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Volunteers for Free Tickets

Would you like free tickets to the conference? We have only 10 available at this time. You wil work probably 2.5 hours a day! 

All Volunteers will work as a team to make the workshop run smoothly

All volunteers will coordinate through my Primary Assistant Manager. This position is currently open.  This Primary  Manager will be paid a fee to be negotiated. The Primary manager will be my personal assistant must be available to go over details online two weeks before the conference. This primary volunteer must be in shasta June 26th at 9AM least 1  full day before June 28th.  

All Volunteers will be asked to send a $200 refundable deposit to ensure their presence as a volunteer. All volunteers will be required to be available for training / set up that starts on the 28th  for 2.6 hours. 

All volunteers wil be doing all the jobs you will not be limited to one position. You will all shift around to different postions on the daily. please  read the form attached below. you can call me after going over it and even call me for your interview. 

Tasks # 1 Parking

We will need parking monitors  daily for the majority of Guests who arrive that will not be able to stay onsite. You will be trained at 3 pm june 27th.  You will be responsible to have each car park in the appropriate location and guide off property parking to legal locations offsite. There will only be 40 people and at least 11 will be staying onsite. These 11 will be parking by the house. Day guests will park by the yoga studio.

Tasks  # 2 people Set up and Breakdown Yoga studio depending on presentation needs

 We need at least 2  healthy people to be available for about 2 hours on June 28th at 3 o’clock to check people in and set up the yoga studio. We wil also set up the outside deck areas and keep out side property organized. The crew will need to work on July 1nd to break down the event for load out the 2nd . Lifting of chairs and tables on the daily for 15 minutes is required several times a day. We will require healthy agile younger workers

Task # 3 Kitchen – Water – Coffeee – Tea – monitor 

This position will be in charge of the monitoring the home kitchen throughout the day we will have breakfasts and lucnhes on site. This venue has a kitchen that will be used freely by those who have rented bedrooms in the house  . You will be able to watch and attend almost all talks and events. You will be required to be sure  the kitchen is kept clean by the guests using the house. The kitchen people will set up  the morning for coffee, tea, water, ice, honey, etc. We will train you skillfully. Work begins at 8:30 am and you will be required to work set up for about one hour until 9:30 am to move refreshments to  outside on the yoga studio or main house deck.. 

You then can relax but are required to check the kitchen to restock the ice water, honey, coffee, tea, etc. throughout your shift. This checking-in and restocking can be done easily during the 15-minute breaks. There will be a coffee water tea table outside the main YOGA STUDIO VENUE.  This does not require a lot of time. This is usually about 20 minutes at a time throughout the day at least 4 to 5 times during your 4 hour shift maybe more! However, you must clean wipe down the counters and see that cups are stocked with hot water, coffee, and in supply. Working all 4 days about 3 hours of actual service time a day over a 6-hour shift generally. You can usually watch all speakers and trade shifts to watch the other speakers if your co-workers/kitchen team agree. You can even visit for a walk! 

offer #4 Sound & PowerPoint Techs

We need 2 Experienced Sound- PowerPoint Techs:  You will see all presentations in the YOGA STUDIO where all recording will take place. Not everything will be recorded. Not everything will be recorded. 

 #5 Food helpers – deck-trash-monitors

This year we will need  helpers doing the set up for the guests for meals. Exactly how guests will be fed is not yet determined at but you will be in charge of trash stations. We will probably allow guests who live onsite to make their own breakfast and clean up for themselves.

We only have  maybe 13 -15 in the house. This year the food will possibly catered. We may oder food from the outside. Guests may bring their own food and eat onsite for dinner.  the entire details have not been worked out just yet. But but lunches may have food that will need to picked up in town and delivered to the location and set up in a timely manner. We will probably have dinner in town as a group at least one night!

task 6 Fire Circle Boss

This requires a male who is vigilant and responsible to strat the fire pit safely. Fire master will monitor the Fire Pit. The means making sure fire does not get to big or too smoky. This will require conscientious person to keep water hose near by at the ready along with several buckets. Watching out for logs that have knots and pop to scatter embers beyond the circle.

This position includes fire making and monitoring the fire. Tending the fire to not get out of control. The Fire master will be in charge of keep fire circle attendees in line. Watching no one is too close, allowing the goddess dancers room to dance close to the fire.

Fire circle boss will be in charge of Monitoring the Open Mike sign up sheet and keeping person on deck ready to perform and seeing the schedule performances and talks do not go beyond the established limit. This position will be for four nights about 2.5 hours a night. A security person or a shuttle person could sare this responisiblity.  

If you want to Volunteer please contact me by email and include your name and phone # to:  [email protected] and CC my Primary Volunteer manager coordinator  who is undetermined at this time.

After contacting me Rob Potter by phone 530-925-3502 you will be asked for a brief interview. If accepted you will be asked to send a check for $200 and to fill out a short application form. This 200-dollar deposit will be returned to you in cash after your last shift as a volunteer if you fulfill all your shifts. if you cancel for any reason at anytime your $200 will be forfeited. You may contact  me at my email [email protected]    After your volunteer request email is sent you may call me and let me know what position you would like to fill. If you are accepted to work you will r download  a form you will fill out and mail back to me along with a $200 check to be registered. That check will be cashed and you will receive 200 dollars in cash at the end of your last shift.

Victory To The Light
Rob Potter 1-530-925-3502 –
phone or whats app
[email protected]
Respectfully, Robert Potter
                            If you would like to volunteer please download form 
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