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58 Interviews With My Venusian Friend Omnec Onec

58 Interviews  With My Venusian Friend Omnec Onec

Dear Promise Friends,

Watch 58 videos with Omnec Onec the Venusian who’s interview # 1

My friend from Venus Omnec Onec who will Come out of retirement for the third time will speak at my conference this year in Mt Shasta. See Conference Information Here!  I was listening to her in 1978 on the radio and my friend Col Wendell Stevens bought her to public attention many years ago. She then moved to Germany for approximately 15 years where she worked with her german friend Anja Schaefer who has been her manager and promoter as she traveled to Europe and acted as a spiritual teacher to many.

Omnec was born on the 5th dimension of Venus and was asked by the masters of the solar hierarchy to lower her vibration to become a 3rd-dimensional human. This difficult life is  her last required 3rd-dimensional incarnation.  Anja will be joining Omnec this summer! Please enjoy as you get to know Omnec and her associate Anja through out many of these interviews. You can buy her book on my website see her Venus Trilogy on the bottom of this page  Click this link Here


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