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Ra Arcturus
Ra Arcturus

Arcturian Starseed ambassador René, a.k.a. ARCTURUS RA, awakened to his purpose, shares his personal activation or remembrance of being an Arcturian Scientist and Starfleet Commander. He discloses the stepping into his mission to help this planet restore its original consciousness. Ra, as an experiencer, had Essassani walking with him, having been “taken” multiple times. With a strong connection to Sirius, he knows his cosmic family is from the Arcturian Northern Hemisphere Bootes Constellation. To this day, he has many encounters with positive E.T. beings from these places, receiving downloads from them and turning those into technology.

The drive to figure out how things work felt like an obsession. How do we solve riddles and cases or track ancient civilizations through time? What purpose did all the ancient sights serve? The main question to Ra was always, “Who are we?” Where do we come from? Ra holds a Master’s Degree in electrical engineering and computer technologies. He is also self-taught in photonic fusion and bio-resonance devices or the building of such.  He feels that the secret of the pyramids, vortices, power spots, fountains or holy places with seemingly miraculous properties has been lost. His assisting Arcturian technology is all about natural resonance with the field we call “Source”.


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