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Mt Shasta Ca. 96967, USA

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Dear Promise Friends
I would like to share with you one of the most talented visionaries artists I know. His name is Bruce Harman and you will see some of his amazing art here by going to his website You will notice he is the artist that created my angel logo of the rainbow goddess circling above the earth in her “Return” to the earth. I must clarify this because “Logo” as I have termed is not really correct. Let me explain the truth of the matter.
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It was over 20 years ago when I was camping on Mt Shasta in Panther Meadows during the late summer, when I came across a talented brother who was thoughtfully doing a series of sketches on feathers and the mountain. We talked and became friends for several days as we were camping near each other and I watched as he was making several variations on these themes of moutains and feathers.Then one day his creativity was sparked and he started stylizing the feather into wings as you see them in the angel picture above called “Accession – The Return”.He was drawing images of clouds dripping into a circle of empty space and finally a rough image of the angel flyng into the circle of clouds with these beautiful wings. It was very similar to the art piece below titled “The Hesitation”. Both of these wonderful art works were bought into gestation in those few days in and around panther meadow those many years ago. I was always aware of his talent for many years I did not see him. However I always enjoyed these two art pieces that I was privy to be witness to their inception so to speak. The plethorora of Bruce’s other interpretations of interdimensional realities is gifted and more importantly spiritualy inspired in my humble opinion.I have run into Bruce through the years in Mt Shasta, Ashland, Eugene and even LA. I always told him how honored I felt to be there while he peered into the other side and drew his inspiration to manifest such beautiful work. Then in 2012 my mission began in earnest and my website launched in Jan. 2013. I chose the name The Promise Revealed and his piece “Accession – The Return” was for me the only choice for a logo picture. At the time I did not have Bruces contact information but I just used his artwork on faith.

Several years later I ran into him again and told him i was using his image on my website and as a true brother and a good friend he siad “Cool or No Problem”. I felt relieved because I love it so. I am really more of an Fan than a friend as I only see him on the odd synchronistic meeting which is never planned. Recently I invited him to Mt Shasta to have a booth at my summer conference to thank him for his kindness allowing me to use his image for so many years.

This last summer there was a massive firestorm from hell unleashed by misused technology by very disturbed people in control of our government. These series of Fires left tragedy in its wake throughout California before and duringand even after my conference.  The Result was very few people actually showed up as the smoke was very intense and I was unable to share his talent with as many people as I would have liked.

Therefore I am not creating this new “ART” product page which is really just an endorsement page of a brilliant artist whos art I have seen in Canada, Europe and South America. Bruces vision is recognized by spiritualy inclined lightworkers the world over and his posters adorn many altars. I hope you will click this link to go to his website to enjoy the beauty bruce manifests through the ethers into our dense world.Surely the Angels have designed to use Bruces talent uplift and inspire all. Enjoy my friend Bruce Harmon

Warm Regards, Rob Potter

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