What is a cintamani stone?
Dear Promise Friends,
The Cintamani Stone is a very intriguing stone from my experience. I will like to share the good news that the prices have come down to me recently and the price are lower in some cases on my new website! I am passing the savings along to all Lightworkers.
Realize these Cintamani stones are still rarer than diamonds despite many more hunters finding them now. Though they are not as rare as they used to be anymore, in fact, they are even finding some very large stones that can be seen here on my site as well.
Cintamani is relatively small and not that many are found annually. I would guess that now less than 50 kilos are found every year. As Cobra and I have indicated in the quantum field of light body harmonics, size is somewhat important however these smaller sizes Cintamani will certainly bring in the higher light harmonics and have great benefit IMHO! Larger stones will obviously have stronger effects.
Special Higher Priced 10 Gram + Grade A is also available to see instructions at the top of the Cintamani Category page to get larger stones on the site. You may also click on the Cintamani Large 10+ product menu page as well. I have purchased some of these more rare specimens. These types of stones can be procured for those who are interested. We will deal with these on a personal sale-by-sale basis.
You can see the picture of each of these stones above first with a regular photo and then again with a light to see the level of clarity. If you are interested please look at the product menu under Cintamani Larger 10 + or send an email to me [email protected] and put “Special Cintamani” in the subject box, I will get back to you within several days. These stones are very important Lightworkers and many people are resonating to get one.
The History of the Original Cintamani
The Cintamani stones are a rare type of meteor that was once a planet in the Sirius star system according to Cobra. This planet existed in the higher dimension and the Light Forces attempted to lower it into the physical plane. This attempt failed and the planet exploded. The pieces we have come here naturally and are only found in one general location only that can be confirmed at this time Beware many people are selling Meteorites, Tektites, and Mannites which ARE NOT CINTAMANI.
Buddhist Understanding of Cintamani Stones
Tibetan iconographical sources list seventy-five forms of Mahakala, a wrathful deity who guards the Buddhist path of wisdom and compassion. Some emanations of Mahakala appear with the heads of yaks or ravens; some ride on the backs of tigers or black horses.
In this thangka, Mahakala manifests with a ferocious smile as the guardian of wealth and prosperity, holding at his breast a flaming Cintamani, or ‘wish-fulfilling jewel.” In Buddhist mythology, the Cintamani refers less to the fulfillment of worldly hopes than to the jewel of enlightened consciousness that exists within all beings. In the gallery of liberated vision, the white form of Mahakala arises in a nimbus of fire and rainbow light, impelling us beyond petty notions of accumulation to a recognition of an all-pervading bounty.
Cintamani Mahakala tramples on icons of worldly wealth in the form of the elephant-headed Ganapati and his attendant rat. This rat is often depicted regurgitating jewels, suggesting that whatever we seek to acquire is ultimately lost. These celestial forms dramatize inner processes, as well as the means of transforming them.
As a symbol of self-existing abundance, Cintamani Mahakala reveals the secrets of Buddhist alchemy: that genuine wealth is achieved through the generosity and that compassionate vision frees us from impoverishing attachments. Giving away all that we achieve – mentally, spiritually, and materially – we are born anew in the Buddha-field of vast abundance, free of avarice and fear.
Dressed in flowing silken garments and eschewing his customary tiger-skin wrap, Mahakala holds in his lower left hand a skull bowl bearing the golden vase (kalasha) of Kubera, another wealth-bestowing deity. In his upper right hand, he holds a curved Kartika, which servers the roots of attachment. In his upper left hand, he holds a ritual trident in place of his iconographical a noose which is a further symbol of material entrapment.
Whatever riches we accumulate materially are abandoned at the moment of death. Only the wealth that we accrue spiritually will benefit us in the interim world of celestial visions. The emanations of the mind’s deepest dimensions may at first seem horrific but recognized as reflections of unexplored regions of the psyche; they offer complete liberation from our slavery to emotional and material attachments.
Like the awakened heart of the Buddha’s, the universe selflessly gives of itself. If we surrender to its implacable compassion, we are ourselves unwitting inheritors of the world’s abundance. The secret lies in letting go…
WHEN YOU SEEK PROSPERITY for all of humanity, the realms of Cintamani Mahakala opens before you, offering an abundance of wish-granting jewels. When you seek wealth only for yourself, You compete against all other human beings.
In Buddhism, the Cintamani is said to be one of four relics that came in a chest that fell from the sky (many things fell from the sky in caskets) during the reign of King Lha Thothori Nyantsen of Tibet. Though the king did not understand the purpose of the objects, he kept them in a position of reverence. Several years later, two mysterious strangers appeared at the court of the king, explaining the four relics, which included the Buddha’s bowl (possibly a Singing Bowl) and a “Mani” stone with the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra inscribed on it. These few objects were the bringers of the Dharma to Tibet.
Rob & Luis Maertens
A dear friend and fellow Contactee named Luis Maertens from Bolivia says the main and original Cintamani Stone is an Egg-shaped stone brought here many years ago by 40 or so different Ascended Master beings representing differing Light groups from different worlds as a special tool to aid the Earth through her transition which is now in process.
How The Main Cintamani Stone Works For Mother Earth and Light Workers
This main 9-meter Egg-shaped Cintamani Egg was in some unknown length of time in our past, brought to Earth, and placed inside a temple or “Inner Retreat” beneath the Gobi desert by the Confederation and possibly the Alliance forces as well. The location was known as “Shamballa The Lesser”. This Giant Cintamani was and still is being used to act as an interdimensional organic aid and support to the etheric and plasma field of Terra, Gaia, Ur, or Earth. It also acts in a feedback loop to the human biofield or aura.
Like blood plasma in our bodies runs in channels to distribute various elements to various cells tissues and organs for many varied purposes. In like manner so does our sacred Mother Earth use the natural energy pathways of her electro-gravitational lines to feed herself. These etheric lines are often called Ley Lines or Acupuncture Meridian Points of Earth. They run all over the Earth and under the sea as well.
I do not know if this grid image is correct or not but I thought it was pretty! But you get the idea.
These Grid matrixes we have on Earth are channeling etheric plasma fields that are following paths of order from the Great Central Sun to our super cluster center in the Andromedean Galaxy we call M3 then to our Galactic Central Sun of our Galaxy and further transmitted to our own Sun. The Great Central Sun is like our own Sun in that it is a source of life. On a higher level all Suns are considered Cosmic beings.
“The Grand Man of the Heavens” is depicted in Fred Bell’s masterpiece book “Rays of Truth & Crystals of Light”.
The above image is shown the seven sacred planets in relationship to The Great Central Sun and Man. In this galaxy, all solar systems and all planets revolve around the Galactic Central Sun. Just as the planets of our solar system revolve around our local sun. This Central Sun is an example of the truth “above so below ” in that the main principals of proportion and balance are existing on a macro and micro level of reciprocal relationships.
The Grand Man of The Heavens has seven chakras. As above. The Pleiades is The Pineal Gland / Crown Chakra, Sirius is the Pituitary Gland / Third Eye Chakra and This Solar System our Sun is the Thymus Gland / Heart Chakra. As below. In our Solar system, The Sun is the Pineal Gland / Crown Chakra and The Earth represents the Thymus Gland / Heart Chakra.
Keep in mind we humans are beings also and we exist and move within a greater being. To name this being limits it but such is the nature of dualistic thinking. However, it commonly referred to as God and is the first cause or source of all that is. The Creator might be a good term.
“What’s Love/God Got To do With It.. do With it?”
Tina Turner
PS Don’t try to think about the understanding of the word “God” too much because it is beyond knowing in any rational limited sense or with the human dualistic mind. Arguments can be made for the existence of God and well as arguments against a first cause. Neither can be “proven” in a logical sense. Consider God as all of creation itself, all that is on all dimensions and planes
Creation itself as we term God is a paradox that exists in all names and forms and yet is beyond all names and forms. We simply must be humble to realize we cannot explain God but we can benefit from God. In fact, we would not be here if not for God or the first cause. Yet on a holographic level, we could argue that we are God. At least God in form.
Though in my opinion and view, for a person who denies the creator or intelligent design, it must seem a lonely cold universe with no purpose. Thinking all laws and physics as only empty and vacuous results of cause and effect is very limiting and considers the third dimension of existence. By relegating our consciousness to limited material existence, we could view the material world as a mechanical machine void of spirit and all things as only moving in accordance to arbitrary chance.
Fortunately, this is not the case as we are part and parcel of the living word of god. We are spirit sparks of the creator endowed with her spirit of truth and The Christ Consciousness. The space family mentors who share these views in this regard cannot fathom some of our fellowman’s limited thinking on this subject of Intelligent design.
Something is moving all of creation but what is that something? For those with imagination and not limited by the 3rd dimensional thinking an intelligent author or first cause is easily embraced. This first cause would be omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent because it is itself. Like light it just is!
Okay Back To The Cintamani Science
Energy is transmitted by “God”, The Alpha and Omega, El Elyon, The Divine Mind, The Creator, “All that is” the name is unimportant. This divine spark is constantly moving always within the heart of creation and then down through to the physical plane of time and space. This energy comes through the living portals we call Suns. From our Sun the life force enlivens all livestreams and certainly at least keeps the earth and other planets rotating and moving in their orbits.
These supra luminal ultra-dimensional energies which we observe at the high etheric level, have functions relationships and inter-dimensional interactions we can only guess at. To us 3D earthlings barely penetrating 5th dimensional or Astral Plane the true understanding of the science of interdimensional physics and the various influences of these cosmic energies are only understood via inference of Quantum fields. It seems the truth always requires more investigation and is hard to penetrate.!
These Quantum field influences (quarks, mesons, hadrons, muons, neutrinos, bradeon, leptons, etc.,) are part of the holographic field that seems to influence and interface our realities in ways that are largely unknown at this time. We know that the observer of your mind your being is creating your reality but the details of this interaction are not fully understood at this time. Empirical declarations about how this cosmic energy works to create grids or ley lines and distribute life force throughout the world’s etheric mantle would be arrogant and presumptuous.
We can say that there is one aspect that is noted and that in certain locations when two or more of these plasma lines of force come together, they create connections and vortexes. These Vortals can influence timelines. In certain locations of energetic confluence, even dimensional Meta dimensional realities seem to present themselves.
This is the subjective and quantum experience, which is individual and is unique to one’s views and perceptions. Other real physical properties are quantifiable as well that makes these portal locations or ley lines unique locations in nature.
Sedona Vortex Portal
Sacred Sites Background Teaching To Understand The Importance of Cintamani
Some people have described these grids or energy vortices as portals where they have experienced an out-of-body type experience. Some claim dimensional contact with various beings of multiple types and intentions! Others have had miracle healing to physical ailments. Certainly, there are reports where individuals felt some inner type of attunement and healing of their psyche.
Sacred Site Vortex Mt Shasta Image Photo Taken Shortly After Chinese Team’s Cintamani Mission
These locations have historically been linked to Sacred Sites. These sites can be used to invoke extra-dimensional contact with the “Other Side” or the realm that is normally unseen by our normal condition or limited perception.
There have always been those who have had an inherent ability to transcend normal perceptive abilities and thought. Transcending the norm through an awakened third eye (pineal gland) Individuals have been able to see and transmit information from what some researchers term as Dimension X.
Caputo is a Renowned Psychic Sensitive Who Communicates With Loved Ones Who Have Passed Over.
These sensitive people can often hear or see those souls and spirits who have passed over from Earth. Psychics and Mediums are commonly accepted for their varying degrees of adeptness and accuracy in attaining these rare states of communication.
Historically speaking these ancestor sensitives of ours have usually identified these sacred sites as what we now would call portals. These sites are the basis of myths associated with information gleaned from these portal locations. Often over time, these locations become the sites for towns and even cities or places of pilgrimage. On occasion, churches have been built there based on some people’s spiritual experience in that portal.
Delphi Oracle
The oracles at Delphi (an example of a sacred site and portal) and other types of parallel communication locations are conduits. These unique energy vortexes have made transmitting information from higher dimensions to the dense third-dimensional reality of our physical plane easier. Because for thousands of years since the planetary quarantine, for the most part, we have left ourselves unable to access guidance on our own.
For us average souls seeking the truth we still enjoy using tools like pyramids, crystals, lasers, psychics, and sensitive’s that can help us average people to tune in to the other side. Assistance to the supernatural realities and understandings is still needed until we can come in harmony with the natural laws of the universe. The Cintamani is one such tool offered by the compassionate space family that desperately wants us to help ourselves.
The Main Cintamani Egg Held High In The Chamber of Inner Retreat The Great White Sister/Brotherhood Temple Sajama Bolivia
In this effort to aid humanity in August of 2012, this main egg-shaped (Shiva Lingam) Cintamani stone was then moved to assist in establishing and stabilizing the new, primary, and main feminine vortex on the planet, which was shifting from the masculine at that time. Luis has told me from his personal experience that upon seeing this main Cintamani Egg it was one of the most profound experiences of his life.
This location within the Sajama Mountain in Bolivia is now called along with the other inner retreats of The Great White Sister/Brotherhood in South America “The New Grand Shamballa”. Luis said that this egg is approximately 8-9 meters tall.
Psychic photo of Mother Mary by Robert Van Der Brooke
Divine Feminine Goddess Is Now In Charge
This Central feminine vortex, which is now active is located underneath the water next to The Golden /Disk of The Sun in Bolivia. Luis has told me this vortex is more aptly said to be stabilized and nurtured by The Light Forces between two locations. The first location is The Great White Sister/Brotherhood inner retreat beneath Lake Titicaca, which is also where the Golden Disk of The Sun is located.
The other Location Associated With The Divine Feminine Vortex In Bolivia is where the Main Cintamani Egg is. Within the Inner retreat at the Temple Complex of Sajama.
{Luis Book on his visit to this physical Golden Disk of The Sun is amazing but it is out of print would you like to help reprint it? Please contact me thepromiserevealed2gmail..com}
Get the free book Secret of The Andes by “Brother Phillip” a pseudonym for George Hunt Williamson. George was present when George Adamski met Orthon the Venusian we know was a woman called Lady Orda Queen of Venus. I highly recommend you download and read this free book by going to this link here: The Secret of The Andes.
The picture above is of George Hunt Williamson who was an anthropologist and also a contactee himself. He wrote many books including Saucers Speak, Other Tongues Other Flesh, and Secret of The Andes offered above for free. He also authored many other books to look him up on Amazon. He simply disappeared from the public and it assumed that he now lives in the inner retreats of The New Grand Shamballa in South America as an Adept.
Dendarah Egypt Image of The Golden Disc of The Sun
This Egyptian The Golden Disk of The Sun was once in Lemuria then transported to Peru as Lemuria sank into the Pacific. It was then brought to Atlantis until it was misused. The improper use by the Atlantean patriarchs caused the final sinking of Atlantis in the flood, which also caused the tilt of the Earth’s axis.
Noah knew this shift was coming and was instructed to build an Arc. There were many other Arcs or repositories of many animals and people destined to survive and keep the surface population alive and well. This action was initiated to keep the human species alive during this geological shift. We still suffer from this Tilt today, as the Earth has the distinction as the only planet in our solar system that wobbles on its axis. This wobble will one day be corrected.
The real Golden Disc of The Sun looks like this image below but much larger. This is the picture that is based on Luis’s visit to the Disc of The Sun beneath Lake Titicaca. This image below has a jewel on top that is not on the real disc but this is what it looks like. If you remove the jewel and the chain eyehole so it can be worn around the neck you can imagine what it looks like. It looks like a spaceship or a galaxy!
Pendant of Disk With Topaz
NASA image that shows a strong magnetic influence where The Golden Disk of The Sun rests under the waters of Lake Titicaca.
Luis said ithe Golden Disc is sitting underneath an energetic screen below the Lake’s surface below the screen with the water hovering above a Stonehenge design of a circle of stones. The disk is suspended in midair. He also saw women and men levitating around the disc in a type of meditative communion the disk! I feel this is them utilizing the disk and its cosmic rays and sending them throughout the earth for a positive effect on us all.
In ancient times this Disc was depicted as a heart with wings or a disc with wings. After Atlantis was sunk it was eventually brought to Egypt where it again was visible to the people to meditate in the open. Then when Egypt failed to recreate the peace intended it was returned to South America to be seen in the open in Cusco. Eventually, it was moved to Tiwanaku and again was openly seen by the native populace.
Here is me in The Doorway of The Sun Tiwanaku Bolivia Note sun Rays Across the doorway!
Image above you can see the cool manifestation of Space Family contact and the “Rays” of sunlight on the diagonal from left to right in the photo. This is similar to the rays engraved on the Venusian Temple of Dendera near Luxor in the Valley of the Kings.
Finally, it was foreseen that the conquistadors would come to steal gold so it was moved to an undisclosed location and then a river was rerouted and a hole drilled in a mountain so that it would be covered by the water we now know as Lake Titicaca. The disc remains there today until such time that mankind is ready to see the disc again and bask in its radiant splendor.
Invitation to Seekers of Truth From The Shining Ones
The masters of wisdom have asked me to help get groups down to Bolivia and Peru, South America every year to visit the Disk and to do activations very near to the Golden Disk of The Sun. I have led groups with Luis 7 times in the last 5 years and Lake Titicaca is definitely one of the premier Spiritual Vortex Portals on the planet. Luis’ Solar Initiations have deep and profound effects on everyone who goes with us.
To Join Luis And Rob on The Next Solar Activation In Bolivia/Peru 2021
The Golden Disk of The Sun is currently functioning as a tool for the highest Galactic Councils to monitor and regulate Cosmic Energy coming to Earth. Luis also said that this main egg-shaped Cintamani stone works similarly and is used in conjunction with the Golden Disk of the Sun.
Masculine Vortex Becomes Obsolete As Earth Shifts To New Frequency
Previously before 2012 the primary vortex for Earth has been masculine and was near the Himalayas beneath The Gobi Desert. This location is called by the Confederation as Shamballa The Lesser. These are sacred inner Earth retreats where very few surface persons are allowed to enter at this time. This is expected to change in the near future and you may even get an invitation to enter as Luis has if the conditions are right.
Luis has indicated that this main Cintamani Egg stone is now actually been moved and now is beneath the sacred mountain of Sajama in Bolivia. It was officially and formally activated by the confederation and the GWSB as receiver of cosmic Rays designed to help stabilize the Earth’s psionic etheric grid in December of 2012 and now is the main hub, transducer of cosmic rays.
The main Cintamani egg is the focal point and receiver for light expansion energies and forces working along with the Golden Disk of The Sun. Together they are regulating the energies coming from the Galactic Central Sun, which is increasing the vibration of all livestreams on Earth.
The Main Cintamani Egg and The Golden Disk of The Sun Work Together to Establish New Vortex Sites
These two objects The Golden Disk of The Sun and The Main Cintamani Egg are used to direct cosmic energies that radiate into the Earth and are used by the Masters to elevate the vibrations of the Earth herself and the souls on Earth. This includes activating the incarnated souls who are sensitive to these positive emanations. These combined Spiritual technologies utilized by the Supra Luminal Light Forces are creating new Ley lines and reactivating lines long dormant.
These current shifting of these new energetic pathways will probably bring about some earthquakes and earth changes that are necessary to cleanse the earth and purify the elementals of the negativity of man’s influence. Ironically it will be man’s pure heart and good intentions that will ultimately influence the collective consciousness field to work the magic that will heal the Earth and her peoples.
The Seventh Ray of Creation
The seventh ray is also called The Ray of Ceremonial Order and Magic. Unfortunately, the word magic, which has its roots in the word imagination, has been tainted by conventional religions and their limiting beliefs. It is imagination and the power of thought coupled with the science of manifestation that when correctly applied can move mountains, heal bodies heal the Earth, destroy evil, and overcome darkness with the light of truth.
Actual Photo Taken of The Ascended Masters In Adyar India
Saint Germain is the Chohan of The Seventh Ray and is a major force working with adepts the space masters to purify and heal the Earth. I was visited by his projected image in 1979 in a Pyramid system in Laguna Beach. He was about two feet tall! It stood in front of the irradiator I built but was only visible as an outline image of violet color that I could see. I was astounded after invoking his presence with another girl that he actually appeared when we saw him. The girl also said she could see him too. However, the image disappeared within 10 seconds but made a deep impact on both of us.
You may see this Pleiadean Technology called the Irradiator in Pyramid Systems
There are certain aspects of this 7th Ray Path that I do not care to divulge at this time. However, I will say only a pure heart and pure intent to do good, and only good in the name and vibration of unconditional love is worthy of these invocational rites. I call them portal activations and I will be sharing these techniques in workshops only. The activations are more powerful when used with Promise Pyramid Systems
When groups of Lightworkers can work together in synergistic relationships in a spirit of hope and positive expectation to effect positive change it will happen. Discipline in thought, right relations, and well-thought-out actions can change systems of governance and transform the planet in a short period of time.
Blindly following a prescribed set of rituals or incantations even with sincere diligence to details is not acceptable or advisable. In fact, without a proper understanding of the power of words and vibration and associated actions, they can be dangerous to the naive if inexperienced acolyte. If proper protection and clear and precise intent are not truly realized and implemented properly disaster can result.
A more accessible point of focus is possible and safer with the use of Cintamani stones however as with all things the results will vary from individual. To help all people without them even participating the Cintamani mission was conceived by the Light Forces. Like crystals and lasers, there is no particular need to be aware of work directly with these energies. It is better if you do consciously work with these fields but they will have positive effects simply by being in their presence.
Cintamani Missions
Cobra has been asked by the Light Forces to ask people to place as many pieces of Cintamani as possible in various locations all over the Earth. If Cobra is correct and I believe he is, these smaller stones now being made available will provide resonance to the main Cintamani Egg that is anchoring the light in the inner retreats of the GWSB, Agatha, and Confederation of Light central hub in South America.
With resonance in mind by placing these stones in locations of darkness where plans of control and negativity are finding footholds changes can be effected. These changes come as the elemental angels can anchor over these special stones that are connecting to the new dispensational energies that are entering the Earth at this time. I know from my sightings in Sajama near the Inner Temple and the cloud ships that accompany the Lightworkers that the galactic forces are interacting in these missions as well.
Cobra Ask Light Workers To Bury Cintamani For Psionic Earth Grid Missions
When Cobra said people should bury them I became somewhat uncomfortable as I have been one of the first to support these stones and their use. I realized individual proximity could certainly benefit us individually. However, I questioned telling people to buy them from me to bury in the ground as they cost money. Though I instinctively knew this was a good idea I was concerned. I felt my efforts toward aiding this mission might be associated with a scam in some people’s minds to be honest since I was selling them!
Because Luis had not known of Cobra or what he said about the Cintamani stone I was amazed that he had such a profound and up-close encounter in Sajama in 2015. The subject came up unexpectedly when he shared his knowledge with me in 2015.
I realized it was fate and divine guidance that used me as a bridge to connect these two contactees’ information. They both supported each other and never even met and still haven’t! Anyway, when the burying of these stones came up I did not mention too much to Luis about it.
When I spoke with him in 2018 after the 6th-dimensional opening he said it was ok to sell them as they came from the ground and can go back to the ground with the placement of well-intended Lightworkers. He did say that his experience was that the Main Egg had a blue light come from is during its activation on August 12, 2015.
I have usually noticed the colors lavender to amber when exposed to strong light. But right after I returned from Bolivia a Cintamani Hunter sent me this picture of the very rare Blue and Blue-Green Translucent stones which again allayed any doubts I might have had about whether these were true Cintamani. They have varying shades.
Please Note The Bluish Colored Cintamani
Since then I have been working with several teams in China who made me feel ashamed for doubting the idea of burying them in the ground. The Chinese teams are very dedicated and have sent teams all over the world at great expense for travel as well as the high price for Cintamani stones themselves. They are very determined in these missions.
There are many dedicated Lightworkers around the world on these missions but the Chinese teams are very precise in their actions. They research and map the locations before placing the stones. They pinpoint exact spots to bury stones and dig many holes to accomplish their mission.
In November 2018 a team from China came to Mt. Shasta and dug forty-nine holes up to two feet deep they even dug the holes in a specific mandala pattern. I am not at liberty to discuss the other mission’s locations but they have had great success.
Dragon Light Ship Appears Where My China friend Aurora Placed Cintamani Stones To Heal The Earth’s Psionic Light Grid.
I have so far received and handled many stones and I can report that these stones are indeed having powerful effects on me and my light body awareness has become exceedingly profound. Many others who have received them are reporting similar experiences.
There is no magic bullet or crystal or stone or technology that will enlighten anyone or bring about immediate ascension or higher states of consciousness solely by itself.
However, for those of you who follow my work to share the legacy of Dr. Bell and my keen interest in crystals, you will understand how I support this type of resonance and vibrational stabilizing tool. I call this zero-point technology. All Cintamani stones are tachyonized by me and they are tachyonized by definition because they come from outer space!
I recently received the following information regarding the Cintamani. I also recommend you read the book Rays of Truth and Crystals of Light on this site under books in the product section to gain a greater understanding of crystals, pyramids, lasers, spaceships, and zero-point technology.
How To Care For The Cintamani
The Cintamani is a special stone and should be treated with respect however it is not to be worshipped or have an undue attachment to the stone or its effects.
The Cintamani stone is actually like a crystal in a sense and some specimens of the highest grade are somewhat translucent. Since they are like crystals it is best to not let them get damaged or scratched. Because these are not as easily scratched as crystals when in their natural unfaceted state so, they are not that delicate which is a good thing.
Keep Them Close –You may keep them on your person as much as long as you are comfortable. I will probably have some special-grade stones made into Pendants or Rings for those who are interested please let me know! To clean these stones, I will suggest sea salt and water with a soft not too abrasive cloth and possibly organic non-sulfate soap like Dr. Bronner’s if you feel it is getting too dirty. Dirt or body oils will not adversely affect the stone’s energy field.
I have also been using the stones with Lasers to activate the stones and they are really extremely powerful when used this way. You may also do this with Tachyonized quartz stones as well and this too is very powerful!
You can also use my promise, Violet Wand, with the Cintamani Stone seen in the image below. This will act as a personal activation portal over your third eye. Just like a crystal.
I have to say using them with the Lasers and Violet Wand is even more profound. I will use the pop culture slang “Off the hook” to describe my experience. You can shoot a laser into the stone and energize a whole room and positively affect all within the photonic field of influence.
You can drop the stone into water and shoot a laser into the Glass water container for some time to enjoy supercharged tachyon water with Cintamani healing frequencies boosted by coherent light color therapy! You may purchase either a blue/purple laser (calming), a green laser (calming and balanced), or a red laser (stimulating activating) on this website as well.
If you get a laser or a violet wand with the Cintamani you may experience a pulsing sensation in your third eye area or in your Alta Major or Upper Triad chakras. All chakras are force centers at the etheric level and direct Prana into the endocrine glands. The Pineal, Pituitary, and Thyroid glands are associated intimately with the higher self or Christ light.
All endocrine glands secrete hormones into the bloodstream and this is the source of our feelings. Hormones are the first unit of biochemistry that possesses consciousness. So, in short, the stones will act as a transducer or an anchor /focal point of a specific frequency harmonics that will stabilize your multi-dimensional light body and translate into harmonious feelings and a state of calm and well-being as far as my personal experience can attest to. Each person will have different results and experiences.
You may use the Cintamani in conjunction with laser and other sacred geometry technology and other types of zero-point OK scalar and tachyon products for an even more profound experience. These types of technologies are available here and on many other Lightworker tools and websites around the world. I will be writing more on this type of thing on my inner circle group and newsletters as time permits.
From an Anonymous Source
“The purpose of Cintamani is to help dissolve all implants, mind control, and other forms of darkness into Light. It anchors divine grace. It also amplifies positive free will, divine mission, and positive energy in general. It is sacred to several groups within the Agatha networks, as well as Sirians and other Light groups. This stone has a very high vibrational frequency and is pure Light: it doesn’t need to be cleaned and cannot be programmed. Throughout quarantine, Earth history has been kept in strict secrecy, as this stone is only appropriate for people who have made a strong decision and dedication to the Light. Those who are half-hearted are unwillingly and unknowingly channeling negativity and if they had one of these stones, this could amplify this negativity.”
For this reason, as well as because of rarity, this stone was given to very few people throughout history, only to those who were already carrying out their mission for the Light, and whose mission was critical for the spiritual development of humanity. The Knights Templar would be a good example.
They have been the subject of myth and lore and only now thanks to Cobra and Luis have their influence been shared openly with the general public.
Cosmic Cycle Changing
Now is the end of the cosmic cycle and circumstances are changing, therefore this stone is being released to more and more people. However, for the reasons described above, discretion should still be respected, these stones and the information about them should only be shared with people who are ready.
Luis has confirmed that Cintamani is intimately associated with the Christic energies of Unconditional Love and Forgiveness. As difficult as this may seem in our world of judgment and suffering it is the true path of redemption that is the harbinger of the Messianic forces of light.
For those of us who have the stone in our possession, here are some of the qualities that we have experienced personally: – Greater clarity of thought and intention – Traditional mental blocks of ‘lying to oneself’ are more difficult, even impossible – Increase in your capacity for compassion and understanding of others’ views and actions – Clearing of blockages due to past emotional and physical trauma – Improvement of the human body’s inherent healing abilities – Greater inspiration and intuition especially related to one’s divine mission – Greater balance and calm, feeling of safety – Harmonizes surrounding electromagnetic pollution to a certain degree to mitigate or even prevent interference of scalar weapons and other types of attacks”
As I said previously, I am honored to be able to act as a liaison for the family of light in sharing this unique natural tool. I wish to thank Cobra and Luis for teaching me about the Cintamani stone’s yeah he has his own little world there it’s OK history and role on our earth.
Read real unsolicited testimonials from customers:
“As soon as I unwrapped my first Cintamani stone received today, my 6-year-old daughter saw it and quickly kept it. She said the stone felt very comfortable and it melted her heart. She asked me if it was a star. I don’t remember telling her I would buy a star. She insisted that I give it to her as a present. She said she could use it to phone God and it made her happy. I was amazed. She also said the stone hit the earth, and it felt very hot. I normally do not discuss any spiritual matters with her as I thought she is still young and would understand more when she grows up.
She does not know many stars, but I asked her what star it was from. She said it’s from a star where there are extraterrestrials. I remember she could see things that I could not see when she was little. Probably her spiritual guides were her imaginary friends. I am amazed that a child is so connected to a Cintamani stone. I will have to order another Cintamani stone for myself tomorrow!~ LC”
“My son took the first Cintamani stone that I received, and then also the second stone. He said he loved these black stones and asked to exchange them with me with all his toys! I accepted his offer! Later I ordered 18 more Cintamani stones and made a necklace for myself!
I also keep a crystal pyramid that is always positioned above my head, when I’m sleeping and when I am working! That gives me a very clear connection with my Higher Self. Some children are born with an awareness of their mission and seem to be very well-connected. We are here to assist them!-A”
“The Cintamani stones from Rob Potter at The Promise Revealed are amazing gemstones. I have returned to purchase these stones from Rob at three times over the years as I felt compelled to give the stones to other people who I thought would benefit from them. I find these Cintamani have a very soothing and nurturing energy that seems to be responsive and caring about the wearer’s condition. The connection between the wearer and the stone is very strong and clear. Having these gems in my life seems to bring other good things as well, like a sense of sure direction, emotional stability and radiant health. I like to wear mine close to my heart as a necklace. The Cintamani is my favorite gem of all. Thanks to Rob for helping the world find out about the Cintamani stone. -M”
Warm Regards
Victory to the Light
Rob Potter