real estate the world over that was acquired through the last will and testaments of the dead clergy.

Rob Question: Raymond tells me he knows of two young daughters from the marriage of Jesus and Mary who was his closest disciple. ray said for the most part remained at home with Mary raising their children during Christ 3-1/2 years. Will you please share how many children they had and perhaps share some of the stories of their children’s influences on the world during their time as adults. Was it known in their travels that Mary and the children were carrying great wisdom and knowledge and teachings of their father or were they hidden as to the identity of true lineage?

Al-An Answer: Jesus had one son, Judah, born to Mary Magdalene during his early ministry in Judea, and one daughter toward the end of it, Mariamne. Later, another daughter named Sarah was born to Mary while temporarily residing in France with Joseph of Arimathea, on their way to ultimately settle in the British Isles.  This information has been passed on from the Gnostic churches to the Cathars and preserved unto our day.

Rob Question: I would also beseech thee to share the importance and equality of women as the master promoted to the people and his disciples to regard women in the female apostolic Corps as equals. Is it true the apostolic corps was comprised of more women than men?

From Raymond’s Description of Peter’s reaction to Mary’s revelation in the Gospel of Thomas, I was quite surprised to learn that women were to be considered to have no importance in society. I can only imagine what beliefs and perceptions we hold today are so far from God’s intended plan for men and women.

Al-Lan Answer: There was an equal proportion of women to men in the ranks of the early Christian assemblies.  Women were inclined to become Christians because Jesus recognized their equal standing with men, while the Jews in their local assemblies and the temple in Jerusalem did not.  Jesus never turned away women or children who came to him for assistance and instructed his apostles and disciples to attend to their needs as well, never turning them away.

Rob Question: Would you do us the honor of explaining the role of the divine feminine in this new era and how the role of the divine aspect of women is intended to come forward to balance the masculine patriarchy of today’s societies?

Rob Answer: The presence and influence of the Divine Mother was clearly recognized among both the Israelites of the Old Testament and the Christians of the New Testament times. This is attested in all the writings of the Gnostics but was suppressed by the Bishop of Rome.  In the tradition of Theosophy, Mormonism and some other contemporary theologies, the Divine Mother’s presence and influence is also recognized, although not as prominently as in the past.

Rob Question: Finally, I would ask you to talk about the dimensional shift so many are talking about. Many feel we as a planet are ascending to the 5th dimension. I feel we must live in the moment and deal with the problems we face in the third dimension while increasing our inner resonance to the realms of light.  Will we collectively ascend as a planet or individually to the fifth dimension anytime soon?

Al-An Answer:  The Earth is not just an ecosystem, but a living organism unto itself that is on the path to becoming a celestial sphere.  When seen from its surface in the fifth dimension, it would appear as a sea of glass, such as Dr. Frank E. Stranges described it in his vision of the future. This will not happen anytime soon, however, as there are many the inhabitants of the Earth must yet accomplish by way of their own cosmic evolutionary development.

 Question Rob: Can you please give me some advice for my personal life in regard to serving my mission?

Al-Lan Answer: As for your own personal evolution and development, the exercise of patience and kindness will further you along faster than any course of study or endeavor carried out on the material plane.

Al-An and I, Raymond Keller, we are of one mind on these matters.

Your cosmic friends in the light of Venus,  

Al-An and Raymond Keller




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