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Scott and Vicki Werner

Scott and Vicki Werner have a fantastic marriage and are the parents of 10 amazing children. After experiencing a horrific trauma, they each experienced a near-death experience and spent years attempting to heal. They delved deep into the cause of dis-ease; studying emotional healing techniques to release negative emotions and support the healing of the physical body. Together, they have a passionate desire to serve humanity and the Creator. Scott is a former medical doctor who left allopathic medicine searching for true healing.

He is a spiritual intuitive and has clients around the world.  Scott is an inspiring presenter who channels wisdom from the other side and has been an instrumental voice in healing and transformation through personally working with the Ascended Masters. Scott is the author of three books, including “The Next Step in Human Evolution”, and travels the country teaching and presenting the 24-strand DNA and preparing people for the Ascension.

Vicki is the author, of “The Secret to Healing and Recovery” which has received great praise and is beneficial for anyone on a healing journey and for caregivers. She is a certified Clinical Energy Psychology practitioner, QHHT, past life regression practitioner, and essential oil specialist. Learn more about them at or

Scott’s topic:  “The latest information from St. Germaine and the Ascension”

Vicki’s topic: “The conscious path to healing self and the collective.”

Vicki will also do an evening group QHHT past life regression workshop. $30 per person. *It is suggested to bring a notebook to write down insights from your experience. Please be on time for this event.

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