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Debra Giusti
                    Debra Giusti


Debra Giusti – Spiritual Entrepreneur & Ascension Guide: For over 45 years, Debra Giusti has been on the leading edge of the ever-emerging progressive culture, both locally and internationally, supporting and creating ‘New Paradigm’ evolution. She is currently on mission in support of the “Planetary Awakening” that is taking place now. Debra has been an entrepreneur since she was 21 years old, growing a series of businesses that support personal growth, healthy and sustainable lifestyles, new spirituality, and community connection. Some of her business and include the “Harmony Festival” which took place from 1978 – 2011 and hosted 30,000 participants. She also reaches 150,000+ subscribers through her Email Marketing Company “Wishing Well Promotions”. In 2020 – 2021 she produced 90 shows of “Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe” that reached 25,000 – 50,000 people every Saturday night. She has recently published the “Ascension Tips”, so that anyone can understand and embrace the Ascension Process taking place now and fully participate. She produces workshops, hosts panel discussions, and creates educational materials on the topic of Ascension.

Talk Title:  Ascension Tips – Your opportunity during the Planetary Ascension

Description :”Ascension Tips” shares a roadmap for your “Personal Ascension Journey”. Ascension is the accelerated spiritual process presently taking place within all planetary lifeforms, during this cosmic evolutionary cycle, known as the Planetary Ascension. It is initiated through spiritual awakening, and results in up-leveling you into higher dimensional existence and Quantum Consciousness Reality. “Ascension Tips” gives a blueprint and guidelines for one’s Ascension journey, so one can easily understand your process. 88 Tips are shared in four powerful categories, highlighting 22 Tips each, including: includes 1) Awakening 2) Transmutation 3) Embodiment 4) The Divine Human in the New Earth. Ignite your inner knowing and get your FfREE COPY of the “Ascension Tips”:

Duration 1 Hour


Panelists To Be Announced Soon

Title: Planetary Ascension into the New Earth

While radical shifts are happening at lightning speed in this accelerated time of awareness, the Planetary Ascension is well underway. Disclosure is now taking place with many things that had been hiding in plain sight, are now being completely exposed and revealed. This is inspiring a cycle of purification to allow all to be transformed and healed. Our former way of being is collapsing and expanding into a New Consciousness. Many religions, spiritual traditions, mystics, and prophets have shared predictions that reveal humanity’s evolution into the “New Earth”. The next evolution has been well described as the Golden Age, the 2nd coming of Christ, the Warriors of the Rainbow prophecy, the Satya Yuga, 5D Consciousness, and the Age of Aquarius. Many Starseeds, Light Leaders, Angelics, and Galactic Emissaries are here to support this evolution to ensure we achieve and sustain the Global Planetary Ascension, that will support all of the universe.. Within this Grand Opportunity for escalated spiritual evolution & ascension, our panel of presenters will help you maximize your understanding and awakening, so we can build the New Earth together.


Wishing Well Promotions

Energy Wave Center

EESystems Energy Spa for the Body, Mind and Spirit

 FREE copy of the Transformational Events Guide:

 FREE copy of Activate Your Soul Tribe eBook:

 MAKING CONTACT: The New Realities

of UFO Disclosure and Cosmic Awakening

 Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe

& The Awakening World:

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