Dear Friends,
Watch my WSP Report Part 1 video here
The world top tier 1 banks are broke. The deep state of every country in the world is out of money as god takes away their ability to make money. The GoldenAGE is upon us. The Giver Of Life Declaration is announcing itself by upgrading the True quantum AI Alpha system is aligned with creator source.
The death of Trumps final clone 6 weeks ago puts a monkey wrench in the the psychopaths who want to destroy the world plans. They will be wanted by many for making promises they cant keep. we will see the begining of the colapse of federal govts worldwide. Dont worry we dont need their demon inspired plans. Will people be able to cope with the psyops that was Q and Trump? will they post pone the inaguaration.
Will the duck dynasty operatives who used to take orders from fallen angels who once owned the world and who want to rule the world be successful? Can they continue their evil ways?
Will people realize the fires were started on purpose to cause fear and despair. Will the poeple wake up? I have lots of disturbing truths to reveal but in the end light is knowledge and knowledge is power.
The World’s Situation Report January 11th 2025
I must first say that I have been quite quiet recently I have not done a lot of talking or posting or writing that I have released to the public
I also have been going through some deep soul searching in terms of how I am to release the information that I have been given to share with the world I realize the world is in the crisis right now and many people do not understand what is going right now what is the cause of the universal discord and anxiety that is taking place in the hearts and minds of many people upon this planet
I’m here to offer from my perspective based on my own personal experiences exactly what is going on and what this great awakening this great shift into a golden age is all about.
For me personally this information as a result of a lifetime of a spiritual journey to know the truth and furthermore to know the whole truth God is truth and God simply is God is the isness God always was is and will be. There is nowhere that God is not and anything to be perceived or imagined. God is in form and beyond all form he is part and parcel of the infinite mind of God no one can explain God any attempt to do so is merely an individual cloaking their ignorance and some pompous expression.
This report is given and inspired to help people to understand what has been going on and what is coming to planet earth. I’m a face to face contactee of the people that come from Venus – I have been having contacts for approximately 60 years
I am also a face to face contactee of the people from the planet ERRA since the middle 70s . I share my information freely for the most part without charge I do not embellish or change my story in regard to my physical encounters or experiences
I’ve sworn an oath to help my fellow man and to act in a manner that reflects And is aligned with the truth of God and the ascended master teachings most notably the Teachings of the ascended master Jesus Christ – I acknowledge and respect all of the world’s great teachers and avatars who’ve come amongst us to bring mankind into the light.
I have video and voice recorded messages on my website of my venusain sharing truths of spiritusl knowledge. This year the year 2025 it’s going to see some major changes in terms of the understanding of what is going on on earth
The understandings will come quickly as a result of increased extraterrestrial activity in our skies you must understand we’re not alone we never have been alone and we never will be alone.
Please know that because God is everywhere and everything he is the supreme creator he knows the beginning from the end and he is the creator of worlds without end and multiple dimensions in all time and all space and beyond the conception of mortal man- realize that the mysteries and stories that have been passed on as myth and legends have their origin in truth. God has created darkness as well as evil. However he has done this through the free will of the beings that he has created who are part and parcel of him realize everything happens for a reason and that God is watching.
God protect us all