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                       Dr. Raymond Keller


Dr. Raymond Keller,

Author and Time Traveler, Dr. Keller has, in the last eight years, come out with his famous Venus Rising series. The series now has 10 finished books. The two latest ones will be released at the conference. “Cosmic Ray” has lived and worked in 44 different countries and has been writing about UFOs and paranormal activity since 1967.  In 2011 Raymond completed his Doctoral Degree in History at West Virginia University. 

In 2012-2013, Raymond worked at an international school in Wuxi, China; encountered his old friend Lady Orda. She took him to Venus where here lived for 2 ½ months.   There, he met the Ascended Master El Morya, viewed the Akashic records, and traveled back in time to a 1954 Giant Rock, California, Spacecraft Convention via a bilocation signal. He crashed in 1954 due to radiation experiments of this time interfering with the tachyon drive of his nimbus transportation device.

In 2014 Raymond began to write Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet. In 2015 he experienced an out-of-body experience on the operating table for open-heart surgery at the VA Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, whence his Higher Self offers him the opportunity to return to Earth and finish his Venus books. Raymond accepts this proposition.  Presently. Raymond travels the world sharing his amazing experiences about his 10-week visit to Venus in 2012-2013. He also shares his vast metaphysical knowledge through his public appearances. He has now written a new Gospel called The Gospel of Thomas, which also includes the Youth Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Acts of Thomas, and The Gospel of Mary Magdelene. These revelations were translated from the Nag Hamadi Library. This supernatural “Morningstar” version is given as a gift from the ministry of angels through their chosen messenger Dr. Raymond Keller.  It is available now in the book section on this website and Amazon.

Presentation #1: Journey with Cosmic Ray to Venus, the Paradise Planet

Day Friday -Time 11:30 AM 

Duration: 1.5 hours 

Come along with Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” on a trip to our sister planet Venus, a world resplendent in paradisiacal glory.  Meet the Venusians that guided Cosmic Ray on his life’s journey into esoteric knowledge, ultimately accompanying him on a trip to the vast cities in the interior of Venus, the capital city of Azure on the surface of the planet and its Time Temple, that planet’s artificial and cloaked moon of Neith, and his meetings with the Spiritual Masters who, with their compassionate hearts and eternal wisdom, guide the affairs of their world and 600 other planetary members of the Galactic Confederation of Light.  In a PowerPoint format, this presentation will be followed by an open question and answer session.  Duration:  2 hours.

Presentation #2:  The Gospels of Thomas and Mary Magdalene

Day Saturday Time: 2:30 PM

 Duration:  1.5 hours 

In this set of gospels, called the Morning Star edition, Dr. Raymond A. Keller reveals a gnosis concerning the early years of Jesus and his twin brother Thomas, when they were boys growing up in Nazareth.  He delves into the esoteric teachings of the Savior, Jesus Christ, as he originally imparted them in ancient Roman occupied Palestine and as faithfully recorded by Thomas.  He follows the life of Thomas as an apostle traveling to India and the mighty works he accomplished there.  Also presented is the lost gospel of Jesus’ spouse, Mary Magdalene, who possessed an intimate and up-to-now secret knowledge of the angelic spheres in the Pleroma.  This presentation is followed by an open question and answer session.  Duration:  1.5 hours


Workshop Title: Sunat Kumara Teachings The Upanishads Teachings to Contact Your Higher Self

This workshop will be very special Raymond will teach us how by following the teaching of dialogue between Sanat Kumara and the students in the Upanishads how we are able to connect with our oversoul. He prefers there to only be 12 students.. This will be for people who really want to develop their intuition by connecting directly to the IAM Presence or Christ Consciousness. For Raymond Kellers Workshop It is recommended that attendees be more esoterically inclined as some of the teachings are geared for the higher self contact.

Location: Speakers Deck 

Duration:  1.5 hours 

Time: 11:30 AM Friday

Price $33


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