Dear Promise Friends,
This is very important for those who would like to come to a completely free event in Los Angeles August 30-September 1. This is Labor Day Weekend! Please Register now for this amazing 3 day event. This also includes free meals for Three days. PSSM is and amazing community of Indian people who have a mission to promote Meditation – Pyramid Power – Vegetarianism.
I will be doing a video on this in the near future but please Click on the links BELOW to attend this event FOR FREE and to learn about the wonderful efforts of this beautiful organization. The people and the culture of india have a lot to teach the rest of the world.
The spiritual Hierarchy of the Solar system has repeated reported India has the highest spiritual frequency of any country in the world. Dont delay get your tickets now. Be sure to see the schedule and be there for my presentation and visit me at my Vendor table. May Gods Blessings pour upon the 10,000 vlounteers of this worldwide organization of world servers. I can tell you personally that the members in Raleigh NC, Dallas Texas, California work very hard on their efforts and donate thier funds and time to make these medidtations a success.
Right now there are hundreds of members across the USA, INDIA, and other locations sharing these incredibly potent spiritual teachings and knowledge. This Mega meditation cannot yet rival The events in INDIA that in “Pyramid Valley” have over 7,000-8,000 attendess. They are all meditating under a pyramid and even wearing Pyramid hats.
These are my people as I have been wearing pyramids on my head since 1974! Speacial thanks to Sister Pari Patriji who is continuing her Fathers legacy and allowed me to serve this holy and sacred mission in the Army of God in the PSSM Division.
Rob Potter